2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

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it is mandatory!! otherwise your plants will burn and the ph will be low, you need the 30 day for the igredients to dissolve and breakdown into the soil, and also the ph balances itself out during this time,
sub said
Do I need to come make it for ya.
Put in can water lightly leave the fuck alone!
Stir after 30-45 days and use
is it that hard??

im a chef at a country club and i found that if you follow a recipe and its directions, 99% of the time it comes out perfect in the end, just follow his directions and you wont have a problem.
ofcourse you can sub, i just copy and pasted ur quote from awhile back, i wouldn't want to misquote someone with the wrong information...
also sub do have a grow report thread of querkle you recommend, im gonna be running a pack towards the end of the fall, looking for as much info as i can. i didnt see one when i pulled up ur started threads on rollitup, maybe another site??
I made some of this great reciepe and have it cooking outdoors now. How long does it take for the smell to go away. I can't imagine brining this stuff into my home. Ayone have any ideas here. Thanks sub for your time and posting all the stuff you do.
as long as ur stirring every other day or so, the smell should dissapate in a week or so, should smell like nice fresh soil, i keep mine in the staging room right outside my veg room, doesnt smell any stronger than the girls on the other side (granted i have a few different skunks right now ie. lemon skunk, SLH) since i have Chocolope, G-13 HAZE, Silver Bubble, SSH, SLH, Sour Cream in the flowering room, it smells pretty HAZY... i love it!!
thanks, The blood meal and bone meal are what really stink. I do not paln on using it for a while so hopefully the dead smell will go away.
lol idk i never got a dead smell i mean when i bake my stuff in my room in my kidie pool i get a smell like no other but not a dead smell lol
and if you agitate 3 times daily and have a heating pad under the thing your mixing it in and add a gal of water that stuff composts in 2-3 weeks for me but i almsot have a ocd with it
and if you agitate 3 times daily and have a heating pad under the thing your mixing it in and add a gal of water that stuff composts in 2-3 weeks for me but i almsot have a ocd with it

where is this crap coming from

I do not use a heating pad or stir the soil daily
My soil smells like dirt and compost not rot.

If it works go for it but it seems latly people just make there own ideas up.

Sub thanks for your time, I know it's precious. Anyways you must admit that the blood meal really smells at first. I was just wondering how long it takes for that smell to go away. I assume since you said yours smells like dirt it does go away at some point. Again thank you for all you do for the community. I love your gear.
Is anybody using the powdered calmag to make up for RO water? If so where did you get it and what brand did you use?Im stuck here... Thanks guys!
Sub thanks for your time, I know it's precious. Anyways you must admit that the blood meal really smells at first. I was just wondering how long it takes for that smell to go away. I assume since you said yours smells like dirt it does go away at some point. Again thank you for all you do for the community. I love your gear.

I have never smelled blood meal. The only thing that stunk was the fish bone meal, and even that smell was gone after getting it into the containers and adding water, in my experience at least. The soil definitely does not stink now
my stuff stunk for the first couple of weeks of cooking, then it just smelled like soil, the plants love this stuff, My skeptical buddy now wants to try it.
i did i didnt say it was from you sorry if it looked implied man i just put it in there i just find when you do that it works faster if your in a budge which i was thats all and i dont understand why ppl smell rot either i smell strong strong compost and soil and mine sits in a room all day i was just saying i read in a book about composting the more you stir the faster it composts and generally if oyu can store oyur soil out in the direct sunlight and stuck to do it indoors i put a heating pad under it just to keep it warm may not help could be useless but i know stirring it more will cause stuff to compost or disolve faster just like with any solution sorry dont mean to offend sub i just hated waiting for the first batch to finish cause i needed to use the pool for the 2nd batch i was making and the stiring i know helped but could be wrong about the heating pad
sorry for the no quote to subs post mean i did come up with the idea on my own and partly from a book about gardening and compost
i just grabed the book it said when you maintain compost piles its best to stir to aerate the soil helps with the proscess. How often you stir is dependant on the size of your heap. A normal sized garden heap only requires stiring weekly. You should also moisten the soil weekly as compost needs moisture to break down. So maybe 3 times a day is over board. But like i said i have OCD and time so :D
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