Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!

The timer wasn’t set to Auto so this is now the real Day 1 of Flowering 1 day later… They were in vegetative growth for 17 days! Maybe a few days too long!?



Here are the Skywalker runts at day 1 of flowering.


Here is the water tank wrapped in light proof insulation.. Helps the water chiller keep the water chilled and keeps tank algae free

I had to take a little trip to Vegas so we have a 6 day jump. This was day 7 of Flowering!



These are the Front bunch again


Runt 1


That HOG Flower Day 7

That KOG, Flower Day 7

This is a vacuum valve we had to add because the water wanted to siphon off slowly out of the tank after the pump turned off. Works Perfect!
They've grown very nicely bro!
Keep 'em green


Hey bro I gotta question for the NFT/Sprinkler system..
Should the drain holes be leveled to the PVC or set a little higher so there's water accumulating in the tubes before flowing off?
If so how high?

Hey bro I gotta question for the NFT/Sprinkler system..
Should the drain holes be leveled to the PVC or set a little higher so there's water accumulating in the tubes before flowing off?
If so how high?

The Grommets that are used are about 3-4 mm above Flush.. It gets that high in about a second and flows fine.. The remainder will be sucked up by the roots if you happen to use an off cycle.. They will reach the end unless you give them a few feet of end space… 24 hrs of water works fine with good aeration and 2 mins on 5 off works fine with minimal aeration.. Either way you want as much oxygen in the water as possible for best results...
I ‘ve been gone a few weeks for a trip to Burning Mann updates for this grow are coming soon!!!! (Tomorrow) ;)
The Grommets that are used are about 3-4 mm above Flush.. It gets that high in about a second and flows fine.. The remainder will be sucked up by the roots if you happen to use an off cycle.. They will reach the end unless you give them a few feet of end space… 24 hrs of water works fine with good aeration and 2 mins on 5 off works fine with minimal aeration.. Either way you want as much oxygen in the water as possible for best results...
I ‘ve been gone a few weeks for a trip to Burning Mann updates for this grow are coming soon!!!! (Tomorrow) ;)

Alright thanks bro, can't wait to see them updates.
The ladies should be nice and big now.
HAHA! Tell me about it! We had to super crop a few and bend them over to keep them far from the lights.... No burns yet so we might be good on height! My Camera is at a friends house with the newer pics so I haven’t been able to post or update... Its coming back tomorrow and I'll catch up for sure but they are looking great! We had a magnesium deficiency on two but they snapped back with a week of foliar feeding some extra Mag from Vita Grow. We gave up on Hammerhead and decided just to add Good ol mono potassium phosphate instead due to the price and hype on Advanced nuets... They are really getting lame price and marketing wise. Time to mix our own?!

The Runts look AWSOME just a little small compared to the rest of the bunch.. The HOG are huge and bushy while the KOG are little more sparse but have really nice dense buds that have a strong OG smell.. Some had to be tied up due to weight and bending issues…. I Love them all but I think we will are going with all the ones we are calling KOG this next time.. The picture updates are coming as soon as I get my camera back and can upload some pics..

Be back soon!
Ok, So a bit of catching up to do… The following pics are 9 days into flowering the day before we had to put the tomato trellis’s over the plants..


Middle HOG

This is a few of the KOGs

The KOG we have been following

Here is that same HOG again

Skywalker Runt 1

Skywalker Runt 2
This is the 10th day of flowering! We did a nice trim of many lower branches and leaves to keep the crowding minimal and get some better air flow.. Trying not to give the powdery mildew a chance! We decided to try the tomato trellis’s vs the trellis netting this time around, so we can move the pots around.

Here are a few shots of the room at different views:



Skywalker Runt 1

Skywalker Runt 2
This is day 11 of flowering. They were growing really fast at this stage so we had to super crop a few of the babys to keep them out of the light and hopefully give a few bigger buds… I did pinch the stems and bend them over… I also FNed a fw of the plants at this time also.
Super Cropped!



Top at day 11

Side View


More coming SOON!
Here is the day after the Super Crop and day 12 of flowering. They love that light!!!

OG that we are calling the KOG (B.T.W. We are not officially changing the names of the OG’s just calling them different things so we can distinguish the two OG’s.. I Love OG Kush!!!!

That same HOG again

Here are the Skywalker runts again day 12 of 12 hr…

A few day jump and this will be day 15 of flowering… Two weeks one day into flowering for those who are not too good at math! Still looking ok but this is when we started noticing a little yellowing on two of the HOG og’s… Thought it might be over watering at first but all signs are pointing to a magnesium deficiency.. Its almost time for a few foliar sprays of an Epson Salt mix…



Here is another Super Crop of a HOG.. Gotta keep them out of the lights!

Here is Skywalker runt 1 Flower day 15

Skywalker Runt 2 (Two Shots)


Both Runts:

The Front 3 Shot again!

The Hog again (Super Cropped and bent)

The KOG again:

Here is one of the HOGs that is looking a little yellow! Fix er up time!
5000 WATT, Co2 Enhanced 12 x 12 x 6’ 8 Tall room, AC, Water Chiller and Air pump for reservoir.
Veg = Sensi Grow A & B
Vita Grow Micro
Flower = Canadian SBA & SBB
Bud Blood Powder
Big Bud Powder
12 Five Gallon Net pots
Hydroton or Landscape rocks for extra Drainage and to keep the medium in the pots
2 large Bags Vermiculite
2 Large Bags of Perlite
2 Medium/Large Bags or Peat Moss
8 10 ft 2x4’s
4 sheets of White PalRuf 8’ x 36” for Drainage
1 RainGo Gutter & 4 Mounts
Of course PH up & Down
We might use a little SM90 and H2o2
Pyrethrum and Azatrol for Pests if they show thier faces..

Looks like I forgot the Hammerhead and Overdrive in this list! We ran out of hammerhead so we used a little vita grow mono Potassium Phosphate Vs buying more Hammerhead. Enough Hammerhead to do 130 gallons a week gets expensive... Overdrive will be Feed via foliar spray just once.

I did see a few mites recently so I think we are going to throw in some lady bugs to hold them back! I'd rather not spray or fog at this point...

This will be a jump of 8 days and was 23 days into 12 hr! 3 weeks 2 days! Still had a little yellowing on two of the HOG OG’s so we are going to try a mixture of Epson salt from CVS. 100% Magnesium sulfate. Two foliar feedings! All the others look really good and am stoked with this system!!!




Here is that side of view of the front 3 again including that HOG.. The back two are hidden! ;)

Skywalker Runt 1

Skywalker Runt 2

Close up of one of the HOGs… ;)

Here is that KOG again! (Flower day 23)


Just in case, this is everything we will end up using for this grow during flowering: The Canadian A&B bloom, Vita grow Micro, Bud Blood, Big Blood, Hammer Head, Overdrive and Gravity. All at different times of course.
We did not use the RO water this round so we think we over did it by adding the Micro. We have a few weird burns on a few leaves at this stage and feel with all we are using adding the Micro might be a bit much and unnecessary! We ran out of hammerhead and decided to go with good ol mono potassium phosphate as a replacement!

I’ll update again when I have time! Had to do a little construction in the next update! Stay tuned!
This is now 25 days into flowering! We had a problem with the construction of the stand! We didn’t really estimate the weight of the pots wet and full and thought the ParRuf would hold up the pots but we were wrong! We wanted to keep them as close to lights as possible so we were not keeping them on the studs of the stand. Because of this the indents/angles of PalRuf were making drain water miss the drain and drip strait to the floor like you see in the pic below(not day 25)…

We couldn’t let this water stand! The last thing we need is powdery mildew! We decided to take off the PalRuf and add a layer of ¼ inch plywood underneath so we can move the plants around and step on it if needed!

This is some of the plants crammed in the corner during construction… Bout to leave town and I was in a rush so this is all the pics I have for day 25….
