my Outdoor Norcal guerilla grow 2010


Active Member
Damn man. this year isnt your luck.
the auto plants should get your mind off things. if u can put one in your backyard. dont go through the trouble of moving it. just leave it and see whats good. and plant the 2 in a totally different spot.
im also growing a it seems to be growing good so far. when did u start LST your plant? When did you top it?
I sure fucking hope man, thank you much. i topped the church at the 6th node i think(3 weeks maybe) and then LSTed it at about 5 or 6 weeks, that shit is growing so damn slow tho, i was quite dissapointed considering all the good shit i give my plants, probably should have just left the bottom growth alone instead of chopping it. lastly i topped each of the main heads once more, If i'm lucky enough i'll be able to see it turn into a nice crescent shape and actually smoke some of it. good luck with urs man!


Active Member
Alright i don't even know why the fuck i am bothering posting this anymore. No matter what I do I seem to fail every time at growing. I somehow managed to nearly kill my 3 auto seedlings, but they seemed to be okay, then i made another mistake and I'm pretty sure they're all goners. The motavation seedling is still okay, topped it and somehow clipped off a fan leaf?!(Is that even possible?) Without question i went and ordered 2 more seeds off the Attitude, a BlackBerry feminized, and a free Sour Cream feminized. The black berry looks pretty awesome, I am hoping they will just finish really late, like the beginning of December. If this is too far fetched and simply not possible please let me know. I am hoping they'll be all purple and what not considering it will be so close to winter. Also still plan to have some of the previous plants yield, that is if my friend doesn't overdose on something before then.

Lately i've been thinking a lot and have developed somewhat of a theory with growing. Most people seem to think of it in technical terms, IE how much nutrients, lighting, watering etc etc. But then there are the growers who look at it from a spiritual point in terms of how much love you are giving your plants and what sort of good vibes you may or may not bring to them as well. Simply put i'd say i am kind of a lazy stoner, don't do shit with my life right now and general just induldge too much with cannabis, cigarettes and other drugs. It's real easy to notice when you're over doing it, starts out really enjoyable blazing all the time, smoking cigarettes, and eating shitty food, but soon it just turns to shit and the depression will start to set in. Exercise is really the only way to counter-act much of these bad habits. I use to be a hardcore jogger, at least for a few months i was. I ran 5 miles almost every day for a good 4-6 months. Easily you could call it an addiction. Also I'd do about 100 pulls ups in a day, sit ups and also push ups. Needless to say i was nice and cut, but i smoked entirely too much dank, looked in the mirror way too much and pretty much just counter acted a lot of good habits with bad ones. At some point it felt like i was far more depressed doing all that shit than not doing it, which is true and for the simple fact that over doing anything at all will lead to the side effects of addiction and withdraw. Ok back to my original point, I was like 160 lbs then and now I'm about 210, I obviously quit running a while ago, but i still smoke dank and cigarettes, only now I have a Gold's Gym membership and tomorrow am hoping to cut off the cigarettes and weed for a while, and also never look at the mirror. My theory is that ultimately the positive energy i'll receive from working out and not over indulging in the drugs and cigarettes, will allow more positive energy to be given to my plants. And actually have something to show for a harvest


Well-Known Member
Alright i don't even know why the fuck i am bothering posting this anymore. No matter what I do I seem to fail every time at growing. I somehow managed to nearly kill my 3 auto seedlings, but they seemed to be okay, then i made another mistake and I'm pretty sure they're all goners. The motavation seedling is still okay, topped it and somehow clipped off a fan leaf?!(Is that even possible?) Without question i went and ordered 2 more seeds off the Attitude, a BlackBerry feminized, and a free Sour Cream feminized. The black berry looks pretty awesome, I am hoping they will just finish really late, like the beginning of December. If this is too far fetched and simply not possible please let me know. I am hoping they'll be all purple and what not considering it will be so close to winter. Also still plan to have some of the previous plants yield, that is if my friend doesn't overdose on something before then.

Lately i've been thinking a lot and have developed somewhat of a theory with growing. Most people seem to think of it in technical terms, IE how much nutrients, lighting, watering etc etc. But then there are the growers who look at it from a spiritual point in terms of how much love you are giving your plants and what sort of good vibes you may or may not bring to them as well. Simply put i'd say i am kind of a lazy stoner, don't do shit with my life right now and general just induldge too much with cannabis, cigarettes and other drugs. It's real easy to notice when you're over doing it, starts out really enjoyable blazing all the time, smoking cigarettes, and eating shitty food, but soon it just turns to shit and the depression will start to set in. Exercise is really the only way to counter-act much of these bad habits. I use to be a hardcore jogger, at least for a few months i was. I ran 5 miles almost every day for a good 4-6 months. Easily you could call it an addiction. Also I'd do about 100 pulls ups in a day, sit ups and also push ups. Needless to say i was nice and cut, but i smoked entirely too much dank, looked in the mirror way too much and pretty much just counter acted a lot of good habits with bad ones. At some point it felt like i was far more depressed doing all that shit than not doing it, which is true and for the simple fact that over doing anything at all will lead to the side effects of addiction and withdraw. Ok back to my original point, I was like 160 lbs then and now I'm about 210, I obviously quit running a while ago, but i still smoke dank and cigarettes, only now I have a Gold's Gym membership and tomorrow am hoping to cut off the cigarettes and weed for a while, and also never look at the mirror. My theory is that ultimately the positive energy i'll receive from working out and not over indulging in the drugs and cigarettes, will allow more positive energy to be given to my plants. And actually have something to show for a harvest
I approve of this, good luck to you in reaching your goals!
Walking works wonders as well
Well things haven gotten worse as usual. Looks like my brilliant idea of growing in some random ass spot failed yet again. Before yesterday there were 10 ft tall weeds protecting my plants from being seen, but apparently the people who own that part of land decided it was time to mow everything down and clean it out. Luckily they left my plants intacked and I was able to move them today. The shitty part is i had to give the plants to my friend because at the moment i had no way of moving them.

I will be lucky to get an ounce off each once now.

On a happier note I still have somewhat of a grow planned for this season. Although I gave away the 2 grand daddy clones which were doing wonderful and also the nicely LSTed church plant, I still kept the Motavation seedling which is just a couple of inches. I also received 3 seeds in the mail today. 1 Automatic AK-47 fem. and also 2 freebies 1 Haze automatic and 1 Road Runner automic. All of them should finish just fine, that is if my location is sufficient enough. I might stick one in my backyard, most likely move them to a spot hope no one will find them.
No offense but as an experienced indoor and outdoor grower you were looking at quarter pound plants at the biggest, if you were able to keep them in your spot. Be Happy for a couple free ounces of free weed.


Active Member
I wouldnt know if you were experienced or not. A quarter pound is worth $800+ if ur having trouble with your math and how much weed is worth a dealer could probably help u. I never said I would get a ton of weed or even close to a quarter pound.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
what up GC. just readin through you thread and noticed your rocklock and sharksbreath up and died on ya. same shit happened to me this past winter indoors i had them with a bunch of other strains under optimum conditions they were doin great for about 2 weeks then flat out died? wonder whats up with that all the other plants in the same room finished out great???

also noticed you said somethin about the church movin a lil slow. i grew her outdoors last season and she definately is a slackass for sure! very unstable strain too outta 5 fem beans i got 5 complety different pheno's none of wich yeilded over 4 oz's the worst was less than 1/2 oz over a whole 6 month season. they were in the same place and grown in the same manner as where i have a 7' tall 6' around lemon skunk. so dont beat yourself up aboutit, it's just kinda a poorly bread strain, hope ya get the one bomb pheno that i got last year tho, frostiest shit ive ever seen in my life and you can smoke it all day long, just too bad they arent better yeilders!

good luck with the rest of the grow, peace

btw, avatar pic is some of the church colas from last year


Active Member
what up GC. just readin through you thread and noticed your rocklock and sharksbreath up and died on ya. same shit happened to me this past winter indoors i had them with a bunch of other strains under optimum conditions they were doin great for about 2 weeks then flat out died? wonder whats up with that all the other plants in the same room finished out great???

also noticed you said somethin about the church movin a lil slow. i grew her outdoors last season and she definately is a slackass for sure! very unstable strain too outta 5 fem beans i got 5 complety different pheno's none of wich yeilded over 4 oz's the worst was less than 1/2 oz over a whole 6 month season. they were in the same place and grown in the same manner as where i have a 7' tall 6' around lemon skunk. so dont beat yourself up aboutit, it's just kinda a poorly bread strain, hope ya get the one bomb pheno that i got last year tho, frostiest shit ive ever seen in my life and you can smoke it all day long, just too bad they arent better yeilders!

good luck with the rest of the grow, peace

btw, avatar pic is some of the church colas from last year
great information man. My rock lock and sharksbreath I think died from the heat, but sounds like yours died for no reason, that is some wack shit. I have a garden going this year in front of my house with a bunch of tomato plants and 2 of em for no reason just started turning yellow as shit, lost probably 70 percent of its growth and they're grown in good homemade compost, still has a couple dozen tomatoes, I am guessing tho its some kind of disease, perhaps spread because of some compost tea that wasn't fully decomposed. As for the chronic, the church is doin a lot better from what I am told, but I'd guess that's just a strain made by the company for experimenting and what not. Good luck too you to bro! this is my own personal plant growing, trying keeping it as stealth as possible Haha august 6 transplant 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
thats pretty clever :-) does that work? lol
same idea as the topsyturvy for tomatoes

its pretty legit from the research I've done for it, it seems to LST the marijuana plants so the tops reach over the sides of the upside-down planter pot so it grows towards the sun. Apparently, cannabis slow to grow in those at first because the plant doesn't reach full sunlight until it grows big enough to peek out over the side


Active Member
True true ^^. Here's a picture of the long lost GDP, GDP 2 - Sept 3.jpg. Attempted to supercrop the topsy turvey plant and broke it (as usual). the 2 heads have grown back somewhat thoughtopsy motavation.jpg

