Need some advice!! Plants are all flowering

heres the deal.. got a couple plants that ive been growing since mid april/ early may. there all currently in 5 gal buckets.. theres a few that are really starting to flower now.. the other day i was back at another spot and killed to males. i took the whole rootball out just to see and the roots were only really visable at the bottem of the bucket maby an inch just going around in a circle.. is that rootbound? all the plants are over 5 ft. i know 1 ft per gal.. heres my questions..

* will they be able to finish in 5 gal buckets?

* will they produce bug nugs or just spindaly airy nugs?

* if i cut the bottems out of the buckets and stack into another buckets with soil will that help this far along in thr game?

im just wonderin what to do.. theyeve been growing for a 4-5 months now and i dont want to end up with alot of little nugs on all my plants.. what you guys think i should do?



Active Member
small 5 gallon buckets will limit the size of your plants, but you can still get solid nugs off of them. just use a good blooming fertilizer like fox farm tiger bloom or whatever you like, and make sure the nugs are getting hit with as much sun as possible. transplanting at this stage probably wont do any good because the vegetative cycle is done and the plant is basically done growing, but the nugs need mad sunlight to grow as big as possible. my first grow was in 5 gal buckets, and the plants were small but the nugs were huge and chronic!

GOOD LUCK!:eyesmoke:
well some are pretty tall.. there def not small plants im just worried about getting tiny nugs and all of them.. im planning on moving them to get more some.. right now there probally getting 6 hours of morning and afternoon sun.. so pretty much cutting out the bottems at this point is useless?? if they are rootbound i heard it affects potency also

heres what i got for nutes

ff grow big
ff big bloom
ff tiger bloom
ff cha ching

someone else

Active Member
I agree wholeheartedly with the above poster.

The plants don't get huge, but they get big enough. I have three G13/Haze that are 6 1/2 feet tall in 5-gallon buckets, and seven 6 foot tall Sour Diesel in 5-gallon buckets.

Lots of sun, but really important to keep them watered, as they dry out really fast in buckets.

I'd keep using all the Fox Farm nutes you're using, except for the Grow Big.
really wishin a woulda went with bigger pots.. oh well nest year i will be smarter about.. thats really my only regret this year.. i started indoor and this was my first time doing that . theyve been going since mid april/ 2 early may.. got soil mixed in from last year and got some happy frog soil.. they are summertime buddah kush, juicy fruit or some cross of juicy fruit, love poiton #1 by reeferman, and i believe super snowdog.. i know its hard to guese but what you guys average in a 5 gal. pot. im thinking 2-3 o's per pot? idk well see


Active Member
I JUST did this today. i made a few extra slightly larger holes in the original bucket filled another 5 gal about 3/4 up watered it well and set it in. the new bucket had well drainage holes from a prior grow so i wasnt worried about that... how you described your root ball sounds like over watering. the roots dont have to search around and expand throughout the pot to get water so they just grow down to collect whats there... cant hurt to give it a shot man here is my link from today good luck!
the plants needed to be watered every two days.. weve had a veryy hot summer with little to no rain.. hope the fall stays the same way.. im planning on moving them to another spot because i have all 3 in one spot and i want to spilt most of them up.. i think im going to just leave them in the buckets. i dont see how doing it now would really make a difference.. two of them are about 4-5 weeks into flower and have some pretty nice popcorn buds on them.. the juicy fruit has been flowering less time but shows just as big of buds as the other to.. i will have probally 3-4 ealry finishers but the other 2-3 with be out till the end of october.. heres hoping for big buds and plenty wieght.. im hoping to see a lb. but anything over a half lb. ill be happy with

edit- the one in the cage just showed preflowers withen a couple days.. thats the only one in the ground and its smaller then most potted plants

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey LPN1, Just stay with your 5 gallon containers. I grow in 10's, and I KNOW they can reach 14/16 feet.
I always figure approx. 2 feet per gallon. You might want to consider a little LST, get those side branches HORIZONTAL.
You can up your production that way. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
I average 3oz's per plant with 5 gallon buckets, and that's bagseed. I have an eight foot tall sativa in a 5 gallon pot, and she will probably give me at least 4 to 5 oz's if she is able to finish before it snows. They will be fine, just water when they need it and you will be rewarded.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I average 3oz's per plant with 5 gallon buckets, and that's bagseed. I have an eight foot tall sativa in a 5 gallon pot, and she will probably give me at least 4 to 5 oz's if she is able to finish before it snows. They will be fine, just water when they need it and you will be rewarded.
Hi dunkin, you're about to receive some + rep. Why, you ask? Spelling! As I was reading your post, the word "probably", almost jumped off the page at me! I'm thinking it's 6 months since I've seen that word spelled correctly. I've seen: "prolly", "proly", "problie", "probboly", etc, the list goes on and on....LOL. And NO, I'm not some anal retentive English teacher, No, actually I'm a retired Burger King manager, who can't spell for shit, BUT, I DO know how to punch the "spell check" button, and help make MY posts understandable.
Wading through some of the posts in here is MORE than a challenge, what with crap spelling, (unchecked), out of tense, out of context, just plain incomprehensible sometimes.
LOL, now I'm rambling like a mad man, (this crap does make me a little crazy). So, anyway, big ol' + rep to you for keeping it CLEAR.
Wishing everyone, Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
Please for the love of cannabis put them babaies in the ground. Aint a true outdoor grow if there in pots. They flurish truely in the ground.


Active Member
I average 3oz's per plant with 5 gallon buckets, and that's bagseed. I have an eight foot tall sativa in a 5 gallon pot, and she will probably give me at least 4 to 5 oz's if she is able to finish before it snows. They will be fine, just water when they need it and you will be rewarded.
I have 3 8 foot tall sativas in the natural earth and i get 2 pounds per 8 foot tall plant. U get a few ounces in pots. Compare the two and tell me if it matters rather there in pots or not. Lol


Active Member
I have 3 8 foot tall sativas in the natural earth and i get 2 pounds per 8 foot tall plant. U get a few ounces in pots. Compare the two and tell me if it matters rather there in pots or not. Lol
some people just cant put it in the ground, mine are on my 3rd floor balcony. i dont have a yard, i cant gorilla shit. no car, in the middle of a city... i might look kinda odd walkin around with a shovel and a few bags of dirt lookin for a spot. im just happy shes out in the sun gettin some good free love


Active Member
some people just cant put it in the ground, mine are on my 3rd floor balcony. i dont have a yard, i cant gorilla shit. no car, in the middle of a city... i might look kinda odd walkin around with a shovel and a few bags of dirt lookin for a spot. im just happy shes out in the sun gettin some good free love
Hey all the power to ya!! Glad to hear u have a sucessfull grow opp in the city. Was just stating that if you do have the option to grow in mother earth compared to pots go with mother earth. Good luck with the balcony grow! :)
I have 3 8 foot tall sativas in the natural earth and i get 2 pounds per 8 foot tall plant. U get a few ounces in pots. Compare the two and tell me if it matters rather there in pots or not. Lol
if i had room to grow bushes i would.. there in the back of my property which is why there in buckets.. moving them has already came in handy several times. infact i will be moving them again to follow the sun.. if i could have grown in the ground you dont think i would have? i only have one in the ground cuz its a parmiment spot cuz i used it last year.. i also have a 8 ft tall sativa, another lp #1, and its been budding for awhile now.. so you guys saying with good nutes and can get 2-3 o's per plant?

edit- and i figure what i loose in root space ill make up for having more plants.. 6 total.. all flowering