Im an idiot!!


Active Member
How can i keep my plants small and still produce a big harvest? i know to use lowryder and its cousins but i wana grow a mixture of diffrent indicas and sativas.

Is there any chemical or technique that could help me achieve this?

I want to grow 10 plants in a 6x6x5 area. Im growing in soil.
what is the smallest/most efficant container to grow in?
what watt/type/how many floresent lights should i use?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
either have a short Veg time.. or LST your plants.. and with that many plants u want to do... u gonna need alot CFL's..


Well-Known Member
I suggest to top your plants so you have 4 strong branches.(see Uncle Bens thread at top of Advanced Marijuana Cultivation
<LI class="navbit lastnavbit">Im an idiot!!) I pesonally think trying to bloom under floresents is a waste of time....Get a HPS and you will smile at harvast time. I would not use less than 3 gallon pots.


RIU Bulldog
If your using fluorescents then you DEFINITELY should go with ScrOG. Its made for low heights and low lights

i need more than that
What else do you want? Theres only so many techniques and only so much people wanna write. Your asking a complicated question, you gotta look that shit up.


Well-Known Member
"Pop You a Thing I Dont Bust em in Half It Leaves a Nasty Taste I Swallow Em Whole and Get the Thizz Face" T.I.P. Mac Dre
Did you already buy the Floros if not why dont you go for a 150+watt light? Why not just grow 3-4 Plants in your space and get em as big as possible You will probably have a better yield then 10 small plants but im not a expert


Active Member
How can i keep my plants small and still produce a big harvest? i know to use lowryder and its cousins but i wana grow a mixture of diffrent indicas and sativas.

Is there any chemical or technique that could help me achieve this?

I want to grow 10 plants in a 6x6x5 area. Im growing in soil.
what is the smallest/most efficant container to grow in?
what watt/type/how many floresent lights should i use?
U Can't, theres no silver bullet or magick growing technique, your asking what every grower asks : how can I get the best out of my plants? Lst and topping can exceed yeilds on some strains but not others.


RIU Bulldog
If anything at least switch to the t5 fluoros for the extra power. Or pop for HID lamp 250watt-600watts would be cool
"Pop You a Thing I Dont Bust em in Half It Leaves a Nasty Taste I Swallow Em Whole and Get the Thizz Face" great line gotta love that mac dre


Well-Known Member
You make clones from a flowering plant and I mean the plant is ready to harvest. Turn that bud around get your new groth going or veging and that plant will not get over 24 inches.


Well-Known Member
dude look into pgr,s
such as rock juice
bud mister
they are banned in a lot of places but if you got a hydro guy he will have it behind the counter
it keeps the plant short and if you also use lst in veg followed buy a scrog then flower using the pgrs then you crop will stay short
i know this as it what i do