We need a Diy section

Maybe its just because im high
but i really think there should be a diy section
i love to fiddle around with things and work with my hands
Does anyone else want a section dedicated to doing things yourself
i would like to see one up here for weed related things as well as not so weed related

how can i set up a poll btw?


Well-Known Member
I 3rd this DIY section would be very helpful so you dont have to search forever. DIY Tents, Carbon FIlters, Hoods all that 10x easier to find
sweet im glad you guys agree.
i hope a mode can help us out and show up with there precense ;D

anyone lurking please give your 2 cents.
im going to set up a poll
hopefully we get a bunch of votes and a mod will think about it
where does anyone think would be the best place to put it
and i think a bunch of mini sections would be helpful also
so its easier and more organized
Go under General marijuana growing, Then go to do it yourself. Its a Sub forum.
thank you for replying
but thats not the kind of diy section i wanted
i wanted it for everything not just weed related
like building a garage, greenhouse, building a house, making solar panels, fuck even make a bird house
thats why i put it in the toke and talk section and not the grow section
because it really wasnt 100 percent weed related
so i felt like it shouldnt be in the growing section
i love learning how to do new things and i like to think there are others that love to try to diy on anything
and love posting it up and helping others and so on from one smoker to another
i know there are other diy websites out there
but wouldnt you feel more comforable talking to someone who smokes on how to (for example) make a cabinets for your bathroom.
some one who is relax and can help you out
i know i would, its just a thought tho

but i have checked out the grow setup and its a little cluttered
i think it should be more organized
but i understand that im ocd and i like things to be neat and organized
that its fine for alot of people
and the creator of rollitup and others who have contributed have done very well
i would also like to see sections put up in the grow room/setup section
such as *Questions *lights *outside structures *inside structures
So on and so forth

but again thank you again for responding ;D
man i really thought this would be more popular then this but maybe its because its so late at night hahaha or im that stoned that i actually thought this was interesting


Well-Known Member
i wanted it for everything not just weed related
like building a garage, greenhouse, building a house, making solar panels, fuck even make a bird house

Dude that cracked me up.

I dont think people come to a Marijuana Growing Website to learn how to build a house or set tile or whatever. Sounds like a contractor forum.

Greenhouse,or a small room(Idk bout garage)should be in the DIY section. Along with some electrical, and minor fabricating.


Active Member
Dude that cracked me up.

I dont think people come to a Marijuana Growing Website to learn how to build a house or set tile or whatever. Sounds like a contractor forum.

Greenhouse,or a small room(Idk bout garage)should be in the DIY section. Along with some electrical, and minor fabricating.
This is more of just a marijuana website for some though lol. Its a site full of people with one of the most common interests there is, beliefs. People get high and come on this site to talk about everything. Like the title says, talk with people as stoned as you are, and when people are stoned they talk about lots of stuff.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
This is more of just a marijuana website for some though lol. Its a site full of people with one of the most common interests there is, beliefs. People get high and come on this site to talk about everything. Like the title says, talk with people as stoned as you are, and when people are stoned they talk about lots of stuff.
Your missing it. What vans is saying is people come to toke n talk for weed. People don't type "how to build a bird house" into Google and expect rollitup to appear. That'd be weird. I am positive with 100% certainty that they will not create a forum for "DIY birdhouses with solar panels" or for anything really. I like the idea but building "regular" things is fit for a more specific website not full of bud porn. Just smoke it up with us and find a nice DIY forum and talk DIY there... and delicious buds here. Hell you could even have 2 tabs open at once!


EDIT: Why do you want so many sub forums like lights, indoor structures etc.? You must be a type a personality. There is no reason for so many single specific forums. Generalization is easiest and best with forums. Specially when most its members are stupid high. Your making things more cluttered than they are. Does each topic need it's own sub forum? Does this topic need one? Nay. Just enjoy the site. Because you could literally mail Mr. Rollitup himself and nothing would change. It's that strict.


Well-Known Member
Your missing it. What vans is saying is people come to toke n talk for weed. People don't type "how to build a bird house" into Google and expect rollitup to appear. That'd be weird. I am positive with 100% certainty that they will not create a forum for "DIY birdhouses with solar panels" or for anything really. I like the idea but building "regular" things is fit for a more specific website not full of bud porn. Just smoke it up with us and find a nice DIY forum and talk DIY there... and delicious buds here. Hell you could even have 2 tabs open at once!

yeah thats about it.

Why cant i rep you!
lol everyone really i was just trying to talk to others who felt the same
i was wanting to use the solar power panels and garage to grow. also cabinets and ect..
i just dont know if it would be good in the grow set up section.

I didnt mean to offend anyone and im sorry if anyone got that impretion.

"but i understand that im ocd and i like things to be neat and organized
that its fine for alot of people
and the creator of rollitup and others who have contributed have done very well "

the site is very fine and very nice. I love it and so do many people.
im only giving a personal opionion.
from one smoker to another. its cool that not everyone feels the same way
you all are right again ok and i wanted to say again im sorry if i offened anyone.
i thought it was a community and not just strictly about weed.
i know it is about weed but also isnt it a community for smokers,patients,caregivers ect....


Well-Known Member
you all are right again ok and i wanted to say again im sorry if i offened anyone.
i thought it was a community and not just strictly about weed.
i know it is about weed but also isnt it a community for smokers,patients,caregivers ect....
No worries brother....if it makes you feel better I can teach you how to do some tile and stone work......

Omg that is really impressive. you might just have to build my dream home jk ;D
I wish I could do that kind of detailed and beautiful work.
what do you do for a living?
well you are really good at your job :D
how much do you usually ask for for something like the bathroom?
I love your bathroom setup
It's kinda like what I want to build.

how did you start out anyways?


Well-Known Member
Maybe its just because im high
but i really think there should be a diy section
i love to fiddle around with things and work with my hands
Does anyone else want a section dedicated to doing things yourself
i would like to see one up here for weed related things as well as not so weed related

how can i set up a poll btw?
well the DIY sticky in the GEN forum mostly covers alot of it weed related.. just hitup the actual DIY website for other household stuf.
I think its DO-IT-YORSELF_COM..sumthin close to that


Well-Known Member
sum funy shit in this thread!! i was thinking of a combine harvester sub forums, for the really big time grower!! you no the 10.000+ plants?
