400 Watt pineapple chunk grow

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
horribleherk those buds are really looking nice man how long you going to cure them for.
HowzerMD Thanks for stoping by Yeah the 400 Is doing great and hherk had a great yield even though it had the bad nute burn.


Active Member
Nice looking plants man...

Lol, i happened to notice some similarities between you and me...we both use FF's Nutes, and we both drink Ocean Spray Cran-Grape juice.

That Cran-Grape is the best damned juice.

Good luck man, hope they go well!


Well-Known Member
what burnt them was a hot-shot no pest strip i used to control spider mites then i mis-diagnosed & treated for nute burn when all along the strip was causing even more damage well a hard lesson learned i still use the strip but only leave in room 24 hrs & remove it now i plan on curing a few weeks in glass jars ive been drying under air conditioner & keeping temps low seems to really improve flavor every grow is a learning experience my pineapple chunk grow is done & ive started posting my slh grow but if its cool with you guys i would like to keep checking in on your progress

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants man...

Lol, i happened to notice some similarities between you and me...we both use FF's Nutes, and we both drink Ocean Spray Cran-Grape juice.

That Cran-Grape is the best damned juice.

Good luck man, hope they go well!
It really is man!!:lol:


Active Member
Holy shit these are looking nice serious! I remember you giving me the rep and seeing the babies but my have they grown !
I will surely follow along and watch the outcome =D Take a peak at my journal if you got some spare time

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by newbgrower, They really are coming along nice will post update tomorrow if I get off work before my lights go out.
and by the way that lockstock you got going there is really going great and looking GOOD.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone this is day 32 of my pineapple chunk grow and also the 5th day of flowering. All three of the lovely little plants have started to show pistils and are growing bigger by the day. Added 3 42 watt cfls for some side lighting.
And they are Looking awesome!!!!! Kinda hard to get good pics with the light on.
Let me know what YOU think.:bigjoint:


Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Ps. have to quit smoking so I can be Clean by the First of next month for work,:(
They gave us a warning.They really do not have a problem with pot smokers but we have been having a problem with other drugs around there lately and a lot of stuff has been going wrong and getting broken lately and what broke the horses back was this guy flipped out on location or not really flipped out but he had no idea what was going on around him weird was like he just lost his brain he got out of his truck was sort of stumbling around and started throwing up blood... He uses meth, he says its ice and it is Cleaner and safer but don't know about that seeing how he acted have not talked to him since then but the owners are mad because of loss of business due to this and that is why they have set up the drug test.:cry: but after that date it will not be to long till the good smoke


Well-Known Member
looking great man, this is when the fun part begins hell yeah
sucks about the work situation, but the first smoke you have after that's done you will get high as fuck!
it wont allow me give you rep right now, but i will when i get the chance


Well-Known Member
yeah these days ya gotta watch your ass this would be a bad time to be jobless as the economy sucks i drive trucks & have a commercial licence you got to really plan times & limit yourself to a couple of hits as it takes pot a long time to get out of your system a few idiots on the job scene can blow it for every one


Well-Known Member
hey serious it took 21 days after i turned light 12/12 for first little bud hairs to start then actual buds were a little slow to follow but once started good they move right along

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
hey serious it took 21 days after i turned light 12/12 for first little bud hairs to start then actual buds were a little slow to follow but once started good they move right along
Really mine have started to show hairs after about 5 days but very few.
Thanks for checking out the grow jebus2029.


Well-Known Member
My TNR started throwing out hairs after about 2 days, indian haze had hairs to start but is very slow to develop, and my KCxBrazil isn't giving me any signs of flowering after 4 or 5 days.

Sucks about the drug test. I just found out at my work they do random drug testing and I've been working there sine May. They have even tested the people who have been there for 10 years and are completely straight-laced. I hate working for old, narrow-minded people. They should call drug testing what it really is: Marijuana testing. Everything else is out of your system so fast that if a meth/coke head could actually give up the stuff they would pass the test no problem. Luckily stopping smoking is only hard if you have it around :) I gave it up about 1.5 months ago to detox because I was tired of wasting my money without getting high. This job is seasonal, so I should be back to it around the end of October. Right about the time my Indian Haze will be ready to harvest :)

Will you have abstained long enough to pass your test? I wish I had picked up a pissanator back before they got shut down by the government. Then again you have to get clean pee to use with it. I had a buddy fill 2 visine bottles with pee from a friend of his who was clean when he got tested for parole. He hadn't smoked in nearly 3 months but kept failing the tests. I thought I was going to be tested for health insurance so I quite a long time ago. Tested myself at home after 1.5-2 months of not smoking and failed. Might be a good idea to get a home test and see if you are clean. Also drink nothing but water, and a lot of it, until the test, and do lots of cardio. I had another friend get clean in two weeks by just drinking water and doing spin classes.

Man I write a lot. Sorry about the life story.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
I think I should be clean pretty fast I sweat so much at work it's not funny everyday and its a 7 day a week job and right now it's about 90 to 105 everyday. I must drink at least a gallon of water a day at work if not more and sweat just as much out I hope i will be clean in time only gave myself about 20 days. like I was saying they do not care about weed, not the slightest. Alot of people are saying they are not going to quit smoking for one of two reasons they do not think they are going to go through with it (about 30 people work at our yard and only 6 are drug free and they know this) or they just will not quit. At the moment work around here is pretty easy to come by last year it was real slow everything was dead no drilling, but just as soon as the new year came around BAM it was back like crazy drilling everywhere,guess thats a boom town for you. I must pass (if they do) because I plan on buying a house as soon as income tax comes in and need a job for at least a year to do so. yeah they say they do randoms here but not in the 2 years I have been here and did not take one to get job either only drug test the drivers here.


Well-Known Member
If you are sweating that much and drinking that much water you should be fine. I would still try to get clean though. Since the guy was whacked out of his mind they may crack down on it some. Do you have a supervisor you know smokes? Maybe ask him and see what the word is. Just don't put yourself in an unnecessary risk by doing so. I wouldn't worry too much though. Best of luck to you.