First GrowJournal Jock Horror Autoflower PC Case Grow PICS +REP TO ANYONE THAT POSTS.


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan blowing air over the bulbs of near the plant? the cotelydons, first round set of leaves, usually don't die off that quick. should be alright what is your lighting schedule?



New Member
do you have a fan blowing air over the bulbs of near the plant? the cotelydons, first round set of leaves, usually don't die off that quick. should be alright what is your lighting schedule?

Lighting schedule is 24-0 for 5 more days then going into 18-6 on day 10. Yeah I know theres 3 fans just
I live in a very hot area and its tough for them, the other is is very healthy though.


Active Member
Eh, it's not rude. If I thought it was, I'd go from sweet to super bitch in 2.5 sec......what is rude is that we are hijacking the journal.
HAHA sorry about that.. didnt mean to hijack this thread..

On the other hand.. if you have those CFLS really close.. you definately gotta push the heat away from you plant. Dont wanna stress it at an early age.


Active Member
Hey dude, im growing Nirvana's Northern Lights Autoflower. The are staying very short yet bush as well, but thats the way i like it, everything looks great man. Nice job!


Active Member
Grow Journal[Day 5]:
This plant is gonna be one of the bushiest plants you guys are ever gonna see! Just playing but its gonna be super bushy. The height has stayed under an inch the whole time because ive kept them about a inch under the cfl and i'm loving it. Their continuing to grow at a nice rate and as you can see in the pic the next set is already in and will probably look the same as the others in a few days. Give me some tips and feedback!
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P.S the yellowing is just the cotyledon that should die off soon.
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By the looks of the distance i think you should lift the plant just a tad bit more to those cfls.. Many people reccomend having it like 1in away as long as it doesnt burn the leaves.


New Member
Forsure lifted it a bit more. Came in for a REAL shocker today was adjusting my lights today as soon as i opened the PC Case a EXOTIC black and white striped/red lizard was smelling the plant and jumped and started running all over the growbox. theres no holes how did it get in?
Just started my first "ghetto grow" got one jock horror auto one bubble-gun (ak47xbubble gum) and a random bag seed from some dank. Got lucky and scored the bubble gun from a local legend;). Using basic lights miracle grow soil in a 3x6 ft closet. Posting a grow log and pics soon. Gl happy harvests


New Member
Just started my first "ghetto grow" got one jock horror auto one bubble-gun (ak47xbubble gum) and a random bag seed from some dank. Got lucky and scored the bubble gun from a local legend;). Using basic lights miracle grow soil in a 3x6 ft closet. Posting a grow log and pics soon. Gl happy harvests
Yo Mdubwillie do you got a grow thread I want to see your plants??
Yo Mdubwillie do you got a grow thread I want to see your plants??

Na man not yet. I'm keeping my log on my iPhone but I'm not sure if I can post from here, but I have been takin pics and notes
Bubble gun is nearly a foot tall with 5 sets of leaves and new leaves forming on each branch where it meets the stalk. I've seen good turn outs with autos in the soil I have but I'm not sure about the lights. I was told they made full spectrum. I'm not sure what they are I'll post when I go water in a bit


New Member
Grow Journal[Day 9]

Sorry guy's havent been able to update the past few day
s, got caught up in some school stuff but I'm gonna be updating daily again! She's grown alot since the last time you saw her and im sure your gonna enjoy the veg porn! So just to get this clear When should I Transplant? and is she in veg state now?
The thermometer is the temps in the morning around 6.
