Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
Hey Fdd

Please let me know how long is left for A / B / C..........
I smoked some 3 day ago and A & B were ok but C seemed like it had a bit to go.




Thanks for your help.......


Well-Known Member
hey fdd2blk -

i am a return poster. you helped me with ak48. in case you cant remember i had a 400w HPS co2 enriched ebb & flo. anyways i now have a bubblicious plant looking pretty close and was wondering if you would take a look and tell me what u think. thanks again - ur a scholar and a gentleman. lol. later holmes


Well-Known Member
hey fdd2blk -

i am a return poster. you helped me with ak48. in case you cant remember i had a 400w HPS co2 enriched ebb & flo. anyways i now have a bubblicious plant looking pretty close and was wondering if you would take a look and tell me what u think. thanks again - ur a scholar and a gentleman. lol. later holmes

i'd let that go another 5 to 7 days. then send me some, please. :)
First time Grower
ok first set of pictures is the Grape Ape(7 weeks into Flowering), and the second set is MK-Ultra x ICE(8 weeks into flowering)

Grape Ape

MK-Ultra x ICE


how much long do u think they have ?


I am at 9 weeks flowering here in S California. I am growing OG and this morning did not give the CNS 17 RIPE formula and started with clean reverse osmosis water. I am hearing that I should let them go a few more weeks before flush (I'm growing in soil). There are about 25% opaque trichomes with a few that are amber. In a week to 10 days I should see more mature trichomes at harvest. I do like the flavor and high of early harvested sativas. Do you think I should give them another dose of the ripe formula or continue with the flush?