what are these? Aphid eggs? pics inside


Active Member
i walked outside today to find these on a dozen or more leafs. dose anyone know what they are? how to get rid of them?

i was thinking they might be Aphid eggs from doing a few google searches but i want some one to verify



Active Member
thats what i was thinking. I'm hoping some one comes along that has had them before to confirm. but thank you for the effort


Active Member
Looks like them but Irish said that he came out the next morning to see these. The squash bugs are laid yellow and turn redish brown. His are almost black. Good idea though.


Active Member
yeah thanks bud but i don't think thats it ether.

i think i got all the eggs off but i still really want to figure this out just so i know lol


Active Member
i sprayed neem 3 weeks ago so its due for another spray. its 2 weeks into flower so i dont know if its safe to use neem, i'll have to read into that.
i really hope its not spider mites that would suck


Active Member
Deffinitly don't use neem on flowering plants. I learned my lesson on that.
I'll try and look something safe up to use for flowering.


Active Member
i went out and rolled a few between my fingers and they are hard as a rock.. if they were eggs of some sort the would mush up right?


Active Member
I would think so, but not always the case. Hopefully there not dried out egg casings. Just get a magnifying glass and look for any little holes were they might of exited from. I'd say just keep googling, and look for exactly what you see on your plant


New Member
i sprayed neem 3 weeks ago so its due for another spray. its 2 weeks into flower so i dont know if its safe to use neem, i'll have to read into that.
i really hope its not spider mites that would suck
Its not spidermites as they cant be seen by the human eye and are usually 0.3mm diameter and can only be viewed through a scope.
Do they jump if you touch them ???????
What size are they as i am looking at fungus gnats on another site.


Active Member
Exactly! Who the hell cares what they are. They are pests and arguing of their names isn't going to make em go away. lol
You have to know what kind of bug it it in order to get the proper insecticide.
Who the hell cares? The grower and any one trying to help.

lucky one

I got em too. been using tobacco spray and it seems to help. Be sure to spray the underside where they are. good luck