when the last drops of oil are gone, what will we be left with?

what options will remian when there is little or no fuel left to drive on crumbling roads and cronic food shortages are rampant?
the answer is surprisingly simple: we stay at home and tend to our gardens.
we get to know are neighbors . in short we practice the golden rule "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" it's paraphrased in every major religion for a reason.
and we urgently need to rediscovery it.
remember no man or woman is an island.so dont just look out for yourself.look out for your neighbors and you will find that you wont just survive but you"ll thrive

2030 is estimated but were at peak oil now so that 2030 date is lowering by the day as the millions of barrels per day are not even enough for america alone which is alarming

my main aim here is to get people to grow friut and veg not just cannabis


Active Member
We could easily use other technologies for means of transportations.. the electrical engine that beats a V8 has long been invented..
Problem is money is involved..
where you getting your electricity from to power this car you speak about no more electricity means life has we no it is over we have to go back to when man was hunter


Active Member
where you getting your electricity from to power this car you speak about no more electricity means life has we no it is over we have to go back to when man was hunter
??? i dont understand your comment? why wil there be no electricity if we run out of oil? i think your getting a bit carried away with yourself. just have a spliff an chillout man no need getting worked up over nothing. if worst comes to worst use a bike lol :bigjoint:


Undercover Mod
We still have one of the biggest coal reserves in the world with which to produce electricity.


Well-Known Member
Most electricity is produced from fossil fuels like oil and natural gas, coal is being phased out due to produceing too much pollution.
im chilled wiv a big spliff just laughing at how dumb you are oil generates every thing we do how we get are food ,how we get about from place to place no oil means nothing' just you wiv no job, no food, no money, no electricity, no gas, no car, no nice clothes the shock will be BIG for most if not everyone


Well-Known Member

You might try reading sometime - many coal fired plants are being converted to natural gas or being decommissioned.
Every coal fired plant in my state has been, or is being converted to natural gas.


Undercover Mod
I'm sure we will have shit figured out before we have to worry about the oil drying up. Like you said we have 20 years before production even starts to slow down.


Well-Known Member
I really dont think that we will ever be without oil. Because as it get more scarce, the oil becomes more expensive to process, and as it becomes more expensive people will start to demand newer technologies that don't rely on oil and it will cease to be an issue.

Once the really easy to clean cheap oil depletes things will really start to change to the 'green' technologies.


Well-Known Member

Again ... try reading sometime - your cute little chart is "historical energy consumption" ending ten years ago.


Active Member
for fuck sake ive just wrote out a massive paragraph explainning my views etc but RUI asked me to resign in when i clicked post and it erased eveything i wrote :( so i can not be bothered to write it out again im very annoyed about that i put some good points across FUCK SAKE lol

ps i am not dumb just because i dont agree with what you say :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Coal currently produces 20 percent of the energy used in the U.S. it is not being phased out lol
I know wikipedia isn't the best source but I personally checked 4 or 5 other sites which all had numbers ranging from the low 40's to around 60%. It's a wide number but this source shows we currently get about 44.9% of our electricity from coal (as of 2009). Coal is definitely not being phased out because a lot of coal plants are incorporating clean coal technology. Many of them use large scrubber units which use a limestone slurry to capture most of the sulfides, sulfates and the like, as well as many of the other harmful compounds which come from the combustion of coal. One of the byproducts of this process is gypsum which the power companies are selling for the manufacture of drywall and other things (and making a nice profit I might add). They are even figuring ways out to capture a big chunk of the CO2 which is generated. Unfortunately, coal is an abundant resource for the time being but it WILL run out eventually and then we will need to move on to other methods for generating our electricity.:peace:



Active Member
Dont think he said anything about losing electricity.. Just oil. But also, why is oil even in the earth? does it have a purpose that we dont quite understand?
where you getting your electricity from to power this car you speak about no more electricity means life has we no it is over we have to go back to when man was hunter