Had to do an emergency chop- I hope this doesnt taste like shit...


Well-Known Member
To the OP--you should be fine, just imagine that you're picking a tomato the day after applying fertilizer. No problem, no difference.

Can one of you doom and gloomers that insists on flushing, please explain what it is that you think is collecting in the bud? Plants don't uptake 'fertilizer'. They uptake nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, etc.. There's no mystical event taking place that that transports a clump of fertilizer through the roots, up the stem, and out into the leaf or bud sites. Think of your own body...when you eat peanut butter, do little globs of peanut butter collect in your fingertips? No, you digest the peanut butter, and your digestive tract (greatly simplifying the process here) absorbs the sugars, amino acids, and fats that your body can then use for whatever it needs.

The idea (meme) of flushing makes tremendous sense, but only if you don't understand what's going on biologically. I think that's how many of these Old Wive's Tales are propogated.

Now, I'm new to growing these plants, so if someone has some actual evidence that there's something going on in the life cycle of this plant that is different from every other plant, I'm open to learning more about this exception. But I suspect the marijuana plant grows just like the other millions of plant species on Earth.
the difference is...you smoke this plant...when with most others you eat it.smoking some of the trace elements are really bad for your lungs...look at most ferts...did you know arsenic is one of its trace elements...what about silver and copper...things i dont want to smoke.and if these items are not removed from the medium before its smoked...or it has a bad cure..it will taste and smoke harsh...which is what most people would want to avoid.if these trace elements are in the ferts..that are put into the water..you water the plants..the plants obsorb the ferts into their roots...then moves the water through the stems and the leaves..taking all these ferts with it......but reguardless...you can take any shitty badly cured weed and make it decent.the purpose of this thread was asking if his weed would taste like shit after chopping early...if he cures it the right way whether or not it was flushed means nothing


Active Member
the difference is...you smoke this plant...when with most others you eat it.smoking some of the trace elements are really bad for your lungs...look at most ferts...did you know arsenic is one of its trace elements...what about silver and copper...things i dont want to smoke.and if these items are not removed from the medium before its smoked...or it has a bad cure..it will taste and smoke harsh...which is what most people would want to avoid.if these trace elements are in the ferts..that are put into the water..you water the plants..the plants obsorb the ferts into their roots...then moves the water through the stems and the leaves..taking all these ferts with it......but reguardless...you can take any shitty badly cured weed and make it decent.the purpose of this thread was asking if his weed would taste like shit after chopping early...if he cures it the right way whether or not it was flushed means nothing
Arsenic is a trace element in many soil and water sources, you eat arsenic every day, it's not good for you, that's why the FDA has guidelines for exposure. We both agree that arsenic is bad. But where you lose me is where you then make the leap that arsenic in a few grams of bud that you smoke is somehow much more hazardous than the arsenic in several pounds of food and water that you completely digest everyday.
Look, I'm not here to start an argument, but Spanish Fly was right about this being, in all likelihood, an old wive's tale. There's no proof or logical basis for it, it's just one of those things that makes common sense until you approach it with critical thinking--then the whole thing collapses. And I know the question won't be settled here because the idea is so ingrained in generations of growers. But as appealing as it sounds, the science of flushing just doesn't make sense.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
well heres the thing, its for me and my patients, and i actually care. if it indeed is harmful for us then i will change my ways. ill be doing more research tonight on the subject. i can say this, there is no noticeable difference for the smoker between flushed or unflushed. unless i and my patients and friends all have some fucked up taste pallets or something.
for shure bro research is the best way this forum is shit for real quality medicinal ways ya dig ++rep

whats ittoyabub

New Member
to the op--you should be fine, just imagine that you're picking a tomato the day after applying fertilizer. No problem, no difference.

Can one of you doom and gloomers that insists on flushing, please explain what it is that you think is collecting in the bud? Plants don't uptake 'fertilizer'. They uptake nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, etc.. There's no mystical event taking place that that transports a clump of fertilizer through the roots, up the stem, and out into the leaf or bud sites. Think of your own body...when you eat peanut butter, do little globs of peanut butter collect in your fingertips? No, you digest the peanut butter, and your digestive tract (greatly simplifying the process here) absorbs the sugars, amino acids, and fats that your body can then use for whatever it needs.

The idea (meme) of flushing makes tremendous sense, but only if you don't understand what's going on biologically. I think that's how many of these old wive's tales are propogated.

Now, i'm new to growing these plants, so if someone has some actual evidence that there's something going on in the life cycle of this plant that is different from every other plant, i'm open to learning more about this exception. But i suspect the marijuana plant grows just like the other millions of plant species on earth.
your new that says it all bro shut up

whats ittoyabub

New Member
Arsenic is a trace element in many soil and water sources, you eat arsenic every day, it's not good for you, that's why the FDA has guidelines for exposure. We both agree that arsenic is bad. But where you lose me is where you then make the leap that arsenic in a few grams of bud that you smoke is somehow much more hazardous than the arsenic in several pounds of food and water that you completely digest everyday.
Look, I'm not here to start an argument, but Spanish Fly was right about this being, in all likelihood, an old wive's tale. There's no proof or logical basis for it, it's just one of those things that makes common sense until you approach it with critical thinking--then the whole thing collapses. And I know the question won't be settled here because the idea is so ingrained in generations of growers. But as appealing as it sounds, the science of flushing just doesn't make sense.
when you eat garlic, your sweat smell like it its called pores son, anything the roots touch goes into the plant, not to mention foilar feeding genius, you really think that the 3 elements needed are the only things in the toxic chems called nutes you feed plants you moron. get a clue b4 leaving your opinion, you might kill someone with your Newby BS. while there are "organic" nutes take the time to read there label does it say go digest some of this shit moron. just GET THE FUCK OUT BRO!


Well-Known Member
To the OP--you should be fine, just imagine that you're picking a tomato the day after applying fertilizer. No problem, no difference.

Can one of you doom and gloomers that insists on flushing, please explain what it is that you think is collecting in the bud? Plants don't uptake 'fertilizer'. They uptake nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, etc.. There's no mystical event taking place that that transports a clump of fertilizer through the roots, up the stem, and out into the leaf or bud sites. Think of your own body...when you eat peanut butter, do little globs of peanut butter collect in your fingertips? No, you digest the peanut butter, and your digestive tract (greatly simplifying the process here) absorbs the sugars, amino acids, and fats that your body can then use for whatever it needs.

The idea (meme) of flushing makes tremendous sense, but only if you don't understand what's going on biologically. I think that's how many of these Old Wive's Tales are propogated.

Now, I'm new to growing these plants, so if someone has some actual evidence that there's something going on in the life cycle of this plant that is different from every other plant, I'm open to learning more about this exception. But I suspect the marijuana plant grows just like the other millions of plant species on Earth.
well said and its what i wanted to say but just like wickedpagan said im not very smart and i couldnt articulate my thoughts well enough to spit it out. thanks for that.

wickedpagan, thanks for the water cure suggestion, ill consider it. and thanks also for pointing out my grammar mistake


Well-Known Member
I have seen/smoked weed that wasn't properly flushed and it is not the most pleasant smoke. It sparkled and you could taste the fertilizer and it burned into a black soot instead of a solid gray ash. It's definitely not an old wives tale.

So why don´t tomato growers flush - I certainly can´t taste fertiliser when I eat tomatoes. Just make sure you dry and cure it well for a sweet smoke. Sounds to me as if you were smoking wet weed.


Well-Known Member
when you eat garlic, your sweat smell like it its called pores son, anything the roots touch goes into the plant, not to mention foilar feeding genius, you really think that the 3 elements needed are the only things in the toxic chems called nutes you feed plants you moron. get a clue b4 leaving your opinion, you might kill someone with your Newby BS. while there are "organic" nutes take the time to read there label does it say go digest some of this shit moron. just GET THE FUCK OUT BRO!
i see what you mean but listen for just a sec. so the 'nutes' store up in the buds and when you flush then does it actually go into the buds and wash them out? how exactly does it work? because in my mind im seeing it different than you are. i would like to come to a concensus.


Well-Known Member
Arsenic is a trace element in many soil and water sources, you eat arsenic every day, it's not good for you, that's why the FDA has guidelines for exposure. We both agree that arsenic is bad. But where you lose me is where you then make the leap that arsenic in a few grams of bud that you smoke is somehow much more hazardous than the arsenic in several pounds of food and water that you completely digest everyday.
Look, I'm not here to start an argument, but Spanish Fly was right about this being, in all likelihood, an old wive's tale. There's no proof or logical basis for it, it's just one of those things that makes common sense until you approach it with critical thinking--then the whole thing collapses. And I know the question won't be settled here because the idea is so ingrained in generations of growers. But as appealing as it sounds, the science of flushing just doesn't make sense.
you keep saying eat eat eat....most of us are not eating..we are smoking it...this is a MJ forum..not a forum on tomatoes.ask any real mj grower...they flush their plants.its proven that not flushing it can leave salts
and other toxins in the plant that i dont want to smoke.like you said..your new to growing mj..and new to the site...take a look around..you will find more that flush then dont...and your buddy the fda as no regulations as it comes to the ppm of arsenic allowed in MJ since its an illegal plant to begin with.if you want shit to end up in your lungs..by all means stick to your guns

whats ittoyabub

New Member

So why don´t tomato growers flush - I certainly can´t taste fertiliser when I eat tomatoes. Just make sure you dry and cure it well for a sweet smoke. Sounds to me as if you were smoking wet weed.
Moron, do you grow tomatoes under 1000w and hit them with 4-5 nutes every 3-5 days, and the most fucking important part you EAT tomatoes not smoke them you dont activate harmful smokes and chemical reactions, your about as smart as the french bro. theres no comparison to a fruit you eat and a flower you smoke get a brain


Well-Known Member
Moron, do you grow tomatoes under 1000w and hit them with 4-5 nutes every 3-5 days, and the most fucking important part you EAT tomatoes not smoke them you dont activate harmful smokes and chemical reactions, your about as smart as the french bro. theres no comparison to a fruit you eat and a flower you smoke get a brain
do you need to be so rude about it?

whats ittoyabub

New Member
i see what you mean but listen for just a sec. so the 'nutes' store up in the buds and when you flush then does it actually go into the buds and wash them out? how exactly does it work? because in my mind im seeing it different than you are. i would like to come to a concensus.
im thinking you want to have no nute in your "Blood system of the plant" cause YES the nutes go into the flowers! does your blood go into your toes when you drink or does it magically go somewhere else???? not being overly assholish but ya gota use some common sense. go break a small bud off and taste the water at the break, OH SHIT ITS NUTES!!! IN THE BUDS!!!!!!! When you flush you do that same tactic and its clean fresh water ya dig


Active Member
i see what you mean but listen for just a sec. so the 'nutes' store up in the buds and when you flush then does it actually go into the buds and wash them out? how exactly does it work? because in my mind im seeing it different than you are. i would like to come to a concensus.
The nitrogen, potassium, etc are stored in the plant's leaves and other structures, after being taken up from the soil by the roots... Flushing the soil leaches the remaining ferts out, so that the plant is forced to use up its stores... Thereby reducing the amount of these nutrients remaining in the plant structures, thereby making for smoother, tastier, better-burning finished product after the dry/cure.. :)


Well-Known Member
im thinking you want to have no nute in your "Blood system of the plant" cause YES the nutes go into the flowers! does your blood go into your toes when you drink or does it magically go somewhere else???? not being overly assholish but ya gota use some common sense. go break a small bud off and taste the water at the break, OH SHIT ITS NUTES!!! IN THE BUDS!!!!!!! When you flush you do that same tactic and its clean fresh water ya dig
does this actually happen? i will certainly try that one out.

no i gave u +rep for ur patients tho buddy


Well-Known Member
The nitrogen, potassium, etc are stored in the plant's leaves and other structures, after being taken up from the soil by the roots... Flushing the soil leaches the remaining ferts out, so that the plant is forced to use up its stores... Thereby reducing the amount of these nutrients remaining in the plant structures, thereby making for smoother, tastier, better-burning finished product after the dry/cure.. :)
heres where im confused....

so the soil gets watered/nuted. the roots carry it to the plants stems and then leaves and then the buds.

now when you stop giving nutes/flush, what happens to the nutes that are in the buds already?