the older she gets, the more of a cunt my mother becomes


New Member
she pisses me off like you wouldn't believe

and i dont need people saying such cliche shit like "just because she annoys you or is a bitch is no reason to call her a cunt, she gave birth to you" yada yada. i know her fairly well, she's MY mother after all

the older she gets, the less of a life she lives. she watches TV for a solid 5-6 hours a day and takes the dog for an occasional walk...all while my dad is out busting his ass on the grind to make all the money to support the fam. it wouldn't be so bad if my mom had never developed this bratty entitlement mentality. she used to have so much dignity and self respect- working out 4-5 days a week, actually cooking homemade meals. now she's a lazy slob who's negative about everything, shows no real passions for life- no goals or ambitions...and she's all-around just let herself go

ive wondered for a little while now, is this menopause??

i used to look at her like she made me proud....and i hate to say it, but i look at her now and i just think she's pathetic


Active Member
lol yup^^ get her to smoke a doob and chill. Haha at least she isn't a whore like that kid Lalaporo's mom hahaha