How and how long can I store polen ?


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I've got a male which is giving pollen already, It's isolated of course and I already used a bit of the pollen to pollinate a couple of branches in females I've got (I can already see result, so exited!! :grin:). Now I'd like to store some of that pollen so I can use it to pollinate some of the girls I'll get in the next grow.

I've read that u can store it in the fridge or freezer and you can do it for 1 to 3 months but the information is everything but clear.

Could anybody help me with this or give/confirm some information ?

Actually I got some polen, put it on a small bag, try to get rid of all the air and put it on the fridge.

Thanks :smile:


Well-Known Member
hey there lince, what strains did you cross? can store pollen for 3 months but it needs to be dry and in something air tight. if it gets wet its no good.


Well-Known Member
Well I've used one of this hermetic bags so hopefully it will be alright.

The cross started last year actually coz I'm using seeds I got back then. The seeds are Durban Poison x Unknown (lets call it DPU#1). The Unknown could actually be durban poison as well (the same plant) coz I've got some hermaphrodite and I've got only 4 male out of 16 seeds which makes me think that at least some of the seeds could be feminized (maybe the polen came from the same plant?), anyway just a thought coz the fact that they are growing like indicas (being DP 100% sativa) makes me think that the polen came from some other plant. None of them is growing like their mam. So just unknown :)

This are the cross I made, first time crossing so just wanted to get seeds from every strain I've got hehe :mrgreen:

DPU #1 x DPU #1 (used one male and couple of females)
DPU #1 x purple #1 (purple #1 is feminized)
DPU #1 x passion #1 (passion#1 is feminized)

What I was wondering is if breeding feminized seeds will make ir more likely to produce hermaphrodite seeds, do you know if this is true ?

Maybe it will also be more likely to produce feminized seeds ?


Well-Known Member
you can only get feminzed seeds if you use hermie pollen...did you use the DPU#1 MALE to cross with the purple#1 and passion#1???... also do you still have the DP mama?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I used the DPU#1 male to cross purple#1 and passion#1 (both of this from feminized seeds).

No, I do not have the DP mam. So no back-crossing possible (if that's why you were asking).

you can only get feminzed seeds if you use hermie pollen...
I understand that but if I pollinate an already feminized plant, wouldn't this create a huge probability of getting hermie plants (or female plants with male flowers) ? I'm asking because this is what happened to me with one of the females DPU#1, it grew 2-3 male flowers (by flowers I mean balls).

Thanks for the help MeanG :)


Well-Known Member
i think that you will get a higher probability of hermies if you used a feminized plants as a mother IMO...yeah thats why i was asking about the the grow bible or the cannabis breeders bible ( cant remeber) but it has some info on makeing feminized seeds with a "TRUE FEMALE"

something like 1 in 1000 of females are "TRUE FEMALE" ..dont know how many breeders use this to make feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
That thing about the true female sounds good but if I grew 1000 plants I'd need to find another place to sleep coz my house would have no space left hehehe Also don't want to strees all my females to see if any of them doesn't become hermie and neither would like to use chemicals to get feminized seeds :)

I may give it a chance and grow some of the female/hermie seeds I'll get to see what happends with them. It's true that I got a plant with male flowers but also true that it was 1 plant out of 16. I mean seeds I'll get from the cross of the DPU#1 female with male flowers X DPU#1 female.

I've to check the crosses I made coz I don't remember all of them :)

And if this doesn't work out as I would like it to, I'll just use regular seeds and the hermie problem is gone :)


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of pics, one thing that got my attention is the top of couple of plants that is different, I really like finding different characteristics on the my girls :)

The picture on the left shows the different top :)


And these is a picture of three of them:


Apart from that, I was expecting sativas as durban poison is 100% sativa but they are short, busy and looks like they are going to finish a little bit late as well. More or less are all the same size. Also have to say that most of them were female.

I wanted to show also my papaya x Unk. Also a seed I got from a papaya from last year. The mam was a regular seed and unknown dad, this is the result:


The plant is very small coz I grow her with little light and in a 1L horizontal pot but look at her! she's full of thricomes and today when I got the pictures she was literally sparkling under the sun (pity I can't catch the sparkles with the cam). I so love this girl :) I don't think her mam was as beautiful as she is. I've got some more seeds and can't wait to germinate them :D


Well-Known Member
nice looking girls for sure..that papaya x unk is real frosty..looks like alot of clouds in the sky what state you from?