Wana get laid by hot chicks


Well-Known Member
Kush - you gotta be kidding right?
Kinda...It's a song, I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind

But, I wouldn't do it if they were a kid or a sex slave. But, damn some of them thai girls are fine. I'm just sayin, I don't think I could stop myself.


Well-Known Member
lol, sounds fun and all but imo its all about the chase!! gotta love the journey to the treasure chest instead of just buyin it.. but to each man his own :peace:


Well-Known Member
lol, sounds fun and all but imo its all about the chase!! gotta love the journey to the treasure chest instead of just buyin it.. but to each man his own :peace:
Yeah your right. It's all about the chase, that's why easy girls are such a turn off. I don't think I could pay for sex. But, some of the thai girls I've seen were so sexy:hump: I don't think they were prostitutes, though.


Master of Mayhem
I wouldn't touch those whores with someone elses dick. I can get all the pussy I want right here in FL.


Well-Known Member
Ok I know boys will be boys and all. But there are a few of us females on the site and as someone commented earlier - yes to women it just makes you look like a dirt bag. At least to this woman.

First off - your gonna rot your penis off. Thai prostitutes are known for rampant STD's - hope your smart enough to use a condom. Even if you do, you can still walk away with herpes or warts.

Second (and this is the part that bothers me as female) - you stated in your post most of these girls are there working off money borrowed by thier fathers. HELLO - what would we call that in the US? A father pimping out his kid - child abuse/molestation? And don't even try to say they are 18 - that's bullshit and you know it. If they are 18 - they are veteran prostitues.

I'm not a prude by any means, but forced prostitution seems pretty close to rape.
Of course, leave it to a woman to over analize something like this. And come on guys, think about it, your out at the club, this hot asian chick keeps looking at you. You are already wasted, thats why you went there after all. There isn't a man I know that would say either no or be like, HMMMMM. I wonder what my options are here. On one hand I can fuck the hot asian chick with a rubber.................or what ever. Fuck no you pull your pants down and go the fuck to town on her little ass.

Ladies you should try flying by the seat of your pants sometime. It sure is fun.


Well-Known Member
Of course, leave it to a woman to everanalize something like this. And come on guys, think about it, your out at the club, this hot asian chick keeps looking at you. You are already wasted, thats why you went there after all. There isn't a man I know that would say either no or be like, HMMMMM. I wonder what my options are here. On one hand I can fuck the hot asian chick with a rubber.................or what ever. Fuck no you pull your pants down and go the fuck to town on her little ass.

Ladies you should try flying by the seat of your pants sometime. It sure is fun.
I'm not a woman. I just know the difference between fucking a concenting partner, and fucking a child who has been forced into the situation against her will. One is fine, the other is not. Can you guess which is which? Or is your moral compass fucked up beyond recognition.

Watch This:
YouTube - Stop The Traffick - Cambodia


Master of Mayhem
And come on guys, think about it, your out at the club, this hot asian chick keeps looking at you. You are already wasted, thats why you went there after all. There isn't a man I know that would say either no or be like, HMMMMM. I wonder what my options are here. On one hand I can fuck the hot asian chick with a rubber.................or what ever. Fuck no you pull your pants down and go the fuck to town on her little ass.
You are absolutely correct.........in America.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a woman. I just know the difference between fucking a concenting partner, and fucking a child who has been forced into the situation against her will. One is fine, the other is not. Can you guess which is which? Or is your moral compass fucked up beyond recognition.
Why dont you relax a little bit bro. And stop being so judgmental. Who are you to judge anybody. If you don't like what's being said then don't read the fucking thread. Its as simple as that. Just because you think something is wrong doesnt mean everybody else does. And if its legal who gives a shit. Its not yours, your son's or your father's dick who's falling off. And its not your daughter, sister,or mom's whose puss is making all the dicks fall off. So why don't you mind your business and stop passing judgment on people you don't even know.


Well-Known Member
And just so I'm clear I wouldn't do any of this myself, but I could see how someone else would.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you relax a little bit bro. And stop being so judgmental. Who are you to judge anybody. If you don't like what's being said then don't read the fucking thread. Its as simple as that. Just because you think something is wrong doesnt mean everybody else does. And if its legal who gives a shit. Its not yours, your son's or your father's dick who's falling off. And its not your daughter, sister,or mom's whose puss is making all the dicks fall off. So why don't you mind your business and stop passing judgment on people you don't even know.
I didn't pass judgement on anyone. I'm pointing out that these "Hot Asian Chicks" are slaves forced to work in the sex industry. I don't think that child slavery and prostitution are wrong, I know that they are wrong. Do you?

I don't give a shit about anybodys' dick but my own. If your dick falls off after you fuck a child sex slave, it's just karma, and well-deserved at that.

It isn't legal. As if being legal would make it right. There are laws against child prostitution, even in Thailand. Don't take my word for it, watch the video that I posted:

YouTube - Stop The Traffick - Cambodia

I did ask that the reader of my post judge the functionality of their moral compass. If this strikes a nerve, you need to ask yourself why.

Originally Posted by SoloGro57
I'm not a woman. I just know the difference between fucking a concenting partner, and fucking a child who has been forced into the situation against her will. One is fine, the other is not. Can you guess which is which? Or is your moral compass fucked up beyond recognition.


Well-Known Member
I did ask that the reader of my post judge the functionality of their moral compass. If this strikes a nerve, you need to ask yourself why.
That is being judgmental. Like your moral compass is pointed in the right direction. And someone elses is in the wrong direction. That is judging. And you aren't judging me as I said I wouldnt do any of those things and I agree they are horrible. But to each his own.



Well-Known Member
That is being judgmental. Like your moral compass is pointed in the right direction. And someone elses is in the wrong direction. That is judging. And you aren't judging me as I said I wouldnt do any of those things and I agree they are horrible. But to each his own.

Fuck you, DONE.

Why wouldn't you do it. Couldn't be because it's just plain wrong, could it? You call "those things" "horrible". Sounds pretty fucking judjemental to me.

Since you've accused me of being judgmental, and have clearly judged me, I'm gonna judge you. You're full of shit. That's my judgement, and it's the only judgement I have made in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Ok I know boys will be boys and all. But there are a few of us females on the site and as someone commented earlier - yes to women it just makes you look like a dirt bag. At least to this woman.

First off - your gonna rot your penis off. Thai prostitutes are known for rampant STD's - hope your smart enough to use a condom. Even if you do, you can still walk away with herpes or warts.

Second (and this is the part that bothers me as female) - you stated in your post most of these girls are there working off money borrowed by thier fathers. HELLO - what would we call that in the US? A father pimping out his kid - child abuse/molestation? And don't even try to say they are 18 - that's bullshit and you know it. If they are 18 - they are veteran prostitues.

I'm not a prude by any means, but forced prostitution seems pretty close to rape.
The girls that work in the gogo bars have to be 20. Now a few slip threw the cracks do work there but get caught as they do checks all the time. All girls must carry government ID at all times and cannot enter a hotel without leaving there ID at the front desk for safety and security reasons. So how the fuck do you figure everyone is fucking little girls over there? Have you been there? Second 80% of the bars std test there girls on a regular basis and they are suspended or fired from work if they catch something. Now you can pick up street walkers there and all the rules go out the door but thats a personal choice. Good luck trying to fuck one without a condom also like what do you think they just run around fucking every tom dick and harry without protecting themselfs? That is how they support there families so they won't doing ant supporting if there are diseased up. Next most of the girls like there jobs despite of your opinion. The love the white guy because the treat them good take them places and have lots of fun thats why most of the male population is gay or ladyboys.
Next the average wage in Thailand is 3 - 5 baht a day = .20 cents american? The working girls can make 2 - 3000 baht a day = $100 so these girls make a good living and most really enjoy there job. And I can say cause I have been there and know the drill. Thai families stay together for life mostly not like us where 70% of people who marry are split within 3 years. Parents, Grand Parents, children and Grand children all live in the same house thats the way it is. So maybe before you tell my little dirtbag ass how shit runs over there cause I aparently don't know and you do look it Pattaya Thailand on google and then you can school me some more.....Thanks(I love a good fight exspecialy with woman)


Well-Known Member
Prostitution is a business. As disgusting as this may sound it is true. As long as there is a demand... (i.e. people that can't pick up girls) There will always be someone ready to supply them. (pimp, whatever).

This is life.

If you can pick up girls. more power to you.

If you can and you still pay for sex. It's your life.

If you can't pick up girls, and pay for sex. It's your life.

I give it up to the ppl that can get laid for free, and i have sympathy for those that need to pay for it.

sex is free when you are in love. lol.
