you're right, we should have privatized SS in 2004 when GWB was pushing for it. that would have worked out well...I also wonder how many of those people paid into the SS system all their working lives. Government did not GIVE us these things, we were taxed, most of the money was squandered or inefficiently spent.
you're right, we should have privatized SS in 2004 when GWB was pushing for it. that would have worked out well...
Hmm how you come up with Bush having the right idea is beyond me, Bush was a Moron to think you could privatize something that doesn't even really exist. To each there own though, I could do a better job with my retirement money than any government lackey ever could. Anyone're right, we should have privatized SS in 2004 when GWB was pushing for it. that would have worked out well...
Umm, very few I'm sure.i wonder how many people used some of their SS check to buy an Amtrak ticket or drive on public roads to DC, before getting on the Metro to go to the public funded mall and protest socialism.
I made $38,630 last year, My Taxes Came out to just under 7K. SS taxes was exactly half that amount at $3,500. Medicare was $700 And Federal Income tax was $2150, state tax was the rest at $620. For me SS was the largest of the bunch. I put $250 a month into my 401k, the minimum to get the company full match. of the $28,600 left over child support took $11,200 and Medical was $2,100 leaving me with $15,300. So there ya go, I had $15,300 last year to pay for everything I need.
now I have to step in.more random thoughts....
you have professional leech makers that "recommend" help for the "struggling" people. when my mom (65 yrs old) worked part time she went to the ss office to see if she could get some help. they told her if she quit her job she would be eligible for more expansive benefits. does anybody have a problem with this? i do, my mom did. you?
why does the social securty pay for little girls who get pregnant?....over and over? more money for each baby they have? one baby? okay help her. 2, 3, 4 babies? uhhhhh, anyone?
when i was in the military, i worked with MEN/WOMEN who had half their bodies blown off in wars. they WORKED.....they were PRODUCTIVE. they werent leeches even though they had every right to be.
there is a guy in town who gets SS because he is an alcoholic. no bullshit. anyone see anything counter productive about this? does anyone on here have trouble having your money confiscated by armed thugs and handed over to this guy to buy his busch lite?
i did a job in a small apartment building. there were 5 people living in the apartment. all got some kind of benefit. all were healthy. all enjoyed activities like hunting and fishing, riding dirt bikes. the eldest daughter had a small baby and one on the way. one morning she was standing behind the building waiting for a taxi. i asked where she was headed. "college". (a local, public funded comm coll) i said, "wow, i really admire you trying to get an education and being willing to spend the money for a cab to get there". she says, "oh, i dont pay for it the college does". (ie social security). in case you dont know, your taxes are paying to maintain buildings, teachers saleries, tuition, books, meals, AND A RIDE TO GET THERE VIA TAXI!! guess what tax pays that?
you sure did step in I have to step in.
do not, i repeat, do NOT STATE AS IF IT WERE TRUE that ALL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS are paid for by Social Security. that is a lie.
social security is given to people who have a disability, those who cannot return to work because a DOCTOR recommended it. - you can accuse social security all you want, but the problem is the DOCTOR who says somebody is disabled when he/she is not.
community colleges are paid for by for in part with tax dollars, and part with tuition money from students. if the student happens to fall within a particular group that gets help to pay for school, it's not the LEECH student, it's the university wanting the population to be more educated.
regardless of what you think, because i think you have a 'dumb complex': EDUCATION IS NOT A BAD THING, NEVER EVER. IF YOU LEARN A SINGLE NEW THING FROM AN EXPERIENCE IT WAS WORTH IT.
but no, you seem to think it's just a progressive conspiracy to make everybody lazy.
social security pays little girls who get pregnant because little girls probably don't have shit to stand on, and since you're lovely george W bush put NCLB into action, kids aren't being taught about safe sex, contraceptives, etc. so MORE girls are getting pregnant.
you want to stop little girls from getting pregnant, you don't stop caring for the ones who got pregnant, you teach the ones who aren't pregnant how to avoid it.
and you're mom is a fraud, for being able to keep working and still going to the SS office. that is the same fraud that depletes the system dipshit!!!
more uneducated dribbleso MORE girls are getting pregnant.