miracle grow?


Active Member
Any my friend where are you based i am in the uk and the other day i picked up some BIOBIZZ nutes and there sick. but you can use anything i mean what have you got for flower i presume your using mg nutes so mg bloom booster you can use the mg all purpose plant food that a half decent veg nute. but with mg soil you dont really need veg nutes tbh :D:D:D:D:D
sorry for lazy writting i am abit stoned mate
yea m8 from uk. i went round to my m8s check wat nutes he has and its bio grow and bio bloom from biobizz. would we start and feed from seed with the grow or wat u thinks best chum



Im for UK too. Am a noob but been reading up alot on this. From what I have read the BioBizz All Mix seems like a good soil to use along with the Bio Grow and Bloom.

I have also read that nutes are not needed until the flowering stage. Can this be confirmed for sure? I have a read it on this forum and on several others so I don't intend on nuting until the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
I have also read that nutes are not needed until the flowering stage. Can this be confirmed for sure? I have a read it on this forum and on several others so I don't intend on nuting until the flowering stage.
That is totally and completely dependant on when you flower and what soil you are using. If you use a soilless mix, and no nutes, and try to veg for a couple month's, your plants are gonna be shit......

I use MG All purpose for Veg and Bloom Booster for flower. Works great


There is a book about using CLF light bulbs called "buds for less", the writer uses MG soil with no added nutes, just water with a PH between 6-6.5, when the seedlings first get into the soil he waters them with 7.4 PH water(first two light waterings)

I am giving this a shot myself since it is so simple, so far so good.


Active Member
hooked on chornics has some sick lst grows with mg soil and i think he uses no nutes till flower (bloom Booster) but if i were you i would use the biobizz nutes veg and flower and some organic soil but MG is fine and works great you will great results ether way but i would recomend biobiss soil hook me up when uve started i would like to see how it gets on good luck mate :D:D:D:D:D
its me and my m8 doing it round his il b going round to check them and il take a pic. wen doin u use ur biobizz we were thinking round 3 days


Active Member
i would wait till about a week week and a half and make sure you use half to a quater of what it says to feed them you dont want to burn them at a young age and then slowly increase as you get on but be careful. where are you in north or south i wont ask what city lol i know people are weird about it on this site :D
bio bizz is a good feed dont give your veg any nutes at all just ph water untill your leaves start going a lighter green than normal then add your nutes a quarter first and slowly increase a lot of people feed one watering then next one ph water then feed again etc just keep an eye of ph every month flush through with loads of ph water and check run off with ec meter this will chexck for salt buildup when putting into flower feed with veg nutes for first week and slowly increase flower nutes and decrease veg nutes
I've used inferior nutrients before and you end up with inferior results. When I went and spent £20-25 on BioBizz Grow, Bloom and Topmax I got good results and a fantastic organic smoke. When i'm growing organic I will always use Bio-Bizz All Mix.

Go by yourself some because being organic it is virtually impossible to burn them. Especially when you can follow this easy feeding schedule:


You will be glad you spent the £20 on these nutes rather than an underweight 1/8th. Grow and TopMax will last 5+ Grows and Bloom 3+ Grows with 3 Plants a time.

Good Luck.