400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
OOOOH haha. WOW. I guess Indica SHOULD only be my night time meds. Sorry PH I didn't see the doucher's post until just now. I appreciate you backing up my thread.


Well-Known Member
And mighty green at that. I should get a better camera. We're approaching week 4 with speed in excess. I have yet to see The Black show any signs of going purple. I'm thinking she'll start to turn towards the middle-end of flowering. :D



Well-Known Member
Thanks PH. Trichs are poppin all over the place. I wish I had a decent enough camera to get a closer look for you guys. That and show off the beautiful mean green color :D


Well-Known Member
Loads of buds developing everywhere. Each stalk is lined full and steadily filling in.:bigjoint:

God Bud


Blue Dream Haze

The Black. Do you see purple yet? I don't see purple.


Active Member
Looking great! What do you use for nutes, if you don't mind. I see your growth is staying nice and green, mine started yellowing in the beginning of flower and am hoping to avoid that next time.


Well-Known Member
Looking great! What do you use for nutes, if you don't mind. I see your growth is staying nice and green, mine started yellowing in the beginning of flower and am hoping to avoid that next time.
I use Fox Farm nutrients and molasses at 1tsp per gallon with regular watering and 1tbsp per gallon when I feed. It's all about adjusting your feeding regimine to what the plant needs, regardless of what brand you use. If you can keep a lush green plant from beginning to end a nice harvest awaits.


Well-Known Member
Hey H, I assume your using FF Grow Big with your other FF nutes.Are you going to stop using it the farther you get through the flower stage?
Their schedule says to discontinue it after 4 weeks in to flowering.I've been slowly reducing the amount of Grow Big and slowly increasing the Tiger Bloom.I thought about using the Grow Big in very small amounts up until a few weeks before harvest to give it a lil nitrogen.What do you think?




Well-Known Member
Hey H, I assume your using FF Grow Big with your other FF nutes.Are you going to stop using it the farther you get through the flower stage?
Their schedule says to discontinue it after 4 weeks in to flowering.I've been slowly reducing the amount of Grow Big and slowly increasing the Tiger Bloom.I thought about using the Grow Big in very small amounts up until a few weeks before harvest to give it a lil nitrogen.What do you think?


I say you feed the girls based on what they show you. I'm still using Grow Big right now and once I see they'll start needing more Phosphorus I'll give Tiger Bloom as needed. It may be next watering, it might not be for a few weeks. A feeding schedule isn't really applicable IMO.The only thing on that schedule you make sure to do is only feed every other watering. Really all you have to remember is if your girls are green, lush and healthy you are doing everything right.


Well-Known Member
I should note : I don't use the additional flowering "boosters" like ChaChing and Beastie Blooms etc etc... Just molasses besides Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom.