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2x Tent grow

Theory: one tent is for veg, one tent is for flowering. Veg plants in veg tent until 70cm. Check maturity of plant and decide if it should be flowered yet. Clone plant 6x. Put plant into flowering tent. When clones are mature enough, straight to flowering with mom. Once mature, cut and cure for those bad-ass buds.

Medium, Setup:

Seeds, planted into coco coir, fed with Canna nutrients through a drip-reuse cycle. Water changed once a week. Water topped up every 2 days(without nutes). Pots are standard gardening pots.

Lighting: Reflective hood with 4x 55w(220w) compact fluorescent globes.
Nutrients: Canna Vega (3ml/L).
PH: 6.3(<>.5)


Lighting: 150w HPS in cool-tube with carbon filter.
Nutrients: Canna Flores (3ml/L).
PH: 6.3(<>.5)



View attachment 1130517
Lighting (4x55w CFL + Hood)
View attachment 1130515
Plant a.
View attachment 1130516
Plant a.
View attachment 1130514
plant a.


plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a


Tent 1

plant a

plant a

plant a tent 1

plant b

plant b

Plant c

plant b

plant b

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a

plant a
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Well-Known Member
I thought they looked okay....plants b and c certainly look sweet, and plant a looks like a sativa with skiiny ass leaves.

miteubhi: out of interest, what makes you think a micro nutrient deficiency? and which plant.

Sorry for all the words, lol.

Peace, DST

EDIT: I would perhaps move the light closer since it's a 150 in a cool 600 in a cool tube is closer than that to my plants. Just as a suggestion, you can always move back if you feel it is damaging them.
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Well-Known Member
She was growing so fast she grew about 10cm in one day and burnt the shit out of the top colla, so I LST the plant and put a kinda scrog to stop it just in case. I will move it tomorrow. Thanks :P
I thought they looked okay....plants b and c certainly look sweet, and plant a looks like a sativa with skiiny ass leaves.

miteubhi: out of interest, what makes you think a micro nutrient deficiency? and which plant.

Sorry for all the words, lol.

Peace, DST

EDIT: I would perhaps move the light closer since it's a 150 in a cool 600 in a cool tube is closer than that to my plants. Just as a suggestion, you can always move back if you feel it is damaging them.


Well-Known Member
She was growing so fast she grew about 10cm in one day and burnt the shit out of the top colla, so I LST the plant and put a kinda scrog to stop it just in case. I will move it tomorrow. Thanks :P
It's a happy medium, if you keep the light further away the plant will stretch towards it......good luck.


Well-Known Member
dude you should look into co2 enrichment, its perfect for thoes tents, adds 40% to yield!!


Well-Known Member
haha I have :D. I was just trying something simple to start with 8). I will use some co2 in my next grow. Thanks :P



Well-Known Member

This is my cats plant. He eats its leaves. and yes, it is budding :D. He loves smelling the buds on it.

clones have rooted. :D 2/6 so far.



Well-Known Member
good going mr eps...I like how your cat has it's own plant. hehe. lucky thing!


Well-Known Member
Curious to see what 150 HPS will yield.
Wouldn't the plants just lift up your screen if its hanging from strings?
It is a metal screen, and weights the plant down, but allows for some slight movement in the plant. It weights about 1kg or so, so there is still not much room for movement.

I've also removed it for the time being just to let the plant get a little closer to the light and I might re-apply the screen if appropriate.

Also, I'm probably not the best person to see what a 150W HPS yields, there are far better growers than me using 150W HPS'.
Look at these:


Well-Known Member
PH Today: 6.3 @23.0c
Adjusted to: 5.8 @23.5c

Not much difference to show. Lateral branches are falling over due to bud weight! Need to tie them up.