There something wrong here!


Active Member
My plant is 4 weeks into flowering and the past 3 days resulted in this. THe newer leaves are starting to crimple up and turn a little yellow and are, what looks like, bubbling up. The outer edges of the leaf turn yellow and start to fold inward. It seems like the leaves are dieing for no reason. Maybe I have over nuted? or maybe it needs water more often. Any help???



Well-Known Member
definitely looks like nute burn. flush em.
what nutes are you using?

i need to know if the yellowing is mainly on the lower part of the plant though, which could mean an NPK def

Bud Green

Active Member
I just found this site and i will be posting pics up soon,question is it okay to trim off a few leaves to get more light to my buds?my lady is 5 weeks into flowering indoors using a 150w hps,in closet.
dude you already have a thread asking this question its not cool to post in someone elses thread.

yeah like stem said make sure your ph is good,soil and water,before you do anything.I would lay off the nutes for a couple of days. during flowering you can expect some of your leaves to yellow because he plant is using energy to produce buds. but in your case there is something else wrong good luck


Active Member
Well if anybody comes back in here maybe this info will help diagnose. Its only the newest leaves and bud sites that seem to have this problem. There is yellow spotting as well. Some of the white hairs are also turning brownish. And its only 4 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
Well if anybody comes back in here maybe this info will help diagnose. Its only the newest leaves and bud sites that seem to have this problem. There is yellow spotting as well. Some of the white hairs are also turning brownish. And its only 4 weeks into flowering
"Plants suffering from S definciencies exhibit yellowing of new growth. Mix one tablespoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water until condition improves."

This is assuming that ph is okay and it's not just heat stress.