OK, the legality thing: In my countie your allowed as a co-op, your allowed to grow 6 scripts. Outdoors, (depending on countie, but state regulations are) 6 mature plants per script. Now the plant limits put up by the state have been overturned, and it is now back to the original law, which is very vague, an amount that goes with your needs. Your alloed 5 scripts from your countie and 1 out of countie. I have 1 o.o.c that is from Lake countie, and it's good for 25 plants. 25 plus 5 scripts @ 6 ea is 55plants total. I have 46 on the property. Now, if the feds see it and want to screw with you, they can come and take your stuff whether your legal by state law or not, but they don't do it. They go after usually the big thousand and more plant grows illegally grown on federal lands, and leave the medical grows to the locals. Most of the local law enforcment in Norcal, is not interested in anything under 100 minimum, and most bust you hear of is thousands. I wave at the local law enforcment choppers as they fly over and check plkant counts and scripts from the air. Been parked on multi times in years past and no problems. They don't want to mess with the local growers cause they know the revenue from it supports the local economy, if they busted them all, norcal would turn into a ghost town. Enough about that....AIN'T SKEERED!.....The wind picked up today and we didn't have all of em' caged yet, so I went down there this morning to finish up and the wind had already blown a couple over and broke a few branches. No big deal, tied em' up, fixed the breaks with some grafting compound and no real harm done. Now they're ready for the weather! I didn't take any fresh pics this morning but I have some I havn't posted yet, so here you go....I'll put up some fresh new ones wed. when I get back from L.A. peace! P.S. There might be acouple doubles in there, sorry. New ones soon I promise!