changing light cycle from 24hrs on to 18/6- questions


Active Member
I want to know if i can change to 18/6 and keep them vegging, and not start to bud. i have the lights on 24 hours a day now since they were small clones. Also, if i can change to 18/6, between what times is best to have the lights OFF for the 6 hours? i have 2x1000 hps lights going on 18 females that are about 1/4 of the way through the veg cycle. i want to veg them until they are about 2 feet then go 12/12 to flower at that time. i just want to make sure that if i change to 18/6 now from 24 on, it wont start to bud, or hurt the plant. i just want to save power, and the time when to have the lights off? thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
i do that all the time. i only run 24 on when the plant is barley transplanted from a clone then when they get sum legs i cut it down to 18/6


Weed Modifier
Light time on or off, depends on your area hot /cold? they will be fine to go to 18/6 they will not flower until they are in 12/12.


Active Member
Ok, cool. So what time of day or night am i keeping the lights OFF for the 6 hours? Do they need absolute dark for those 6 hours or is it just keep the lights off? thanks again, appreciate the help. will post pics today on progress.


Active Member
they are for sure in a cool area. I live 2 blocks from the beach so i always have a nice breeze through my house. no more than 78 degrees in my 3x5 grow box

Light time on or off, depends on your area hot /cold? they will be fine to go to 18/6 they will not flower until they are in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Ok, cool. So what time of day or night am i keeping the lights OFF for the 6 hours? Do they need absolute dark for those 6 hours or is it just keep the lights off? thanks again, appreciate the help. will post pics today on progress.
For veg light leaks and interruptions are not as big of a deal as flowering, nowhere close really, but i still try to never do it or have leaks. What part of the day isnt important to the plant as long as its the same on/off time everyday. It helps keep temps under control to run it during the hottest part of the day, although in your case that might not really matter since you said it never gets over 80 in your growbox.