is miracle grow enough


Well-Known Member
sounds like thats a way too often, unless your soil medium is inert. let it almost dry up the soil, then water again. not everyday.water like every 3 days, miracle grow once a week. like the box probably says.


Well-Known Member
Sufficient? Sounds like you are on your way to fert burn, to How big are the plants, pots, and how strong do you mix the fert?


Well-Known Member
MG is pretty potent stuff. I wouldn't use it more than 1/2 strength once a week. Only after the plants are about 3 weeks old. If the soil is MG or already contains fertilizer, I'd wait even longer.


get rid of the M.G. that stuff is crap. I had nothen but nut nute burn using 1/4 the direction's dosage. Jacks Classic has been doing a good job for me. Start with something simple, like 20-20-20 for the nutes so the plants get a good all round supplement.
But listen to Igothyro and water 3 day intervals


Well-Known Member
we haven't even seen his plant or know what kind of condition it's in. not near enough information for anybody to be giving advice.


Active Member
we haven't even seen his plant or know what kind of condition it's in. not near enough information for anybody to be giving advice.
Cheap compost and miracle grow was enough for me to chime in lol but yeah we need more info to give you better advice.


Active Member
Lots of people use mg.. You just got to be careful or you will fry your plants....
I'm not saying they don't but that doesnt make it a good choice. Even for the money you can find WAY better products IE Jacks Classics like dude said.


Active Member
well you all slag MG but if you look at the NPK it is 24-8-16 which is 3-1-2 which is supposed to be the correct ratio for mj if it is strong stuff, ignore the shite on the box about dilution, dilute it sufficiently, you should check the ec and ph with a meter if you are on soil if its good soil you shouldnt need to feed until about the third week of flowering, assuming you use decent sized pots, and then use MG at an ec of about 0.75 the plants will be fine. you should only need to feed a few times anyway. on hydro i would use it in hempys at an ec of about 1.3, and flush with plain water every other week. you may need to supplement cal/mag after about 4 weeks from clone.


Active Member
i would always trust MG the guy on the advert was a copper, well he's an actor who was in z cars, and he was a copper, so you can trust MG because as we know the police never lie.