I don't tell people I grow, but they still know


Well-Known Member
I don't tell anyone details about my grow room, but there aren't fools. Around here there is no good bud. There has only been Mexican commercial for the last 15 years. Some good outdoor comes around at harvest time, some occasional dro, ect. But when I break out some award winning genetics the difference is obvious. The questions start immediately, to which I only shrug and reply "I got a good hookup". Of course then ppl assume your being selfish with the hook up when you don't tell them where it came from. Some people get down right viscous if they think you aren't sharing. They don't realize they are essentially ensuring that I don't share with them down the road.

I am pretty good bullshitting ppl, they demand I buy some for them and what not, I tell them it was an outdoor limited harvest or whatever. I find that I eventually resent the forced dishonesty and just keep my bud to myself, which is no fun either.
I rather keep my bud to myself hook a friend up here and there to keep quiet if he knows about it.Shit my boy told me to start growing with him instead i said lets have our own setup and grow different strains so we can trade clones and finished product.
Dude I'm in the same situation as you, no good bud in my town just the occasional dro every now and then. But if I get to harvest with my Frisian Dew strain, it turns purple. People will be freakin out like whoa! Where the fuck did you get that shit. I would just say " I know a grower who will only sell to you if you buy ounces in Port Charlotte". Port Charlotte is the nearest major city from where I live its about 40 minutes. That way they will know how you got it. And if they get all nosy like " dude can you take me to his crib so I can buy some?" You say no he doesin't want random people to know hes growing. That way they ask you if you can sell them some from the "ounce" you got from "him". I'm sure that will work for me. Maybe you can say something like that. I don't think its a good idea to let anyone know your growing. Divert their attention away from you.
My flatmate and i just have a kinda mutual understanding, i know that he knows, and he knows that i know that he knows. we ust do as we normally do, nothing said, everything understood.

As you say though, it can be tricky, like explaining how you work a couple of hours a day but have a never ending bag of weed you just picked up last night :D
hahaha i just tell people i dont want to help out or people who only wanna call me to get weed that if they want me to run pick it up and drive with it to their place im putting a finders fee or gas tax on em. then usually i will sit around for an hour or so, get stoned, and then take it to them (or ick it up if i dont have enough) charge em 5 extra bucks and make em smoke me out. :) but IMO if i gotta run and get someone's pot for them, i deserve a lil extra, especially if i gotta front them the cash to begin with
a few people are getting suspiscious of my constant flow. i've had to make up lies and remember lies about "this paranoid guy i know" that i get herb from. it's my policy not to sell but if someone is dry and can't find shit i offer to "buy an oz" and ask if they want to throw in on a certain amount. to hold back on the needy is just cunty.
I don't tell anyone details about my grow room, but there aren't fools. Around here there is no good bud. There has only been Mexican commercial for the last 15 years. Some good outdoor comes around at harvest time, some occasional dro, ect. But when I break out some award winning genetics the difference is obvious. The questions start immediately, to which I only shrug and reply "I got a good hookup". Of course then ppl assume your being selfish with the hook up when you don't tell them where it came from. Some people get down right viscous if they think you aren't sharing. They don't realize they are essentially ensuring that I don't share with them down the road.

I am pretty good bullshitting ppl, they demand I buy some for them and what not, I tell them it was an outdoor limited harvest or whatever. I find that I eventually resent the forced dishonesty and just keep my bud to myself, which is no fun either.

Their just jealous, and wish they were smart enough to grow their own. Just sit back and smoke your hard earned buds and let them pay for that mexican shit