Whats wrong with this picture?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
LOL.....you beat me to it. But seriously is there any ventilation in there? fans? Is this a new room you built?

Nope not a new room (but did just rework it), Believe me there are no heat or ventilation issues, spent the last 5 months working those issues out. Seriously what is wrong with the original pic?


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with this picture?

I think you lost your pipe :)

I like your Hat though lol


Well-Known Member
OK thats your opinion and thats fine but i suggest asking other users if its reqd or not.

(good luck).
Of course it's not required. If you are using CO2 in a sealed room that's kind of the point. You don't want to just exhaust all of your CO2. A proper sealed grow usually requires A/C to control temps and CO2. There is no need to bring fresh air in as long as you are controlling your temps and using CO2. A proper CO2 monitor is a good idea so you can precisely control your own air quality.;-)

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
It needs more work. Painting/cleaning/more lighting and more sterile and clean. It just looks half done and needs sealed for prevention of bugs.
8 - 2' T5 HO 6400k is not enough? What would you suggest.

Not even going to address the other issues but if I deside to fab micro chips in there we will revisit.