my first grow-day 14 veg Pics- BLACKBERRY, G-13, CASEY JONES


Active Member
This is my first grow and I have 19 females, and am using 2x1000 watt HPS lights with Fox Farm "Ocean Breeze" soil, Fox Farm "Grow Big" nutes & Fish Imulsion. I have them under 24 hour light and once they reach 2 feet they are going to 12/12 for flowering. Since this is my first grow i did my research and used this site to look at problems & issues others were having before jumping right in, but i feel so far everything is going good. PLEASE give any feedback , good or bad as this will only help me improve in my future grows... thanks for all the help & those who helped out so far. so, these pics are from day 14 and had them since they were clones. I have 19 in all with 3 different flavors, Blackberry, G-13 & Casey Jones. ENJOY


Active Member
Which are which? My Blackberry was the size of your plants at two weeks... maybe smaller. But my Blackberry took off in Flower and got huge! I had to tie it down. It produced some nice big buds. Over 2 ounces wet and it was my first grow.

My avatar is my one and only Blackberry. I may have some Blackberry/White Widow seeds...


Active Member
good eye bud, i know, the temps are good for 80% of the day. I live about 1 mile from the beach and i get a nice breeze here in southern ca. all day in my house. I am legal so i dont worry about neighbors, and i have a secure home. My room door is open all day long, with 2 fans, and it doesnt get over 80 degrees EXCEPT for 2 hours per day,.There are ab out 2 hours during the day where i have to keep the door shut, this is when my 2 girls come home (ages 4,6,) and i cook dinner, read them a book and lay them down to bed. So, during that time i have to shut the door, and that is when they seem to NOT be happy. I water them every 3 days until a little water comes out the bottom. Keep in mind that i just adjusted the light too and they are now 15 inches from the plants, took this pic about an hour after lowering the light. thanks for the feedback, PLEASE LET me know what i can do to get them looking better.. thank you again. regards, Rookie greenthumb.

For 2 weeks they are doing okay.They could look better.Are your temps okay?Are they being watered regularly.


Active Member
the blackberry are the larger plants, the g-13 is the lighter green plants with 3 leaves. that is great to hear about your blackberries, great job my man.... do my babies look healthy, what can i do to get them looking tits? I need to get a thermometer in there, but for the most part its never above 80 degrees.

Which are which? My Blackberry was the size of your plants at two weeks... maybe smaller. But my Blackberry took off in Flower and got huge! I had to tie it down. It produced some nice big buds. Over 2 ounces wet and it was my first grow.

My avatar is my one and only Blackberry. I may have some Blackberry/White Widow seeds...


Active Member
sorry, i water th em on mondays & thursdays, twice per week.

good eye bud, i know, the temps are good for 80% of the day. I live about 1 mile from the beach and i get a nice breeze here in southern ca. all day in my house. I am legal so i dont worry about neighbors, and i have a secure home. My room door is open all day long, with 2 fans, and it doesnt get over 80 degrees EXCEPT for 2 hours per day,.There are ab out 2 hours during the day where i have to keep the door shut, this is when my 2 girls come home (ages 4,6,) and i cook dinner, read them a book and lay them down to bed. So, during that time i have to shut the door, and that is when they seem to NOT be happy. I water them every 3 days until a little water comes out the bottom. Keep in mind that i just adjusted the light too and they are now 15 inches from the plants, took this pic about an hour after lowering the light. thanks for the feedback, PLEASE LET me know what i can do to get them looking better.. thank you again. regards, Rookie greenthumb.
You might have to make it 3x a week.Since those are a/c hoods get some ducting hose and a 4 or 6 inch fan and use them reflectors.One strong fan should be enough to cool both lights.


Active Member
ok, i will go to 3 times per week on watering, I know what you mean about the vents, and duct, and have know exactly how to do it. The thing is it is VERY cool in there, get down to 65 degrees at night, and 70-75 during the day, so i was told that its plenty cool in there. I can do the vents, but dont think that is the issue, unless you are positive it is. I guess i will just have to eliminate that possibility and do the vents, just was trying to avoid that.

You might have to make it 3x a week.Since those are a/c hoods get some ducting hose and a 4 or 6 inch fan and use them reflectors.One strong fan should be enough to cool both lights.
Im not sure but i know heat will not be a problem if its air cooled.It could be lack of watering just make sure the soil does not fully dry out before you water again.


Active Member
soil drying out was an issue, the soil was drying out for sure between water days. It would be dry about 2-3 inches down. I will add 1 more day to water. If i water on Mondays & thursdays, which day should i add?


Active Member
You're using "Ocean Forest" (not Breeze. lol). It has a good amount of pertlite so that helps with too much water. My point being... People don't drink on a schedule. They drink when they are thirsty. Watch your plants and water them when they are thirsty and not by a schedule. A little over watering is better than not enough. I look at my plants at least three times a day. I have at least three times during the day to decide if they need some water. Then when I water, I only give enough till I see a little come out of the bottom. Don't soak unless you are flushing. AND check you pH! This is important! Also, if you can, set up a CO2 system. I built my own. See the homemade CO2 thread. That makes a different too.
soil drying out was an issue, the soil was drying out for sure between water days. It would be dry about 2-3 inches down. I will add 1 more day to water. If i water on Mondays & thursdays, which day should i add?
saturday.Or just water when your plants need it.As they get older they will take more water.So watering will have to be more frequent.


Active Member
awesome, thank you again for your help, its appreciated. i think i will go with this, and what dawg mountain said, water when needed. thanks again. all.

saturday.Or just water when your plants need it.As they get older they will take more water.So watering will have to be more frequent.


Active Member
lol, yeah, ocean forest. cool, i will water when i think they need it. i always check PH and always have it about 6-6.5, thanks again for the help

You're using "Ocean Forest" (not Breeze. lol). It has a good amount of pertlite so that helps with too much water. My point being... People don't drink on a schedule. They drink when they are thirsty. Watch your plants and water them when they are thirsty and not by a schedule. A little over watering is better than not enough. I look at my plants at least three times a day. I have at least three times during the day to decide if they need some water. Then when I water, I only give enough till I see a little come out of the bottom. Don't soak unless you are flushing. AND check you pH! This is important! Also, if you can, set up a CO2 system. I built my own. See the homemade CO2 thread. That makes a different too.


Active Member
as far as the co2- i am going to wait until this crop is completed then get the c02 for sure! Great thread on co2 as well, thanks again.