Who in California Got Rain Tonight?


Active Member
I got some light showers in Sacramento I sure was caught off guard, luckily I had a tarp to throw over my cages once i got home


Well-Known Member
it rained here in siskiyou, and my friends in whitmore said they gott 2 inches and bad winds over there.


Active Member
HAHAHA i know i just thought mother nature was messing around...until it started raining.
not sure how much we got but it was comin down pretty good for a few hours here in chico and looks like it rained more after i went to bed i didnt have any thing to cover my girls :( i just had to go out and shake some of the water off a couple times when it stopped raining for a minute so i didnt loose any branches they were gettin pretty heavy


Well-Known Member
yup the rain caught me off guard as well here in sac, good thing i was too lazy to go water my shit yesterday. hopefully we get some good sun today.


Active Member
what so bad about rain anyways. I live in the south valley and I spray my plant with water about every 10 days to keep dust off them. never ever had any problems.


Well-Known Member
what so bad about rain anyways. I live in the south valley and I spray my plant with water about every 10 days to keep dust off them. never ever had any problems.
I am a noob but from what I am reading you have to worry about mold in this part of the season. :)


Well-Known Member
haha I guess my "15 minute rain in Citrus Heights" keyed you in to how close? ;) Lemme guess. By the time you could get them covered the air smelled clean and the rain had stopped? If so..... we are REALLY close. :D


Active Member
I got rain late at night, and it stayed on the plant till 10 AM.
I shook some off.

There is ~NO~ way I can tarp mine.
I trellis for water weight. Iv had a really crazy good year, no bugs, no mold, huge turd sized buds.


Well-Known Member
With my greenhouse I feel like the California cows, my plants ask me; "What's rain?" LOL!

It rained here in SoSac, but who cares



Well-Known Member
Got a sprinkle up the hill from Sac, Nevada City area. Nothing fatal at all. Wind was really bad yesterday at my big grow site, down the hill a ways, but we survived that without too much damage.


New Member
it POURED up here in butte county! i was out all day shaking and blowing the girls with a blower... didnt lose anything to breaking branches or anything so that was good!


Active Member
Anyone know if after the light showers any mold should come around, it was a windy and sunny day for the most.*

Edit: *stoned


New Member
as long as you shook the water off this morning then you should be fine but what the mold comes from is sitting water on the buds