Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff


Well-Known Member
Yields can flux from 2-4oz per plant. You need to veg good and keep her low.
keep it low? can u specify why? coz mine are about 6ft tall been veggin it for 3 mos now and just about to flower with white hairs sticking. did fimming a couple of days ago. would these affect the smoke for any reason?


Well-Known Member
Hey GG im growing some SLH right now, going on 10 weeks, did u happen to take note of what your trichs looked like at harvest? get an idea of what a difference a grow like this is compared to a novice. Great grow man.
I noticed they where cloudy, and everyone loved it, but myself I always taste a bud at the flush ( 9 days before harvest) and the trichs where more clear than cloudy and I liked that high alot better.
Next harvest I am pulling my SLH at 65 days instead of 70 to see the difference. Novice now, leader tomorrow.

Yes, they are definitely glistening! :weed: And they smell wonderful, even now.

How low do you drop your temps? Should I go below 60? I am running CO2 and have daytime temps of about 80. So not sure if dropping 20+ degrees at lights off is a good idea. What are your thoughts/experiences? I can get it as cold in there as I need it without a problem.
I would totally drop 20 degrees. Lets see my temps ran 77-78 then lights off I think it was more like 55-58.
Honestly your plants will smell and taste awesome if you raise your lights at the end, also they get really triched out.:joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the response. Im actually on day 70 as of now. I just dont think shes ready yet. She didnt get the affection yours does so i think shes still gathering her goods and filling in. But SLH, im vibin its gonna be my fav. strain. And you managed to get this shit purple lol awesome. If you had anymore info on ur plant at harvest id love to hear. Otherwise ill just keep watching lol.


Well-Known Member
Now is the time to raise your lights if you can. Honestly even a 400hps should be 20-24" away these last few days. It will nave her smelling wonderful and you will experience taste like never before. Watch the calyx's and when you see them swell, she is just about done, next thing you know (3-5 days) the whole bud is swollen and then she is ready.
You will enjoy all she has to offer and soon. Make sure you come back with a smoke report.


Well-Known Member
Did not know a single thing you told me and that is awesome. I only have a 70 watt HPS n cfl's for now, but will def back them a bit. The word swell, it fits well with whats going on lol. Thanks man, and you will be the first post i make on my smoke report.

pics are actually 2 days old. also only used nutes during veg, but idk whether to call them big or small for the no nutes. Btw how much of a yield you think i can pull off maybe? she a 6 footer including the 5gal dwc bucket.

what do u use for lighting equip?



Well-Known Member
I would not back off the light because you are not pushing too many lumens, but enough for a great plant. Looks like they still have some swelling to do and that is when they will start to weigh heavy. I would say your going to get 2oz Those little buds can get dense.
Myself I use 4' 8bulb T-5s for veg and 2 600hps for bloom. Even when I only had a 3x3x7 area for bloom and 1 600hps I was getting 4-7oz per plant, growing 4 at a time. Veg well and train well.
Did not know a single thing you told me and that is awesome. I only have a 70 watt HPS n cfl's for now, but will def back them a bit. The word swell, it fits well with whats going on lol. Thanks man, and you will be the first post i make on my smoke report.

pics are actually 2 days old. also only used nutes during veg, but idk whether to call them big or small for the no nutes. Btw how much of a yield you think i can pull off maybe? she a 6 footer including the 5gal dwc bucket.

what do u use for lighting equip?

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Now is the time to raise your lights if you can. Honestly even a 400hps should be 20-24" away these last few days. It will nave her smelling wonderful and you will experience taste like never before. Watch the calyx's and when you see them swell, she is just about done, next thing you know (3-5 days) the whole bud is swollen and then she is ready.
You will enjoy all she has to offer and soon. Make sure you come back with a smoke report.
Have u tried this a couple times or just with that SLH run?


Well-Known Member
I have been doing this for many grows now and many strains including Auto's. I first read aboout it in High Times about a year ago and tried it for myself. What I found was amazing. More flavors, like flavors I never tasted before and resin everywhere.
Have u tried this a couple times or just with that SLH run?


Well-Known Member
Hey golden just curious whats the shortest and quickest harvest you manage to get your SLH? Obviously i grew a tree, but only so i could learn a little about the strain and what it wants to do. But now i plan on growing around 4 and wanted to get an idea of how large they would be. Maybe what size of pots your growin in? I dont wanna invade your setup and copy, just lookin for tips!


Well-Known Member
From seed twice, so really tall and at least 70 days in 5 gallon containers. Now I have 2 clones and they are in 5 gallon short and fat smart pots. They are topped down and have 4 branches that are low, no more than 6-8 inches high and I hope to start flowering them next week. I took clones from mature plant.
\ From seed I say do a 4 top method, then fim and fim again so you can keep it short and not to tall while you wait for her mature. Good Luck, great strain. Cloneing is the way to go once you get her going. Sorry really stomed and having a hard time just answering the question.


Well-Known Member
Picture 019.jpgPicture 018.jpgPicture 017.jpgive decided on slh for my next grow i ordered a 10 pack last year & started them in rapid rooters [june of this year] 1 didnt sprout & 1 died after a few days the rest took off & 3 of them were clearly a cut above the rest, of those 3 i took clones ill be using 600w. hps 3x3 e&f in rockwool blocks & 3'' slab i usually do 9 plants but am considering 12 this time my current crop is over 5' tall so height can be accomodated although i prefer to keep them around 4' if i can here is a couple of pics any advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply i know this is a long thread but maybe tonight i can sit down & do an in-depth study. my current crop has about 3 wks left i set my slh outside during the day & then under cfl at sundown i already topped them once


Well-Known Member
im growing in rockwool ive been using floranectar pineapple rush for a sweetner everyone advises against molasses in rockwool but when i look at the ingredients i think i could use the unsulphured molasses as i use drain to waste schedule & it wouldnt be sitting in my res. any length of time i recently bought out another grower & got a bunch of nutes & addatives in the deal so im gonna use them up[its all g.h. stuff] i used to use lemon juice for ph & epsom salt, molasses in my soil grows & had good results i think the hydro industry banks big on all this fancy stuff that is pretty much derived from common stuff ive been doing the indoor stuff about a year & have learned quite a bit but i got a lot left to learn yet


Well-Known Member
I agree. I think if you added molasses and let it sit in water for 24hrs it would be 100% dissolved. I love it when you score from a former grower. How far is your grow?
im growing in rockwool ive been using floranectar pineapple rush for a sweetner everyone advises against molasses in rockwool but when i look at the ingredients i think i could use the unsulphured molasses as i use drain to waste schedule & it wouldnt be sitting in my res. any length of time i recently bought out another grower & got a bunch of nutes & addatives in the deal so im gonna use them up[its all g.h. stuff] i used to use lemon juice for ph & epsom salt, molasses in my soil grows & had good results i think the hydro industry banks big on all this fancy stuff that is pretty much derived from common stuff ive been doing the indoor stuff about a year & have learned quite a bit but i got a lot left to learn yet


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1131369Picture 019.jpgtheyre still seedlings or i should say rooted cuttings my current grow of pineapple chunk is about 3 wks from harvest then i can put slh in my growroom pic on left is current pic on right is slh waiting to go in room i have 3 more slh not pictured in case i decide to grow 12 of them