Help Noob!!


first time grow here i want to get something small going maybe get a pound out of it. and i help $1000 USD to go on the setup. i have a good idea of what im going to do. just want to see what everyone thinks would be best for around that price im will to go up to $1500. Plz help

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You have much research to do. First you have to decide what type of grow you want to learn with. Soil is more forgiving than hydro.


Well-Known Member
You can get more than a pound with $1000 worth of growing equipment...IF you know what you're doing...
Mind posting up your idea, so I can make a few educated suggestions???



a aquamist IV 16 4" net pot mylar grow tent two 4" inline fan One carbon filter Gen hydro nutes 600 watts hps1


Active Member
hydro is a bad idea for you man it has a HUGE area for fucking shit up, were as soil can give you the exact quality with greatly reduced chances of a mistake. Just something to think about i guess.


hydro is a bad idea for you man it has a HUGE area for fucking shit up, were as soil can give you the exact quality with greatly reduced chances of a mistake. Just something to think about i guess.
i dont know why but i just feel like i should go hydro thats all i been looking up on. and you know what they say go with ur gut


Active Member
is this guy dumb he ask our advice and we give it to him solid and he still thinks he is right ( DON'T GO WITH YOUR GUT IF YOUR GUT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ITS DOING ) have fun wasting your time man go ahead don't listen to us just so you can look cool and have a hydro system you will regret it P.S. you won't look very cool with dead plant's


Well-Known Member
is this guy dumb he ask our advice and we give it to him solid and he still thinks he is right ( DON'T GO WITH YOUR GUT IF YOUR GUT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ITS DOING ) have fun wasting your time man go ahead don't listen to us just so you can look cool and have a hydro system you will regret it P.S. you won't look very cool with dead plant's
You don't have to be so negative about it, he asked for our advice and we gave it to him...but it is his choice whether to take it or's as simple as that...



Active Member
Look. I have been growing for A LONG TIME. I have killed hundreds of plants experimenting and learning. If you want a chance at quality smoke your first round DO SOIL !!!! TRUST US !!!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I am always amazed at noobs that haven't done any research and want to jump into some off the shelf automated hydro system. Experience is a good teacher. There are so many hydro systems to choose from. Good luck buying the right one based on what you currently know.


yea will now im going with soil because its easyer and cheaper so im just getting 3gal grow bag and FFOF


Active Member
yeah will? anyways NOW your going with it after 10 people agreed with us. stubborn noobs you have to get the world to yell at them before they listen.


Well-Known Member
yeah will? anyways NOW your going with it after 10 people agreed with us. stubborn noobs you have to get the world to yell at them before they listen.
Again, there is no need for the negativity...the whole world can yell at him, but again, it is his choice whether to listen or not...
Medgr is the only one that has anything to lose in this idk why you would become upset about whether he takes your advice or not...

Medgr, you made the right choice. way less of a chance of fucking up when it comes to soil. being a beginner, its easy to think that after reading and doing considerable research, that you'll know what it takes to grow your own plants and have no problems. trust the more experienced growers. there are so many bad things that could happen over the course of a grow cycle, and without the experience, dealing with these problems can become overwhelming, and if not caught in time, it could negatively affect your whole crop. stick with soil. you'll have much better results.