Is smoking/growing actually illegal?


Active Member
By that I mean, is it unconstitutional? I know the deceleration of independence says that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Now to me, it would seem that smoking pot falls under the "Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

But what about the constitution?

Does it say somewhere in there that congress shall make no law infringing on basic human liberties and the pursuit of happiness? Cause if it does... then we're not breaking the law, the cops/gov are, because they have a law that is unconstitutional, since the constitution is the highest law of the land.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You can argue that killing hookers makes you happy. They won't let you get away with it though because your killing people.

You can argue that growing/smoking bud makes you happy. But then they won't let you get away with it because obviously your destroying society with that joint


Well-Known Member
You can argue that killing hookers makes you happy. They won't let you get away with it though because your killing people.

You can argue that growing/smoking bud makes you happy. But then they won't let you get away with it because obviously your destroying society with that joint
well killing hookers would be infringing on others liberty and happiness. and your right op, there's a lot of bs goin on. makes you wonder why no cases are going to the supreme court. if they have i haven't heard about them.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
well killing hookers would be infringing on others liberty and happiness. and your right op, there's a lot of bs goin on. makes you wonder why no cases are going to the supreme court. if they have i haven't heard about them.

its a very unspecific example


Active Member
If the people that wrote the constitution where here to today they'd be planning a revolution. Most our rights are gone sadly. Herb hurts nobody and it's just crazy that it's illegal to semi-legal making for some confusing bullshit. If you take the constitution and add to it and add to it and make more laws and more laws till no one man can actually know what all the laws are the constitution all but disappears.


Well-Known Member
your taking that sentence way to can pursue happiness...but not if obtaining it involves breaking the said before...if this was true then anyone that gets busted could claim their doing what makes them happy.the constitution is out dated and unrealistic."all men are created equal" a statement made by at the time...slave owners.and did the founders of this country think that the indians were our equal?the constitution and really america...was founded by and fueled by bullshit..think of why we came here and "discovered" america...because we wanted to be to own our slaves and free to forcefully remove the current natives of this country we "discovered"


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that back when the country was first created, farmers were required to grow marijuana. Oh how awesome it would be if it was like that now.


Well-Known Member
your taking that sentence way to can pursue happiness...but not if obtaining it involves breaking the said before...if this was true then anyone that gets busted could claim their doing what makes them happy.the constitution is out dated and unrealistic."all men are created equal" a statement made by at the time...slave owners.and did the founders of this country think that the indians were our equal?the constitution and really america...was founded by and fueled by bullshit..think of why we came here and "discovered" america...because we wanted to be to own our slaves and free to forcefully remove the current natives of this country we "discovered"
i think you mean "indentured servant owner". and blacks did it too. the constitution is not outdated, the politicians and people that dont follow it are.