My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem


Active Member
0It has taken me awhile to piece this project together. Lots of planning, research and time to save the cash. I sold my drums(a double bass tama) to help finance this project. Finally I am ready to start my first grow. Even though I have my medicine cabinet done I am nervous about everything. I don't want to screw it up! I think for now I just need to keep it simple. But with all the killa info on icmag it's hard not to get caught up in all the different ways to cultivate. Thank you to everyone on here for all the great info you give! Still no matter how much I research I am scared and at the same time excited about learning to cultivate my own medicine.
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The medicine cabinet I have was made by a friend and myself. It is 5'Hx3'Wx2'D made from supplies I bought at lowes. Inside I have a 270w Enhanced Spectrum Supernova LED light from Hid Hut. I have a 4" carbon filter and fan combo(with speed controller) that exhausts at the top right side rear. I have a 6" intake hole no fan at the bottom left side front. I have a 6" to 4" reducer connected to some black pvc pipe to light proof this intake vent. I also have 2mm mylar on the walls, and a digital thermometer/hygrometer.
I ordered some auto flower seeds from the attitude seed co. Can't believe it only took a week to get them. the strains I got are 5 feminized Onyx seeds by short stuff, 3 feminized easy ryder seeds by the joint Dr. and they gave me a couple free fem seeds one dynafem haze and a dynafem roadrunner. I will start the germination process today. I'll prob germinate 2 to start, since I'm a scared lil beotch and I'm nervous about all aspects of the growing process. The pots that I have are square 10x10x9 I'm pretty sure they are 3 gallon. I can fit 5 inside my cabinet sitting side by side. I have them in a tray to catch the drainage from watering. Is that to many in there? Anyone think it will be two crowded? I have a bag of Fox Farm ocean forest soil and I also have the recipe for success kit by Technaflora. I was planning on just using the ocean forest soil, but I'm wondering if I need to add anything to the soil? Of course now I am second guessing and thinking I should have went with straight FF nutes and soil. Oh well I got this so let's try it and see. Anyone have any experience with this nutrient package? If I am growing autoflower plants and using ff ocean forest I take it I don't need to add anything for about a 3-4 weeks then start the nutes? Since these strains take 60-70 days it seems to me that I wont be adding that much of the nutes. when you take into account the time to flush and the first month in the ff soil, does'nt leave much time to fert right? When and how often should I start the grow and bloom nutes for an auto flower strain? Thanks for taking the time to check out my set up. Any info you may have for me will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
personally i jus got a massive tub and emptied a 50l bag of canna terra pro soil into it added 4 seeds and that was gd lush and green for the entire grow no nutes needed


Active Member
Well the taproots came out yesterday and placed them into soil yesterday at 4:20pm lol. Was not planned just happened. Anyone have any advice on the settings and light height for the different stages of growth? Are there any other supernova users out there? I would love to hear about your experience with this light.


Active Member
probably start off around 6-8 inches away maybe abit further if you wana play safe then move closer gradually also id just leave the lights on 24/0 or 20/4


Active Member
I emailed hid hut(purchased from) they recommended 18-24" away and blue spectrum 100% and red at 75%. Called home and asked my wife to make the changes. They recommended this for about 3-5 weeks. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
That light is crazy man. I am also on my first grow but I went low budget. You can check out my grow in my signature.

How much did that monster cost? Either way, I'm sub'd I want to watch how this works.


Active Member
lol how much did you pay for that anywany, 1w leds or higher? or if you just got a link to post to save on typing and il hava lil look myself?


Active Member
Just got home and checked on the girls. lol They needed some water the temp was 83 degrees with 40% RH. No soil break thru's. I bought the light from HIDHUT. It's the 270W enhanced spectrum supernova. I paid 1200.00 for it. Supposedly works in all growing stages with no extra light to add to it. In my current living situation I need to be stealth even though I have a medical authorization. Also my space is already hot and any extra heat an hid gives will be a big prob for me. In a couple of years I will be able to move into a grow room, so until then this is gonna have to provide me some quality medicine. More importantly time to learn to cultivate and self sustain so when I do make that move I will have some idea of what I am doing. Hopefully


Active Member
1200 damnn lol wish i had that kinda money to blow on lights, lookin forward to see how this turns out as im considering upgrading my leds sometime in the future


Active Member
I checked in on them before I left for work this morning. Still in hiding the temp inside was 77degrees with a RH of 49%.
Wish I had it to blow also like I was saying I saved some cash and then sold my drum set for a major part of the cash to finance this. I wasn't playing them and got a good offer of craigslist. No regrets here definitely loving the new hobby. All my rockstar dreams are gone also. Lol
Please do keep following I would like some quality input from anyone willing to take the time. I am a total rookie At this.


Active Member
hmm a few gd yeilds and it should pay for itself thts how id look at it make tht bitch work to buy bak your drums lol


Well-Known Member
I've done some reading on the LED forums on this site and CC and there are people out there growing some bad ass plants under the same lights you are using. I wish you the best of luck. I couldn't afford an LED setup but I think down the road once I have the money I may invest in a something similar.

I'm on my first grow also but it seems if you regularly update your journal the folks here are always willing to lead you in the right direction.

Here's to never buying smoke again :joint:


Active Member
Right on thanks for the encouragement! I plan to keep updating so I can get some feedback. Can never have to much quality info! I ll be following your grow also. Yeah it's Gonna be great having this baby pay me back in quality medicine. Look forward to the day I don't have to spend anymore cash at the dispensary! They do have quality medicine though and they really take care of me.

Heres to never buying smoke again! You sure got that right! I'll toke to that!


Active Member
Proud poppa! lol Got home from work today and took a peek. One of the Onyx has popped thru the soil. Still has part of the shell on top.P9080048.jpgP9080049.jpgP9080046.jpgP9080047.jpgsorry I dont have the best zoom on my camera. I do have a couple questions if anyone can help? Up to now I have had the light on 24/7, when do I switch to 18/6. So far one has broke the soil 2 more to go. Don't I want the light on for these other 2 when they break the soil? Do I switch it to 18/6 tonight? Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
Proud poppa! lol Got home from work today and took a peek. One of the Onyx has popped thru the soil. Still has part of the shell on top.View attachment 1144311View attachment 1144312View attachment 1144329View attachment 1144330sorry I dont have the best zoom on my camera. I do have a couple questions if anyone can help? Up to now I have had the light on 24/7, when do I switch to 18/6. So far one has broke the soil 2 more to go. Don't I want the light on for these other 2 when they break the soil? Do I switch it to 18/6 tonight? Thanks for any advice.
I stayed 24/7 for the veg stage of my grow and as far as I know they have done great. I think its just a matter of personal preference.


Active Member
with autos you can keep it on 24/0, with reg plants for maybe a couple weeks for seedlings 24/0 then either drop it down to 18/6 for veg then 12/12 flower but as i say with autos you can leave it on 24/0 you only really need to adjust it if they dont autoflower... which has been known to happen tho only to nirvana seeds from what ive heard and personal exp


Active Member
with autos you can keep it on 24/0, with reg plants for maybe a couple weeks for seedlings 24/0 then either drop it down to 18/6 for veg then 12/12 flower but as i say with autos you can leave it on 24/0 you only really need to adjust it if they dont autoflower... which has been known to happen tho only to nirvana seeds from what ive heard and personal exp
Right on man I appreciate the info! That helps! I'll keep the light on.


Active Member
I currently have the light at about 21" above and the temp has been holding steady at 79 degrees with a RH of 45%.