Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
cheers guys ill give it a go any strains you'd recommend? ive always wanted northern lights or ak47 (or ak48). fem seeds sound like the go.


Active Member
good call skiz the main reason i went for coco is because apparently it traps heaps of air in the fibres too just like insulation :P i had healthyplants but maybe with the larger medium i was using it drained off quicker more fluke than skill. still fairly new at the indoor stuff


Well-Known Member
Not going into the debate about decrim and even legalizing weed as it pisses me off at how pussy Aus seems to be in that respect. Meh once the baby boomers are gone i see big change :)

Anyway just a heads up on the coco....i think(?) its the other way around actually. Its VERY easy to overwater with coco as it just has such an amazing potential to store water. If you care to look through the last 100 or so pages (yes i know i wouldnt either) you will see quite a few members said its easy to overwater. That said, i didnt seem to have trouble with it and i used the "flood till runoff" method for majority of the plants life :) I think the main problem you should look out for is that the moisture is held for quite some time so watering intervals are longer. HOWEVER this is just my 2 cents based on my last grow where i used it so i might of just been lucky :)

EDIT: all these posts on seeds and importing is a little upsetting to hear. Importing seeds means potentially importing disease into our otherwise fenced off country. I know its easier said than done but i would love to see an Aussie seed bank or seed exchange. I don't know about other members but i would be more than happy to exchange seeds (no money involved just simply barter x for y as then in my eyes its not dealing etc) once they have established themself as an actual grower and not just the piggies.

P.s In no way is that spill on seeds targeted at anyone. I too have asked for seed bank sites with the thought of importing and still thinking of getting some if i can't find the strain i want here. It just shits me that because of the demonisation of it you can't simply send it through customs where they could perform the right tests to make sure they disease free. I would gladly pay a lil extra knowing i havnt imported Virus "x".
I'd love to do a seed exchange but the risks are horrendous, all you need is some punk getting busted and offering me up on a silver platter for supplying seeds (a seed is considered a plant in QLD (afaik) and ruining my ability to grow if I get busted I'm out of the business can't risk conviction and ruining my chance to go overseas. That being said I would kill for some of kangativa's mullum madness.


Active Member
whats the best stoned experience youve had? full body stone after mull cookies? tripped out after a hash topped cone? or passed out after a bucket bong.... the most stoned ive been is after a mate packed me a "stomper" a cone packed to the max in a double hitter cone piece only just managed to pull it and had to sit down without talking or moving for about an hour


Well-Known Member
guys and gals! looking for a place to buy codeine online! anyone know of anywhere?
Good luck they just cracked down on it again, used to be able to buy 9mg pills in 100 packs once aweek now it's only 24 packs which are more expensive, pain in the ass as I have an abcess in my mouth and I am in agony and the recommended dosage is 8 a day, being 130kg they do sweet fuck all by themselves though, so I knicked my mum surplus panadeine forte which incidentally is illegal to possess cos my name isn't on the script :(.

All because of women abusing it, chicks I used to work with ate the shit like candy same with ibuprofen all for there constant headaches which were actually withdrawals.


Well-Known Member
would you guys suggest using canna pk 13-14 along with the canna boost accelerator for soil?
im about to start flowering & looking for a decent nutrient

dan nash

i know what you mean dude! i had heart surgery last year and im always in pain but the doc dont reskon i in pain no more so i can get pan forte no more! and until i leave my job i cant smoke mother natures good ganja! for god sake, people in legit pain get never get what they need!

dan nash

Good luck they just cracked down on it again, used to be able to buy 9mg pills in 100 packs once aweek now it's only 24 packs which are more expensive, pain in the ass as I have an abcess in my mouth and I am in agony and the recommended dosage is 8 a day, being 130kg they do sweet fuck all by themselves though, so I knicked my mum surplus panadeine forte which incidentally is illegal to possess cos my name isn't on the script :(.

All because of women abusing it, chicks I used to work with ate the shit like candy same with ibuprofen all for there constant headaches which were actually withdrawals.

i know what you mean dude! i had heart surgery last year and im always in pain but the doc dont reskon i in pain no more so i can get pan forte no more! and until i leave my job i cant smoke mother natures good ganja! for god sake, people in legit pain get never get what they need!​


Active Member
grrrr not liking white rhino. Its good to help get to sleep but it just knocks me on my fkn ass. Need some strains that get me high not stoned. Any suggestions?

I was looking at Sensi seeds Jack herer (after strain mans posts i have been having wet dreams) but they sell for a couple hundred pound!!!


Well-Known Member
yep me ill take it, is this a free weed give away lol
ill give you my review on super lemon haze and bubba kush soon ;)


Active Member
after spewing about having my seeds eaten by rats i had a brain wave after a cone tonight and swept out the area where i dry my buds and after about an hour of digging through rat shit and pollen and dust i came out with two seeds!! all i need now is one to be female and ill put some collodial silver on it and have enough seeds for a couple of years and means this year wont be weed free


Active Member
HAHAHA you wish MH!!! That said im all for sharing buds to allow others to see what they think, but in my mind as long as money isnt exchanged its all good (although i know the police would say otherwise).

Plus i got my mid semester break comming up so will have to glorious weeks to chill with my new harvest.

As for the SLH i got some from a mate a while back and it is a terrific strain so im sure you will love it. I got pretty stoned from it though which once again is nice but i need a few strains that will just make me happy without the whole "cant get off the couch" feeling.

Never tried the kush so you will have to let me go how it goes :)


Well-Known Member
i'll let you know how it goes, it sounds like a good combo bubble gum X kush
im hoping this strain will be a good day time smoke where i can still do things lol


Active Member
i thought most if not all kush type plants were couch locks lol thats why i went for the ice kush lol plus it said it was a good yeilder lol