My 1st Real grow 250MH and HPS


Well-Known Member
I guess I shouldn't knock us 400 watters because I've been reading about some people getting a very nice yield off a 400 watt light.... I think the next time I do a grow especially after seeing how much lst'ing this plant helped, I'm going to do a small 5 plant SCROG, I bet I can use even more space even more efficiently. :)


Active Member
I think at some point I will create a grid of some type (string) to do a scrog for this grow. I still don't know sex yet,haha what are the chances of getting all females? lol but my hopes are HIGH :fire: This is no longer a 250W grow, should I or can I change the name of the thread? It's now the 250W veg./400W flower thread, lol


Well-Known Member
I think at some point I will create a grid of some type (string) to do a scrog for this grow. I still don't know sex yet,haha what are the chances of getting all females? lol but my hopes are HIGH :fire: This is no longer a 250W grow, should I or can I change the name of the thread? It's now the 250W veg./400W flower thread, lol
yes sir 150 watt upgrade! You should totally to a SCROG! That would be fun to watch! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am finally updating. These beauties have vegged for 1 month to the day. I have switched over to HPS and set the timer for 12/12. Two Meds look alike and the other 2 also look alike. However, they look totally different from each other. One set is lighter, more classical MJ form, while the other set is mutant(but gorgeous). The 2 unknowns are also very nice. The sativa is a monster and the other is simply sick!!Enjoy the pics and any comments are more than welcome.
vary nice for first time growin keep up the good work the plants look nice and healthy :):weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::weed::weed::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
vary nice for first time growin keep up the good work the plants look nice and healthy :):weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::weed::weed::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Thanks cannabis, appreciate the compliments. Sunday eve. will have updates of first week under 12/12 and 400W. I want as much stretch as I can get, and they are stretching. LST or scrog is the question, or a little of both? We'll see!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like your already lst'ing them a little bit, which is very cool, after seeing what it can do first hand, i'll probly never go a entire grow without training the plant to some extent, I think you should do a Screen of green man, go for it! Looks good btw!


Active Member
The growth has been awesome for the first 5 days of 12/12. Unfortunately, I think one Medijuana is a male. Removed and will re-check later. Not terrible due to space issues, but I hope the rest are ladies. Pretty sure the unknown sativa is a female- pistils and pre-flowers already, Really stretching!! I will take some pics tonite to show the stretch. Will be up @ 7pm


Active Member
I am a little bummed. One medijuana and the really good looking unknown are males. The unknown is in the pics; such a beautiful plant. May save for pollen! Cabinet has 4 remaining, and I have the last 6 medijuana under flouro 12/12. I will move a couple into the main cab. tomorrow and hope for the best. I will be making tea tom. also. Happy Frog 5-5-5 plus 0-5-0 guano and some worm castings. Molasses too! Here are the pics, enjoy:joint::joint::joint::hump::fire::fire::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:



Active Member
Wow thanks for the comments. Found another male. 2 meds and sativa unknown remain at same time frame. 6 more meds remain to be sexed. I know the pics aren't thr greatest, but cmon.


Well-Known Member
Hi Maniacal, Your grow looks sweet, I was just wondering if you leave your light s that far from the plants, I am planning running a 400w hps, how far would you recommend i keep the lights from the tops of the plants

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Hi Maniacal, Your grow looks sweet, I was just wondering if you leave your light s that far from the plants, I am planning running a 400w hps, how far would you recommend i keep the lights from the tops of the plants

Thanks in advance
Thank you. The recomended distance is between 16-20 inches, but i've seen closer. It kinda depends on personal preference. Further away promotes stretching,from what I have read.


Active Member
Can someone please give me some info on pollen collection? I have 2 males that are @ 1week after showing balls. Thanks, + rep. for answers


Well-Known Member
Can someone please give me some info on pollen collection? I have 2 males that are @ 1week after showing balls. Thanks, + rep. for answers
1) Place a dry, sterile, open bag/container under the opening male flowers.

2) Gently tap the stem with a finger. The pollen will slowly settle into the container. (If you are careful, only a few flowers will fall into the mix.

3) Remove any flower/plant parts that land in your container with the pollen. Tap them off gently before removing, to recover the pollen. (Moisture = BAD)
4) Dilute pollen with sterilized flour at a four-to-one ratio. This will allow more coverage if required (Optional)

5) Refrigerate until use. (Viable for around 3-5 days)

6) Immediately change your clothing and clean up before going near your female plants.

[Also, it is a good idea to isolate your pets during this time. I had a cat run in once when I was collecting pollen and after I chased it out, it promptly ran downstairs and into my Flowering room. A month later I had some very unusually crossed beans]
This is a real easy and practical method for harvesting a small amount.

Pollination disclaimer: This method is not recommended for everybody. Cross-pollination is often a result of pollinating plants in the presence of other females. Proceed at your own risk.

Due to weak branches, space and size considerations, etc., it may be necessary to pollinate your plants without removing them from the others. If possible, I would advise removing the female to be fertilized prior, but when that isn't possible, this is a good alternative.


Well-Known Member
Step 1
Wait till the grow lights go off as scheduled, and shut down all of the fans. Adjust your timers to eliminate 'surprises'. Eliminate any drafts in the outer and adjoining room and shut off your furnaceAC. The room must have zero air movement before you begin. Place a small garbage bag in a pocket at this time, later you can put all of the pollen 'tools' inside it when finished.
Step 2
Strategically locate the female(s) to seed next to each other and against a wall earlier in the grow. Now prepare a clear plastic drop cloth to isolate these plants from the rest of the garden. The plastic featured here is 4' high and 7' long. Tape a straight edge against the far side of the tarp so that you can anchor it against the wall securely. You do not want it to come down! Use the thinnest plastic you can find to avoid excess moisture and damage to the plants. Because it is thin, be very careful to avoid damaging it