What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?


Well-Known Member
If the following wondering souls, are lining up tabs of alegra, robitussin, tylenol, pepcid ac's, and many other acid dissolver's... then you may sit there and consume those creatures for sickness!

But, if you have a special novelty for the joys in life... and wish to humor us or possibly amaze us with the ingredients you hold truly, then I say it wth "guts" like Bill Murray... and reveal the stash that provides omnipotent and valient effort's for you!

If we can all get a contact high, it'll be deeply appreciated!

P.S- pictures of my own lovely will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned ;)
Well mine is full of crack of course!!!!

no but seriously nexium, pepsid, pepto bismo, laxative (yeah we got stomach issues here) visine, claratin, benadryl, midol (wife), zicam, afrin, aleve, ibruprofin, tylenol, Lortab 7.5, oragel, bandaids, neosporin.

Hehe thanks for walking me down your phamacuetical aisle... but I was talking strictly about illicit drugs muhahaha ;)
Hehe thanks for walking me down your phamacuetical aisle... but I was talking strictly about illicit drugs muhahaha ;)

lol, i misread your first post... i thought you had listed your actual medicine cabinet... lol now i see.

well at the time all I have is about $200 worth of rock (probably the reason im reading posts wrong lol), but that number is getting smaller and smaller... but in a week things will change lol

oh and ive got my 4" peyote in tits planter pot, but not gonna use that medicine...
ok well my list i short and ive included so prescriptions too thay are illicit because their not prescribed to me.counts right?flexeral,loratab,soma,adderall,2ci,mdai and a variety of mj:pineapple express by g-13labs its great stuff even if it was flamed for stealing the name from the movie,super lemon haze,moby dick,and kandy kushxskunk(that was my fav from the xmas give away).o yeah and it shrooming season here sooo theirs lots o that around!
ok well my list i short and ive included so prescriptions too thay are illicit because their not prescribed to me.counts right?flexeral,loratab,soma,adderall,2ci,mdai and a variety of mj:pineapple express by g-13labs its great stuff even if it was flamed for stealing the name from the movie,super lemon haze,moby dick,and kandy kushxskunk(that was my fav from the xmas give away).o yeah and it shrooming season here sooo theirs lots o that around!

Yeah, good ole painkiller prescriptions count :)

Not too shabby of a list. But there's a heap more to come!
methylone is to be added was just reading another thread suggesting the mdai bkmdma mix could be nice?i do love me some methylone too either way win/win!my cabinet goes thru cycles and mdai came in as methylone went out.still havent tried the mdai i planned on caffeine or adderall to mix with?
methylone is to be added was just reading another thread suggesting the mdai bkmdma mix could be nice?i do love me some methylone too either way win/win!my cabinet goes thru cycles and mdai came in as methylone went out.still havent tried the mdai i planned on caffeine or adderall to mix with?

I see you enjoy personally made concoctions! Heard good things too about mdai and methylone... but that's too trivial for my cabinet. I have an abundance of molly that just blows everything else away...
lucky you.i guess i dont have the determination it takes to find it.or the connections.i hate new people.only with mdai and yes sir it will be an educated decision what i decide to mix!everything in my cabinet is for personal use only very few exceptions.morally,personal use and liability.
lucky you.i guess i dont have the determination it takes to find it.or the connections.i hate new people.only with mdai and yes sir it will be an educated decision what i decide to mix!everything in my cabinet is for personal use only very few exceptions.morally,personal use and liability.

A responsible, dignified tripper I like that! I'm scientific to the motherfucking "mg" when it comes to my drugs :lol:
...well at the time all I have is about $200 worth of rock...

yeah im about to get flamed hard, but im ok with it... hel my name says it all...

wow this has been up on this forum for like 6 hrs, and no one has started talking shit about how bad it is to do crack yet...lol im amaazed. usually if smeone thinks about coke on here the pure pot heads come with torches and pitchforks.
wow this has been up on this forum for like 6 hrs, and no one has started talking shit about how bad it is to do crack yet...lol im amaazed. usually if smeone thinks about coke on here the pure pot heads come with torches and pitchforks.

No one protested because I guess they thought you were bullshittin' about those crack rocks lols... go trade that at a pawn shop :lol:
haha^^ ive only got a 20 sack and less than an ounce of assorted mushies. one ambien. is any of that even considered illicit?
No one protested because I guess they thought you were bullshittin' about those crack rocks lols...

lol, yeah your probably right. im probably one of the few crack smokers out there that talks about i so candidly. lol although i usually dont talk too much about it here because of the previously mentoned. but hell i a responsible crackhead, lol. I make good money, pay all my bills, dont steal and pawn... and still smoke it alost every day lol.