cigs taste and smell gross. all they do is give you that burn in your lungs, which weed does also (but in a way less harsh way). your hands will smell you smell. the only excuse is if weed didnt exist. to quit, switch to rollys like even get 50 quality rolling papers for your joints. they take an extra second to roll so you dont pull them impulsively out the pack and its closer to joint form, so you will lose that "have to have something in your hand" part of the addiction. just look at the parts of a cig and nix them one by one. with rollys, first your not pulling them out the pack so you smoke a few less, then your not hooked on having a filter in your fingers, then realize they smell and taste terrible, and you can smoke weed so youll get the feeling of smoke in your lungs. i always said, substitution is the solution. nicoteen is used as insect repelant its not a classy buzz its like not getting high on bug spray. for me i can smoke weed all day and never have a problem. add a few cigs into the mix and soon my lungs start to notice.