im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
WTF??? I highly doubt they died because of them being rootbound. My plants are rootbound all to hell and they look great. It was probably the out of control pH. Just to let you know, Fox Farms is massively overrated.


Active Member
Yea definetly not root bound at all! I'm now thinking PH problems and bad using of nutes ect ect....o well I still have 4 plants that I'm hoping to get a QP off of each so good learning experience for next year

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Yea definetly not root bound at all! I'm now thinking PH problems and bad using of nutes ect ect....o well I still have 4 plants that I'm hoping to get a QP off of each so good learning experience for next year
That's a good attitude. Go with bigger holes and better soil next year, you'll pull a lb per.

Later, bro.


Active Member
These plants look underfed and over watered. Your hole may not be draining fast enough and causing the root zone to be saturated too long. Next time make the hole at least two to three times the diameter of the pot to be transplanted. Then mix some of the original soil with the potting soil to create a transition zone for the roots to penetrate the existing soil as they expand outward to the native soil.


Well-Known Member
is there any way you can dig them up and make that hole any bigger? and place fresh new potting soil in the new hole. it might be that all the nutes you were feeding it arent getting into the roots, they might all be building up at the bottom of the pot. can you take a picture of the hole they are in??


Active Member
yea next year im going to fix a few MAJOR things like much bigger holes, balanced PH, good nutes are the right amount, better watering schedule plus just all this experience from this year will pay off next season. thank for the help everyone...i just put this girl through too much


Active Member
actually i was underwatering for awhile but i dug it up and it wasn't root bound nor did it have root rot so it was bad balance of PH and bad use of least iv learned so i dont fuck up again....gonna harvest one other in like 2 weeks tho...looking like easily 3 or more ozs so its not like im too disapointed this year plus i still got 3 more plants flowering too :)


Well-Known Member
you could be the only one that can answer ur problem...u know for sure what u did wrong...did you over water? did you let the soil dry for awhile and just started watering it and flushing it? did u nute it when the plant was dehydrated? etc etc...did u just repot it in the ground and not water it?


Active Member
yea the clay soil is hard no doubt but anything my mom plants in a garden way down the hill has no problem growing through it so i figured weed wouldnt have any trouble either...but ill still make much bigger holes next will be worth the $300 investment for good FF soil in the end to fill the massive holes im going to dig out

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Fuck Fox Farms. They are okay at best. Why don't you just go to the garden center and buy all the goodies that's in FF for 1/4 of the price and mix it yourself. If you're doing all the work to dig the holes, it won't take much more to fix up the native soil.

Good luck, bro.


Might have been a little heat stress as well. Were the plants in direct sun all day or were they in partial shade? Almost all plant growth stops at temperatures beyond 85 degrees.
I lost two myself in July when Sacramento got our 105 degree plus spell. Classic mistake!

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Might have been a little heat stress as well. Were the plants in direct sun all day or were they in partial shade? Almost all plant growth stops at temperatures beyond 85 degrees.
I lost two myself in July when Sacramento got our 105 degree plus spell. Classic mistake!
I'd have to disagree. We were in the 90's for over a month and my plants didn't slow down much. Also, there was a couple days that were 110+ I had to water twice in the same day, but they looked great the whole time.


Active Member
yea i had to water them more often but id have to say the more heat the better otherwise it gets cold in the nights which i know slows them down but they get a cloudy morning every now and then and temps range from 70-110 in the day and 55-70 in the night.....we had some warmer weather for a few days after a cold week and one of my smaller plants really shot up so the heat is good with me