you rock what you like... i respect that.
besides, why would you use gravity when density isn't your goal?
if i break up a quater of my fat, dense, tastey nugs... trust me, the bags are PHAT & LARGE.
mutherfuckers trip on my shit & that's what really gets me off.
i don't know a single soul lookng for fluffy buds.
and, i let my people do their nugs the way they want to do their nugs.
my goal is to provide them (& mostly me

with the best quality & genetics i can... basically what i have idealized inside my mind from years of smoking.
i "sell" to two very close home boys for very cheap prices.
$100 an ounce for some 20% to 22% tch laden afghan dank... i usually break off a QP or 2 a month... which covers my electric, nutes, and incidentals.
i grow for pleasure, for head stash, for the LOVE, and for legendary reputation.
finally, bro, do you the way you like to do you.
however, i am so STOKED you ain't no breeder... lol!
stay fly. be high.