White dust everywhere from humidifier ?


Well-Known Member
So after running my humidifier for awhile I noticed a white dust coating the mylar in my room .Is this harmful to my plants ? WTF 10% humidity out right now need to run it but which is worse the dust or the low humidity?:peace:


Well-Known Member
is it dust or salt scales from the water? you should clean it properly. Perhaps install some kind of filter?

I have the opposite problem and am running a dehumidifier.


Well-Known Member
The question is "is it harful to plants"

It has an air intake filter and its new it does it clean or not but thats not the question.


Well-Known Member
well we can't know if it's harmful if we don't know what it is.

If it's dust then you it is harmful, as dust will contain all kinds of spores. Next thing you know you'll be dealing with powdery mildew and bud rot.

If your plants are flowering, you don't need the humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Its a very very fine dust . Its from minerals in the water probaly calcium . I just trned it back on and jumped from 10 to 41% humidity . See my dilemma ? I,m just gonna run it for now and spray them off for now . I probaly should mention u dont see it on the plants just everything else .


Well-Known Member
then I wouldn't worry about it.

besides, salts should keep mold away so it's not an entirely bad situation.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I should have mentioned I know about using distilled water but dont want to have to buy it . I,m trying to figure out a different way .


Well-Known Member
Fucked huh ? Whatever . You should read up on home distilling and you will find there are many alternatives to buying corporate made distilled water.
And maybe consider that just because you don't know , doesn't mean there isn't an answer , and save yourself from making yourself look like an ass by being rude and ignorant .

:) Fuck You ! Have a nice day ! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that in your situation, it would be more cost effective to just buy it. It's dirt cheap.


Well-Known Member
its two things SALT or MOLD @ MILDEW. stop using the humidifier its NOT needed.wipe everything down its stops light transfer from the Mylar soooooo its lost cash to and makes your produce not taste right. i am not saying you have mold but as your produce gets thicker your more at chance TO get mold @ produce rot!! more like a Dehumidifier and a fan is what you need. there is a saying i go by (simple stupid)!!


Well-Known Member
got what your saying there and i realize that .The question was is it harmful . And btw my humidity was 8 yesterday I do need a humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Yeah 41 works but here the humidity fluctuates could be 8 one day and 50 the next like yesterday it clouded up and was maintaining 48 % .

Let me explain to everyone who has answered here that I<m a minimalist / modern hippie . If i can make or build somthing to make it I will before I go and buy it (meaning anything) I do organic grows avoid buying overpriced nutes !

I am a firm believer in applying common sense and am a smartass southren whiteboy ! So forgive me for firing back any smartass comments just hate it when ppl answer your posts without thinking or missing the point of the question , this thread is a perfect example I simply asked if the white dust was from humidifier was harmful . not what it is. i know it comes from the water there are only so many chemicals/minerals that cause that .