question using organic nutes


Active Member
I am using all organic nutes in an organic potting mixture. when i use chemical nutes i usually only do phd water for the last 2 weeks so most if not all the chems are used up. Do i have to do this same 2 week no nute period before harvest>>??


Well-Known Member
I am using all organic nutes in an organic potting mixture. when i use chemical nutes i usually only do phd water for the last 2 weeks so most if not all the chems are used up. Do i have to do this same 2 week no nute period before harvest>>??
No need to flush an organic grow medium. Plants will take only what they require.


Well-Known Member
really? i've always been told to flush AT LEAST 2 weeks b4 harvest...thats weird...
That's a mindset carried over from chemical hydro growing. Think about it: with an organic grow medium you've created a living soil full of microbes that deliver chemical-free nutrients as the plant requires them. There are no chemicals in the grow medium to flush out.


Well-Known Member
yes but there are salts/minerals that need to be flushed. Plus letting your plants starve for the last 1 week to 10 days allows stored nitrates to be used up; resulting in a sweeter smoother smoke.

This is my 3rd organic grow and I'll still flush 10 days before.


Active Member
thanks for the advice. I understand no need to flush organic but feeding pure water the last 10-14 is what im asking about. so it does use up those nutes. I dont want and rice crispies..
snap crackle and POP


Well-Known Member
which is exactly why you still need to flush. get rid of em salts and nitrates.

and whatever you do don't flush with molasses as some would have you do.


Active Member
when using chemical or synthetic fertilizers, yes you will need to flush. those nutes kill the soil & ruin the purpose of using an organic soil............


Well-Known Member
If your grow is in good living organic soil, there is no reason to flush your plants. Having said this, I guess I might flush if I were to use all these so called organic nutes you buy in the bottle. I have been growing now for about 43 years, almost totally organic during this time except for my very young and stupid days when I thought buying it from the store was the way to go. Now, just good living soil, a little manure tea and some molasses and I have everything I am looking for in my grow. I don't flush, which is kindof hard to do in good soil anyway, the plant only takes up the things which is needs to grow into a healthy plant. I fail to see the advantage of trying to stress my plant by denying it the nutes it needs to fully mature, just MHO.


Well-Known Member
Did an experiment one year, several harvests ago. ´Flushed´ some plants, kept ferting others right up to harvest. Could taste NO DIFFERENCE WHATEVER. But I didn´t think I would. Just the ferted ones were bigger.
IMHO ´flushing´ is yet another Old Wives´Tale - makes no difference whatever. But it will continue to be promulgated by dopey kids who have never grown anything else, have no general gardening experience, and who believe all the total BS they read in these forums.


Well-Known Member
Did an experiment one year, several harvests ago. ´Flushed´ some plants, kept ferting others right up to harvest. Could taste NO DIFFERENCE WHATEVER. But I didn´t think I would. Just the ferted ones were bigger.
IMHO ´flushing´ is yet another Old Wives´Tale - makes no difference whatever. But it will continue to be promulgated by dopey kids who have never grown anything else, have no general gardening experience, and who believe all the total BS they read in these forums.
That's those same fanboys who proudly post images of their supplement 'lineups' with the goofy names, outrageous marketing claims and high prices.


Well-Known Member
which is exactly why you still need to flush. get rid of em salts and nitrates.

and whatever you do don't flush with molasses as some would have you do.
If it is an organic grow there won't be any salts to flush from a living soil that meets plant requirements throughout its life cycle without nutrient supplements. Flushing is nothing but a hydro mindset.


I have made my own organic tea for my hydro system and was never sure my I flushed a few harvests and then stopped flushing to compare. I thought that if I am giving my tomatoes the same tea and I just pick them and eat...with salt..yum! Anyways, if my tomato did not need flushed to taste so damn good maybe my herb didn't either. Me personally I notice if any very little difference and the little I do would be the difference between a gala apple and a red delicious it just depends on what you like!