im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!


Active Member
ok so this thing has just not changed at all!!!! i was watering with tap water with a ph of 8-9 (whoops) and then using tiger bloom on every other watering at half strength with a ph of 5 (fuck) so i wasnt aware of this until i got a ph tester like 2 weeks ago and now im making the waterings both with and without nutes a nice even 6.5 ph. Although during the last like 3 weeks i stopped using nutes cause i was thinking i was overdoing them but now it seems it got kinda worse so im gonna ramp those back up at like 3/4 strength since i think the plant is just hungry for like EVERYTHING! cause i also already flushed earlier even tho it was before i was adj the ph so it was with hard water and i watered with epsom salts the last watering too. and i foliar fed today to try to help the suspected deficienyIMAG0161.jpgIMAG0162.jpgIMAG0160.jpg

Its outdoor in Cali in FFOF getting good sunlight and nice 80 degree temps

SO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG??? iv been trying to fix so much stuff the last 2-3 weeks and NO BETTER!!! ahhhhhh


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks bro and to be honest i havent ever had a plant do anything like that but have u tested the ph of your soil? did u add any manure or anything like that? my first grow i added too much manure and it caused ph problems. i remember awhile back when my uncle was using all ff nutes he had a problem with salt buildup and his plants looked something similiar but not that yellow so i dont know. he flushed his for awhile then switched up to an all organic fertilizer and began doin only faoliar applications. were u root feeding?


Well-Known Member
ROOT BOUND. what kind of pots you using? how many gallons? and what are you using for grow medium. i had a foot tall girl doing the same thing with her leaves curling down. she was in a 1gallon pot, recently moved her to a 5gallon pot with potting soil and she grew straight up after the shock was gone


Well-Known Member
^^^ good point. i didnt even think about it being root bound i just assumed it was in the ground. thats def something else u should consider ganga...


Active Member
just dont try change/do to much at once or u want know what the prob was man i would repot b4 i tried everything else


Active Member
cant be root bound i dont think...its planted in the ground but i only made a 1'x1'x1' hole and then its nasty hard clay soil...but root bound would make sense since im doing nothing different on smaller plants that look fantastic and growing good....jsut hoping this plant isnt a loss cause next season is soooo far away lol


Well-Known Member
cant be root bound i dont think...its planted in the ground but i only made a 1'x1'x1' hole and then its nasty hard clay soil...but root bound would make sense since im doing nothing different on smaller plants that look fantastic and growing good....jsut hoping this plant isnt a loss cause next season is soooo far away lol
oh yes it can be root bound even in the ground! essentially that hard clay is acting like a pot. the roots get to that dry ass shit and say fuck that and turn around. this also means they are probably getting overwatered, i imagine that hard clay is not draining too well. u needed to break past the hardpan. my suggestion would be to take a shovel and break up the top soil all around your plant. and do a big area u know at least 4x4. be careful not to go too deep as u may have some roots growing in that hard clay and u dont want to destroy too many. but break it up and then water that ground. i wouldnt water directly around ur stalk once u break up the dirt around it. u want the roots to have to go out to get water. if ur constantly keeping that little hole u dug moist they wont look elsewhere. roots are everything man take care of ur roots and the plant will take care of u in the end. adding molasses to ur water may help that hard clay soil a lil bit. also, do u just water the hole or is all the ground around it watered as well?


Well-Known Member
rootbound is a myth, you can grow in dixie cups just fine, check out some of fdd's small pot grows.
ok lets let u tell it... have u ever grown before? because ive had plants get fucked up looking and simply throwing them in the ground or transplanting to a bigger pot fixed the problem.


Active Member
alright im gonna break up the surrounding soil and i gave it half strength last water so im gonna water it with just water next time and them 3/4 strength the time after that...if it was def. how long until it should start looking better?


Well-Known Member
i dont think its a deficiency personally but i could be wrong. i would give it just plain phed water for a week or so and just keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
ROOT BOUND exists. hard clay type of soil is horrible for marijuana to grow in. the soil not only is too hard for the roots to develop smoothly but there is no drainage as well, meaning that all that water you gave your plants is just getting everything muddy and harder deep down.

i wana tell you to transplant them but that would be a fucking bitch to do.


Well-Known Member
oh ya... u might wanna try switching up ur fertilizer to an all organic one. i had a lot of issues with pH when i used fox farm's line. i have much better results with the cheaper liquid organic fertilizers. i only foliar feed, no root feeding at all to avoid salt buildup. see if u can get ahold of some age old organics, cheap and good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I've grown many plants. If you know how to take care of them and the soil rootbound does not exist, im sorry, i should of been more clear. Their is a limit to the size the plant can get, your canopy can never get bigger than the root system can support, but if you water it when the soil is dry right on time and you keep it up you cannot have a rootbound plant, i've done plenty of grows in tiny containers and so have many many others and we dont have our plants get "rootbound", I think uncle ben has a really good guide on this, i'll see if i cant find it. Fdd and uncle ben were the ones who originally explained it to me and did a better job than im capable of doing.


Well-Known Member
he only dug a 1x1x1 hole... his plant is obviously much bigger than that. if his plant were smaller i wouldnt say that rootbound could be a problem. but seeing that it is im gonna have to respectfully disagree with u and anyone else who says rootbound isnt a problem for him. everyones situation is different. just because u or fdd dont have problems with it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.


Well-Known Member
just because u or fdd dont have problems with it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

he started off with a small hole in the ground, he obviously just explained to us that the native dirt is "clay" like. i have horrible dirt in my backyard the tomatos and chilli peppers all grow fine in it but when it comes to the herb i dnt even try it, a clump of my dirt is as hard as a clump of cement.


Active Member
ok thanks for the input everyone you guys are awesome! im gonna try to fix for root bound and giving it more nutes to see in a week if it will bounce back or die....hopefully she will pull through!!


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan... keep us updated on her status. and by the way im not just talking out my ass suggesting u do something that ive never done, i practice what i preach. i actually have done what i suggested u to do, i doubt darkdestruction buds his plants in dixie cups.


Active Member
yep so they are fucked....look like shit and are dead when i went up there today:( .....i flushed with 4 gals of 6.5 ph water not that they will even have a chance of coming back but i did it for the hell of it but i lost one like this about 7 weeks ago what did i do wrong so this wont happen in the future?IMAG0165.jpgIMAG0164.jpg