Well-Known Member
Here in Cali. we dont' get those wondrous thunder storms like in Indiana or Ohio... that would be nice... an Imax experience 

You got bags of ice falling from the skies while a Pink Floyd tribute is going on is no bueno lols... but it would be a marvel for the invisonary! It might of been the thing Moses himself was stuck inwere I live it can go from nicest day ever to giant deadly storms with hail and tornados in less than ten minutes, actually has killed people in may from sudden hail storms during festivals although they dont happen all the time, thats not the kind of storm I want to trip in though lol no killing or being pellted by hail for me thank you.
I've just seen some wicked lighting storms and want to have that experince but id settle for a nice light rain storm with the sun still shining
Hows that even possible to trip over a week on acid..LSD builds tolerance up real good..to have a full good and working trip u must wait at least a day or two to do it again...i call a liar, dirty old liarOne of the best/worst trips I had was in the rain. It was great while I was dancing inthe rain at a weekend festival, however I went WAY overboard on the number of
Doses I ate that night. I ate 48 hits that night and tripped for a week and a half. It was surreal, to say the least.
Yea mann..nothing beats the full moon, good ass lsd, and evil dubstep....9 at night on a full moon.
If odd predicaments could be squeezed out of a tube contradictions, then this would be the case! Why do people phantom these acts as something that won't have consequences, can we have a brief laugh for thisI know a guy whos permently crazy from 75 hits he took after watching "Breakfast with Hunter S. Thompson" he felt inspired what can I say.
also another freind back in highschool took a bunch of triple c's and shrooms (sounds awful) and went fucking loopy for a month, some other kids robbed some soda machines and stashed the cokes at his pad, only to wake up the next day and every one of them had been half drank and arranged in a strange pattern completly covering the apartments floor.. also he would sit there and listen to the first five seconds of my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard over and over again for weeks, eventually had to go to the hospital, he was pretty much normal about a month later, changed for life but no longer insane. could have been something like that maybe, even though it sounds like bullshit