White Rhino/Bagseed Micro Grow SOG

White Ryno

Active Member
sorry for the sporadic posts lol i blame the morning coffee and mendocino purp. Anyways, I have been having higher temps in my flower cab than in my veg one for obvious reasons (hotter lights, higher location in closet). What do you guys think about flowering in 80-85F? I'm going to add an extra exhaust fan just below the other one (top left of pic 8 above). This should help, but when more plants come I'ma need more lights and herein lies the issue...more lights, more heat. Any thoughts?


Active Member
85 personally is the highest I allow my box ever but if you can find a way to keep it at 80 you should be fine, can ya build a plexi screen as a heat shield?

White Ryno

Active Member
It got up to 90! I'm not so sure if I could build a heat shield because that would not allow the hot air to rise up to the exhaust fan. Also, I don't have money to go buy plexi glass at the moment haha. I have another fan that I can install. Should I use it for intake or exhaust? When I crouch down I can notice a great chance in temperature in the closet. This makes me think that adding another intake may help my cause...

White Ryno

Active Member
So I went ahead and put another intake fan in the flower cabinet. Not sure if this is helping the cause or not just yet. I also switched the light cycle from 10a-10p to 2p-2a...I know this will shock them a little bit and prolong the process but A) they are just a couple days into flower and B) this will prevent the lights from being on during all hot hours of the day. I also put my tower fan in the closet to help air move around a little bit....we will see if these improvements do much for me. Temps are currently back around 80-85. Have reached as high as 93

White Ryno

Active Member
Hey guys, I just fed the flowering plants for the first time with some 2 teaspoon to the gal mix of Tiger Bloom. I'm leaving for the weekend though and won't be back until Sunday afternoon. We will see how they respond to the feeding then!
hey, the girl i have flowering under the mh right now is dealing with about 83-90 degrees during lights on... but thats w co2. the ppm that a plant can use decreases with higher temps because of nute lock out. but co2 will add almost 200-300ppm more absorbstion of nutes. but thats with the co2 being close to 1200 ppm. which is (just a guess) nearly impossible to achieve without a tank and regulator. the girls are lookin nice bro. keep it up.

White Ryno

Active Member
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hey, the girl i have flowering under the mh right now is dealing with about 83-90 degrees during lights on... but thats w co2. the ppm that a plant can use decreases with higher temps because of nute lock out. but co2 will add almost 200-300ppm more absorbstion of nutes. but thats with the co2 being close to 1200 ppm. which is (just a guess) nearly impossible to achieve without a tank and regulator. the girls are lookin nice bro. keep it up.
right on dude. the temps are staying around 88-91 while the lights are on. they sure seemed to like the tiger bloom. i had my roommate water the plants while i was gone because they are soaking this shit up quickly! anyways, i transplanted some more babies today (one week after the first ones). they are taking pretty well so far...

i got a few pictures of the veg cabinet here as well. they white rhinos (toothpicks) are coming along nicely and the clone i received has developed quite the root system. i pulled her out of the cup earlier and i may look into transplanting it soon. tried to FIM as well...we will see if that works

White Ryno

Active Member
HELP!!!!! i added some more lights today because well...i figured need more for the new plants. however, been doing some more reading and i'm seeing that 50-100w per square foot is plenty sufficient. any input? not sure if that was CFL info or not. i'm working with (2) 42watter and (2) 26watt 2700k bulbs. also have (30) 26watt 6500k bulbs. i received four more blackjack clones last night. put them straight into flower. they have been in soil for 5 days.

anyways, is this droopiness due to the heat? (since i've taken these pictures i hung the small red fan up by the lights on the left so that hopefully it cools them off a bit. them fuckers are way too hot for even my touch) or is it due to lack of circulation in such a small space...? or could it be from the roots bound? i have read that you can do a SOG with 9 plants per square foot but have never actually seen it. i may need to up it to 6 inch containers and just do 4 per square foot. i'm freaking out though so any input would be appreciated. i'm running to wal-mart to buy a couple fans to stick in there. i spread the plants apart a little bit while i run to wal-mart to see what happens. also leaving the cabinet door open...so if things get better idk what to attribute it to right away but i dont wanna lose any babies. white rhino does seem to be handling the conditions the best still :mrgreen:.

on another note...i made my first selection of strain elimination today. killed the tallest two. that simply won't work in this grow...plus nodes were really far apart. may remove one more tomorrow that is behaving similarly

White Ryno

Active Member
Hey guys, got three confirmed ladies. I trimmed the lower branches down in the fashion shown in the second and third pictures, except for the White Rhino. I left a few more branches on the White Rhino to clone than I did the others. White Rhino is shown last. This group is up to 4tsp per gallon of Tiger Bloom.

Bought a 13w 10.0 Repti-Glo UVB bulb and will add it soon. Not sure if it will make much of a difference but I figured why not? Think I could leave it on for 12/12? Anybody with experience using these?

White Ryno

Active Member
no help when i needed it. no suggestions other than going to wal-mart for the 15 dollar fan...which i already had to be honest but fuck it +rep for you mista. RIU sucks


Active Member
You have toooo much going on to follow everything! Besides, I don't think anybody uses the type of light you just mentioned. Your grow is going good and there aren't any real immediated problems that are catostrophic, so everybody is probably just watching to see how the grow turns out. Lay off the coffee!!! lol
Hey guys, got three confirmed ladies. I trimmed the lower branches down in the fashion shown in the second and third pictures, except for the White Rhino. I left a few more branches on the White Rhino to clone than I did the others. White Rhino is shown last. This group is up to 4tsp per gallon of Tiger Bloom.

Bought a 13w 10.0 Repti-Glo UVB bulb and will add it soon. Not sure if it will make much of a difference but I figured why not? Think I could leave it on for 12/12? Anybody with experience using these?
Hey man, those uv bulbs can burn the girls pretty easily (i found out) i wouldnt use it more than 6 hrs a cycle.. as for the heat... ADD CO2! lol itll help IMO. I would hang that white tower fan behind the lights facing out (blowing on the lights) and leave the doors open during the light cycle.. thats all i have suggestions for. take it or leave it lol

White Ryno

Active Member
You have toooo much going on to follow everything! Besides, I don't think anybody uses the type of light you just mentioned. Your grow is going good and there aren't any real immediated problems that are catostrophic, so everybody is probably just watching to see how the grow turns out. Lay off the coffee!!! lol
haha i suppose you're right. thank you though

White Ryno

Active Member
Hey man, those uv bulbs can burn the girls pretty easily (i found out) i wouldnt use it more than 6 hrs a cycle.. as for the heat... ADD CO2! lol itll help IMO. I would hang that white tower fan behind the lights facing out (blowing on the lights) and leave the doors open during the light cycle.. thats all i have suggestions for. take it or leave it lol
yeah i'm only gonna run the uv bulb for 4 hours. i just set it up today. i'll get some more pics up soon. unfortunately i had to kill another one today that dropped balls...oh well. three confirmed females with one in question. i'ma get that co2 gig going as soon as i get paid lol as for the tower fan on the lights...i'd like to do that but i'm not sure if i can get air moving around the plants is so, which IMO is more important. i can't keep them doors open though. i just can't do that in good conscience...completely defeats the purpose of building a stealth closet haha. how far away did you hang the uv bulb though?

White Ryno

Active Member
on another note...i'm sad to say that i think the stress from trimming lower branches is taking its toll on the ladies. their leaves are hanging a little low today. i've just watered with straight water and am making sure to keep temps down and even (gasp) keeping the doors open for a little while. i'm thinking they will pop back into shape soon

White Ryno

Active Member
oh and free...forgot to respond to the light comment. maybe you havent heard...uv boosts trich production. look it up! shits neat


Well-Known Member
Yes they do produce trichs but work best using them for only a couple hours a day. I would go too much with those things

White Ryno

Active Member
also, if anybody thinks i may be running into root bound problems PLEASE speak up. i'm not sure sure about the whole 9 plants per square foot thing (4" pots). i'd like to think i stressed the plants by cutting too many branches at once and NOT stressed them by giving it too little root space. take a look at my post from 9/1 and tell me if you think that is root bound? i've never really experienced a completely root bound plant in my past. i've only ever transplanted once...these fuckers have already gone from seedling starters to small plastic cups to the pots they are in...would rather not transplant and delay flower. thanks for any input