No more bud wtf

So i don't know wats going on iv tried every thing to get this plant to bud MORE mayb i just gotta wait i dunno. But there's buds on the top of the plant and on the branches little nuthing big very hairy tho its very spaced out for how tall she is. Its a Northern light hybrid and i dont know wat else i can do. iv gave it nutes took away nutes gave it more light flushed the soil i feel like i failed at growing it is my frist flowering season i never got this far somthing always got fucked! Its outside and it has been a little cold out lately like high 50s low 60s and very windy. but that was just this week.
there has not been any new bud sites for 2 week
please help .....

thanks alot :)


Well-Known Member
Are thise daytime temps? If so, there you go. Any temp below 62 will severely impact your plants performance...temps in the 50's will completely shut a plant down and will eventually kill the plant off.

I see you are in Canada, but without some sort of latitude reference it's not really possible to tell you when your plants harvest window should be, but down south in the USA where I live, we usually are looking to take our outdoor plants in the next 3-5 weeks, strain may have missed your window this year.
day time high can be in 70s 80s its still hot and summer out i live in the most southern part of Canada near Detroit. at night its getting really cool and fall like out. im going to go take pics of the plant to show it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds alot like temp stress, probably exacerbated by a nutrient will help, but temps in the 50's are doing you no favors. Perhaps, if possible, you could bring it inside and keep it warm overnight.


Active Member
Best to start indoors for first time. Growing outdoors is really difficult but your end result will be well worth it. A plant can easily produce a pound under the sun however it's harder to take care of.
IMG_8727.jpgIMG_8731.jpgIMG_8723.jpgIMG_8730.jpgIMG_8729.jpgI had them inside for a month and had to put them out side all the buds look like this i did my best to take pics all the trees around are gone so i had to duck in the cat tails aha!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a plant that's running out of time. Evidently you timed the move outdoors wrong, or more likely had no choice from the way it sounds, and it didn't get enough of the right light before you ran out of time. I did a little checking online and found a couple guys up in Windsor, that should be reasonably close to you, claim havest dates of around sept 20-25, so you got a couple more weeks before then, but temps must be watched.
i put it out in early July and it was in my house from June 3rd when i planted it. It was about 2 feet tall when i put her out.


Well-Known Member
okay wat should i do till? i wana speed things up you know
There's nothing you can really do. The plants look healthy, they're just running out of time. What they really need is about six weeks or so of agreeable weather, but I suspect that won't happen.


Well-Known Member
That's good, but temps dropping into the fifties at night are going to shut the plant down and will kill it off in a matter of a couple weeks. Northern latitudes are rotten for growing long flowering sativas, as LAX correctly noted, this plant looks very sativa. Hope for the best, but looks like you're learning a cruel lesson of outdoor growing...mother nature will screw you with your pants on...and she'll do it just for laughs.


Active Member
So i don't know wats going on iv tried every thing to get this plant to bud MORE mayb i just gotta wait i dunno. But there's buds on the top of the plant and on the branches little nuthing big very hairy tho its very spaced out for how tall she is. Its a Northern light hybrid and i dont know wat else i can do. iv gave it nutes took away nutes gave it more light flushed the soil i feel like i failed at growing it is my frist flowering season i never got this far somthing always got fucked! Its outside and it has been a little cold out lately like high 50s low 60s and very windy. but that was just this week.
there has not been any new bud sites for 2 week
please help .....

thanks alot :)
move it inside quik and use cfl's 12-12---temps way to low if it was in the 50's and 60's