First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious


Well-Known Member
Day 14 (2 weeks)
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 38-45%
Light: 20/4

I can't believe it's been two weeks already, it just seems like I planted the seeds yesterday. Well I managed to snap some shots of them. I'm kind of worried about the sour cream, it's really not growing that great anymore. It's growing vertically more than anything, the bubbilicious is growing in all directions. At the rate the bubbilicious is going I might have to start flowering it on day 25. I'm going to take them outside tomorrow morning for some more sun while I remount my exhaust fans, velcro isn't holding up like I thought it was, I guess it's time to screw them down.

Sour Cream



Active Member
you can't compare the BB with sour cream. BB are really fast growers. I felt the same way when I compared my Blue Mystic to my BB. Your Sour Cream is looking great though.


Well-Known Member
Day 15
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 35-40%
Light: 20/4

I'm not sure how to measure the exact size of the plant because I buried the root twice. I know it's taller than what it is so I think i'll just double whatever size it is. The SC is 2" now so 4" and the bubble is 2.5" so 4.5" ? Bubbilicious is already going on it's forth node.

Sour Cream



Well-Known Member
Day 17
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 40-45%
Light: 20/4

Nothing really to say or report. Growth is great, watered them both Friday night. I need to start getting my supplies for flowering period. Molasses, TigerB and 42w cfl 2700k. I think that's all I need. I'm running the box on one Antec tornado fan because I don't really need them both. It keeps the box at a stable temp and nit's so much quieter. I couldn't sleep last night because my closet was soo loud. I had to unplug one and it's much better. If heat becomes an issue I'll just turn the other one on for a while.

Sour Cream



Well-Known Member
lookin good! nice and short (i kno u buried the stem. lol but it looks great man!! after about another week or 2 man you should see lil white hairs poopin out. =)


Well-Known Member
lookin good! nice and short (i kno u buried the stem. lol but it looks great man!! after about another week or 2 man you should see lil white hairs poopin out. =)
Thanks, I think I'm going to start flowering them not this coming Monday but the next.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think I'm going to start flowering them not this coming Monday but the next.
yeaa that sounds good. when flowering with CFL's.. its best to start flowering at 3-4 weeks or wen the plants are about 12 inches.. cuz they do grow ALOT during flowering... especially the 1st 2 1/2-3 weeks.. u will notice a LOT of growth.. they almost will double in size just in the 1st 3 weeks.. oo be prepared for that. my blue venom stretched ALOT!!


Well-Known Member
yeaa that sounds good. when flowering with CFL's.. its best to start flowering at 3-4 weeks or wen the plants are about 12 inches.. cuz they do grow ALOT during flowering... especially the 1st 2 1/2-3 weeks.. u will notice a LOT of growth.. they almost will double in size just in the 1st 3 weeks.. oo be prepared for that. my blue venom stretched ALOT!!
Yea thanks. I can't let it get too big. As I think I've said I have about 2ft of actual vertical grow room for the plants. They are growing a lot now. Yesterday I measured the bubblelicious and it was 3", today it's 4"

I was thinking about letting them be 8-10" before flowering. I doubt they'll be that tall in a week, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Day 17
Temp: 78
Humidity: 40-45%
Light: 20/4

Not really much growth, not enough to take a picture. More growth on the smaller branches than anything. I took pictures though, I may or may not post them, depending on how I feel. I watered them today. I bought some 2700k bulbs today. couldn't find any unsulfured molasses, got to check more stores tomorrow. Still need to go get TigerB, I hate it that I have to drive an hour to get there.

Oh, and I turned off one Tornado fan, it actually help the temperatures stay stable. 78 all day long. Humidity is pretty stable too, 40%. I have yet been able to check the temp once the lights come back on, I'm always away from the box or i forget what time it is.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I was wrong. I was comparing yesterday to today and the growth is very noticeable.

Sour Cream



Well-Known Member
Day 19
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 35-40%
Light: 20/4

Not sure when I should start flowering them, the bubblelicious is 5" today the sour cream is 4" I was thinking of Thursday that would be the 3week mark, but I might hold off until Monday. Anywho here's the change from yesterday.


Sour Cream


Well-Known Member
Day 20
Temp: 76-78
Humidity: 40%
Light: 20/4

Since I stopped using the other Tornado fan the temperature and humidity are very stable. 76-78f all day. Never higher than that and I've been watching it for a few days now I think. Humidity stays planted @ 40% I think I need to move the lights because they aren't growing much vertically anymore, it's been 4-5 days since I adjusted them. They are about 1-2" from the bulbs. I'll try 3" to see if they stretch again. They are so bushy.


Sour Cream


Well-Known Member
what size grow bag are you using bro?
3 gallon, kinda too big. Plants aren't going to be no where near 3ft tall. Should have bought 2 gallon bags. They're pretty small, just tall. 2 of them fit in a 14"x18" space with plenty of room. Next grow I'm going to use 2 gallon bags so maybe I can get more plants in my box. I'll probably wait a few days for pictures, nothing too exciting happening. The Sour Cream isn't growing much. Not sure why, it may need some nutes since today is the 3rd week.


Well-Known Member
3 gallon, kinda too big. Plants aren't going to be no where near 3ft tall. Should have bought 2 gallon bags. They're pretty small, just tall. 2 of them fit in a 14"x18" space with plenty of room. Next grow I'm going to use 2 gallon bags so maybe I can get more plants in my box. I'll probably wait a few days for pictures, nothing too exciting happening. The Sour Cream isn't growing much. Not sure why, it may need some nutes since today is the 3rd week.
shit im only using a half galloon bag lol. i should prob do atleast a gallon huh? how wide is your plant? in inches do you kno?