Can MMJ patients/caregivers own GUNS

You're lucky, it is beautiful there. Where I live everyone else decided they liked it too, now it's just another outer ring sub of Detroit. But, I still get deer, fox and all kinds of birds. If I didn't have them I'd have to move.

I'm in Irish hills!
AG Mike Cox now denies he was involved in the busts.

Ferndale clinic owners says police on site said they wanted a test case. Well, they now have one
AG Mike Cox now denies he was involved in the busts.

Ferndale clinic owners says police on site said they wanted a test case. Well, they now have one

If the ferndale clinic was on the up and up then you have a test case. If they were not then there still is no test case.
Would-be gun owners are required to fill out a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) form that poses questions about the buyer's criminal history, mental health, citizenship and drug use.
Along with marijuana, Question 11e on the ATF form asks about "any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance."
If a buyer marks "yes" to Question 11e, the sale cannot go forward
Would-be gun owners are required to fill out a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) form that poses questions about the buyer's criminal history, mental health, citizenship and drug use.
Along with marijuana, Question 11e on the ATF form asks about "any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance."
If a buyer marks "yes" to Question 11e, the sale cannot go forward
Its question 12(e). See post #14
Its question 12(e). See post #14
oh sorry and thanks for correction, I guess I skipped right over that post. Guns aren't my fave topic. I was just having a discussion about this in another thread where a guy told me his grow and guns were legit. I didn't mention anything about staying within legal limits as was mentioned here (kinda hard to stay within limits sometimes, especially when they come up with laws that make it so you can't sell excess to dispensaries).
As a MMJ patent when you purchase a firearm you will have to lie on a federal form (ATF Form 4473) which is a felony.
Check out line item 12(e).
Have a look at the link & judge for yourself.

On that form, its asks if you are an UNLAWFUL user of marijuana. if you have a medical card you would no longer be an unlawful user. Since you are a lawful user of mj, you won't be lying when you put "no" as the answer to that question.
That's how I think about it too. Wonder if there is a lawyer on RIU that can tell us his/her opinion. That would be very cool.

On that form, its asks if you are an UNLAWFUL user of marijuana. if you have a medical card you would no longer be an unlawful user. Since you are a lawful user of mj, you won't be lying when you put "no" as the answer to that question.
On that form, its asks if you are an UNLAWFUL user of marijuana. if you have a medical card you would no longer be an unlawful user. Since you are a lawful user of mj, you won't be lying when you put "no" as the answer to that question.
Really? then you'd think you couldn't be fired from a job if a positive UA came up huh? I realize this has nothing to do with guns but its on subject actually.
On that form, its asks if you are an UNLAWFUL user of marijuana. if you have a medical card you would no longer be an unlawful user. Since you are a lawful user of mj, you won't be lying when you put "no" as the answer to that question.
Not true, its a Federal form and using MJ is a Federal crime.
Lawyers have saved me more times than not. I love patent attorneys!!! They are the best kind.

But, I think you mean the ambulance chasing variety.

Not true, its a Federal form and using MJ is a Federal crime.

The policy of the feds under Obama is to not mess with people who are legal mmj patients, so I think you would be fine to own a legal gun if you are under your limit.
This is a very interesting topic. I have always been a little suspicious of the medical cards. IMO you want to stay off of any lists compiled by the govenment because they will find a way to use it against you. This is a perfect example. They let you smoke weed with a medical card, but now you might not be able to own a gun? What kind of shit is that. What if the tide goes the other way in regards to public opinion about mj? What if a state got rid of its mmj program? What would happen to all the people on the list? They would now be a list of known , confirmed, "drug addicts" I don't see why a person needs to register with the state to use mmj anyways. A perscription from a doctor is all you need for oxycontin. You don't need to carry a little card with you, get fingerprinted, etc for that. But we don't live in a perfect world, I guess a medical marijuana program is better than nothing.
As far as the guns go, I would rather take my chances with the police by having an illegal gun than take my chances with some lunatic trying to break in my house without a gun. There was a big rash of home invasions out here a few months ago. In one of them they killed an off duty cop. I'm not going to worry about the law that much when it comes to defending my house and family. If I get sent to jail for a gun, I'll get out. If somebody kills my wife or me that shit is permanant. Buy some guns before you get a medical card.
Lawyers have saved me more times than not. I love patent attorneys!!! They are the best kind.

But, I think you mean the ambulance chasing variety.


Not a fan of the ambulance chasers either, But a good defense attorney is allways worth the money.
I don't believe the permit to purchase a handgun asks about drug use. Only the concealed weapons permit. A long gun is a lot easier to obtain. There have been recent changes in the law from what I've heard but I haven't been able to pinpoint any real proof. You can NOT have a CPL legally if you are a MJ patient. YOU CAN get one but would be lieng about unlawful drug use. yes it's legal in MI but not under federal law. Under federal law you are still illegally growing/using a DRUG and also on combination with a gun your on felony #2. However IMHO if you are being noticed by Feds you probably are doing something illegal. Does anyone know if under STATE law you are able to legally own a rifle or handgun in combination with a MJ card?