WHY EVERY ONE SHOULD VOTE NO ON 74 AND I28..Oregon green free wants to controll you!


Active Member
This guy is justed pissed.Joined OGF thought we would allow him to run off at keyboard there.Made post MASTER GROWER.We yanked on him oh 90 days waiting on meds we find out.Call bull shit.He throws a little fit got kicked off end of his OGF account.Many sick people come to OGF for real problems.MC Purple you know we give meds and clones and our focus is helping lets not let this guy do this.Oregon024


Well-Known Member
i know you guys do bro and i appreciated it the plants turned out very good and thank you i loved the shishkaberry and it is mynew favorite strain. and this guy really needs to stop slandering ogf, i dont really use ogf because i prefer this site but i know theri is many out theri who use OGF and love it.


you should really stop slandering them. if any ting it will be the government with control
thanks mcpurple that's all I was after in the beginning. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. But if your gonna stand up and try to be the town crier you had better have all your facts straight and no chips on your shoulder.