would your ideal bowlpack/joint consist of rock hard dense nug or soft fluffy weed?

your ideal bowlpack/ joint- rockhard dense nug or soft and fluffy weed

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New Member
taking this to a vote as i have read many misconceptions about nug density. dont get it confused with weight or potency/smell. density is density, this poll is about the density factor ONLY.

do you want to break up dense nugs real fine to pack a bowl that burns right/roll a joint - or - would you rather have weed that you dont even have to touch more to have it fit and burn in a bowl?

do you want your amount in a ziplock to look smaller compacted and dense- or - do you want your amount to look like the ziplock is overflowing with big soft buds?


Well-Known Member
taking this to a vote as i have read many misconceptions about nug density. dont get it confused with weight or potency/smell. density is density, this poll is about the density factor ONLY.

do you want to break up dense nugs real fine to pack a bowl that burns right/roll a joint - or - would you rather have weed that you dont even have to touch more to have it fit and burn in a bowl?

do you want your amount in a ziplock to look smaller compacted and dense- or - do you want your amount to look like the ziplock is overflowing with big soft buds?
fluffy weed burns too fast. you still stuck on this? I've never seen fluffy weed match the potency of hard nugs.


New Member
fluffy weed burns too fast. you still stuck on this? I've never seen fluffy weed match the potency of hard nugs.
the weed should burn, and the bag should look fatter. i hate when your left with shit in the bottom after half a bowl and the bag looks small, hard as it is. theres a million potent fluffy strains... try power kush. soft and fluffy. b widow is the densest one i grow. i sell it and keep the kush. people like it cause its crystally but its dense and they have no idea what they are missing with the softer kush


New Member
im still lost on how density itself would make the smoking experiance better? lots of density votes but no one who hasnt confused it with another factor such as potency or weight...


New Member
what part of being dense appeals to you? can you specify with out involving another factor? for example dont say "my dense bud weighs more" because thats weight not density...

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'm not fussed personally fluffy or compact as long as the weight and potency is there i don't think it matters. i don't believe that the more compact the stronger the potency as i've had fluffy buds that are alot more potent than some of the crappy compact stuff i,ve had and vice versa

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what part of being dense appeals to you? can you specify with out involving another factor? for example dont say "my dense bud weighs more" because thats weight not density...
Here's a reason that is about as simplistic as a reason could be, it feels nice :) What of it?


New Member
none of it, i just dont understand, if you put chunklets in a bowl the fire gets sucked around the edges down the pipe hole. your left with shit in your bowl pack at the bottom. youd have to break it down even further for a clean burn. why not have stuff where you can plug a nug and have a perfect burn. maybe you guys are my custies lovin that b widow, im tellin you guys fluffy=fatter bags at the same weight=less work to smoke= less stress and quicker, better burning packs. what does density do for YOU? (without involving another factor, density alone)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fluffy=fatter bags at the same weight=less work to smoke= less stress and quicker, better burning packs
Yes, you're telling us your opinion on what fluffy buds are like to you, marvelous, and we're telling you ours that we prefer dense. It doesn't need to DO anything for us, it's just a preference. Why is blue my favourite colour, no idea, i just like it.


New Member
not opinion, facts of the fluffy specie. could you say any of that for dense nug, no didnt think so. thats true shit about fluffy/soft nugget. sure nugget doesnt need to do anything, but if it did it would be better.... dense really has no argument for its case other than "whaa i just like it that way" or involving other non density factors


Well-Known Member
Look man, if you don't have the equipment or genetics to grow hard nuggets like EVERYONE WANTS, maybe you should try out that Bushmaster that you've started about 5 different threads on and don't forget to give your plants an extra dose of Gravity too. Sure there are some strains out there that don't get that hard; you like em. Great. Personally I like to grind my dope to dust and snort it but that's just how I roll. Get over it. Your last post was completely incoherent. How old are you anyway?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My weed get's ground up so that it has the highest possbile surface area, it all burns evenly and nciely. Soft or hard has no bearing with me in how it smokes.

Fluffy has no argument for it's case other than someone who prefers to be lazy. oh, and fluffy will have a higher stalk to bud matter ratio :)


New Member
i have equipment and genetics. you got a problem with bushmaster now? you snort your dense weed, have no actual case for density, and you cant read wow dude


i would say that the little dense nugs are the way to go. when you grind the shit up it still looks like just as much as the fluffy ones.
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