First Closet Grow - (pics) - Suggestions Welcome!


Active Member
My plants are about 5 weeks old. I don't remember exactly when I planted them because I planted them outside just for shits and giggles. Then I transplanted.

Lights: 18" 5000K 15W Fluorescent Tube, another 18" 15W Fluorescent Tube (Color Temp. Unknown) and a 26W 6500K CFL.

Soil: Regular cheap potting soil.

Ventilation: Box fan and fabric freshener sheets for odor.

Watering: Tap water. I just put as much as I think it needs.

Nutrients: None. I dont really know what to get.

I have another 14W 2700k CFL, and another 18" 2700K Fluorescent Tube for flowering.

So what do you think so far? Does it seem like I'm doing alright? I know smell will become an issue as time goes by, but I don't know what to do. I have carbon for a fish tank or something if that helps.

I Love Indica

Active Member
If they are 5 weeks I think you can start with some sort of nutes like fish emulsion mixed in the water because they need the nitrogen...I think that's why they may have the little yellow spots. check out the plant doc forum just to make sure, better safe than sorry. Plus if something goes wrong you will pick up on it quick because they tell you what to keep an eye out for. I'm on my first closet grow myself. (ps. could also be the chlorine etc...from the tap) I'm about to collect some rain water from Hurricane Earl and I will use that instead of bottled water.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far, however If you can swing it, I would invest in all cfl lights. Those 18" lights aren't helping too much anymore, and your plants already need much more light than what you are giving them. Personally I would use 4-6 6500k cfls for the 3 plants you have. Four right now and as they get even bigger add 2 more. You WILL need a carbon filter of some sort. Check out the forums on here, there are plenty of DIY carbon scrubber how to's. Good luck


Active Member
i am a newb at this but can you grow from start to finish with just cfl's? from start to finish i mean seed to bud....


Active Member
i am a newb at this but can you grow from start to finish with just cfl's? from start to finish i mean seed to bud....
Yeah, you can. The yield may not be as big as hps or something. But you just need to switch the color temp to 2700K during flowering.
DSCF3063.jpgDSCF3067.jpgDSCF3065.jpgDSCF3062.jpgDSCF3068.jpgDSCF3061.jpgDSCF3060.jpglooks good dude my plants are under 8 24w cfl lights i only have 2 they are in a 2x2 by 5' high box split by a shelf....i have a 50 cfm exaust fan and another fan circulating the air.....i think i had my plants to close to the light because they seemed to get some kind of burn and i havent been feeding them so either i have a nitro diff or i burnt some leaves with the lights i dunno maybe just not enough space with all them lights ..? also the temp in the box wont stay below 80 even with the two fans so....if i were you and going to add more lights just be carefull to have enough space for air to flow ....