Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is it worth it?? ( Indoor soil grower)

sure, my their nutes are fucked up expensive. but my plants are fucked up happy and makin nugs that are fucked up big. that said, i vote no on big bud, take that money and get connoisseur a&b, some vitamin b, and tarantula, these mixed with some rich organic soil will do more than u evr could with big bud, theres my .02
they have many snake oil products, many, however if u know which ones to get i truly believe your case will be the same as mine in that the result i get is way above anything ive been able to achieve with lower grade nutrients, with the acception to jacks classic. if nothin else the results, for me, overly justify the price of SELECT products, just stay away from anything that isnt sensi or connoissuer and you should be grand. btw, the vitamin b i use is thrive alive from technaflora however bi mart stocks a fat ass gallon bottle for like 8 bucks
I don't usually go with big brand names for the sake of it but Im just confirming what I'v already herd dozens of times already. Just harvested some lovely strong bud and all I use was a half decent general purpose by Phostrogen plus and sea weed extract.

View attachment 1123920 if I can grow things on cheap stuff then wtf will bud bud do lol


Check this journal:

DynaGrow and DynaBloom nutrients. Notice how healthy the foliage is. You can't really get much better than that.
why should they have to. help em out i notice great things with bbud
What do you mean 'why should they have to'? That is what a healthy plant does when you supply the essential macro and micros and provide a good environment. Feel free to post some pics of your plants so we can see how well those aminos are helping your plants.
Ive always said that growing weed is easy.If anything, its usually the grower the fucks shit up, and nutrients are no different. Yeah you can grow weed with the cheapest of cheap shit nutrients and get some stoney buds. You could probably grow weed off a brick. Genetics....blah, grower skill...blah...BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...

If theres no way to increase the output of you pants, then why bother buying bigger lights? We buy bigger lights because they get us denser fatter, resin covered buds. So its not so much of a leap think that someone has figured out a better way to feed plants that give better results.
We buy bigger lights because they get us denser fatter, resin covered buds...

More light output usually results in a bigger yield. Not necessarily denser, higher quality buds.
More light output usually results in a bigger yield. Not necessarily denser, higher quality buds.
Maybe not better, but more
This is Plant Bio 101. Maybe you should start here:
Im not surprised you have that link. Do you keep it for references??? You'll get it eventually sport.

All im saying is that the grower can affect the the output of the plant. Yes there is an optimum that no grower can surpass in the genetics. But 90% of growers dont come near their plants potential. First off, you dont have to have a green thumb to have a successful crop. There are gardeners here im sure that couldnt grow outdoors or naturally if their life depended on it. Hydro is popular because its faster than nature, its practically idiot proof until you start fucking with nutrients, and because you can manipulate it. If theres a nutrient company out there that can make things that much easier to get full potential with minimal input, Im all for it.

Heres a vid I found while looking up weed time lapse videos. It doesnt prove anything (its obviously paid for by Advance Nutrients) just some info for that azz.
......................................................................................... ( sighs ) i don't EVEN want to get involved with this one
Sure is, if you can grow tomatoes you can grow MJ. But a lot of MJ growers are kids who have never grown anything else, in fact they appear sometimes to be looking for ways to MAKE it difficult.

I know! The best growers were gardeners first. ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha take a snap of some kind first it'll be even better.

Thats fucking hilarious. lol But its not much of an arguement...

I had no idea there were such dedicated AN haters. WOW...they must've done something pretty awful...
you are on it exactly tip top toker no one is saying AN doesn't work just that it doesn't live up to it's expectations and it costs too much.
everyone who is aware and isn't a total "noob" hates advanced nutes not because they don't put out quality shit but because they are way overrated and cost 2/3 more than many other nute lines that can produce the EXACT sam quality. people that buy into the AN hype are unaware and are just following some little trend because they think people will respect them more but the truth is if you use advanced nutes the only other people that are going to respect you are other advanced nutes faggots. - DNK

noob....So anyone who doesnt agree with you is a noob? Your so emotional! Dont cry about it man, im sorry AN fucked your mother but she probably liked it.