Got hermie problems now what?


Well-Known Member
ok so i got an indoor garden (see sig) within i have 12 plants multi strain. the other day i noticed an abnormal number of developing seeds on the whiteberry x redwood kush...thought it may be pollen that has traveled from the other room (where i was collecting from males)

after looking closer i noticed the dried bananas that had already released pollen. ive been popping early developed seeds here and there...mostly on the white berrys. i am beginning week 4 tommorow...and am starting to think they may have released more pollen after that. should i remove white berry x redwood kushs? come to find out the person that gave me seeds stressed redwood kush female to create pollen...then used that pollen on whiteberrys.

do you think the damage is done and i should just let everything keep going or should i remove all wb x rks? will they continue to release pollen? this really fucks up my breeding.


Well-Known Member
lol so just keep em in there eh? some plants have not even receeded a single pistils yet...others are 50 percent dying off...others have developed little seeds (which i am popping)


Active Member
Dutch Masters Reverse- specifically designed to kill male flowers and produce seedless crops. It won't make the seeds that have formed disappear, but will keep any more from showing up. They recommend to get Penetrator to make it more effective, but I mixed my DMR with phosphate free dish liquid (5mL to 250mL DMR) and I have seen no hermie flowers. Granted, they may not have hermied anyways, but I have seen plenty of threads indicating male flower death within 48 hours. I hope that helps, but it sounds like you will have some damn nice seeds to pop anyways. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea but i had thrown pollen specifically for i have a hermie pollinating all my ts smoke. would you remove hermie plants or has the damage already been done at week 4?


Well-Known Member
it will keep releasing polen. i made that mistake my first frow thinking i could let a hermie go. when my hermie polinated things i only got alot of seed in the imediat area around it, and a ton on the plant itself. i kept the seeds from the other plants and ditched the ones on the hermie. you could keep trying to pick nanners off. but if you dont mind loosing the plant i would let it go.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, cut your losses and start over.

You don't want subpar seeds and I am very suspicious about any product that says it can reverse pollen from being released.


Well-Known Member
well the thing is im not sure what has been pollinated and what hasnt. i have some plants that have not even lost a pistil yet...why cut them? will hermies continue to make flowers after week 4? im thinking the wisest thing would be to remove the white berry that i found the bananas on. my main goal is buds...a few seeds here and there no problem...breeding is just a side thing.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess you could just remove the ones you know are compromised, then hope that the ones you have not seen signs of seeds will be ok.

If you have the time then why not wait?


Well-Known Member
whoa whoa whoa....everyone calm down. haha, dont kill them all youll still get good smoke. it will just have some seeds in it. i would consider killing the hermie though. they dont produce much bud and will continure to throw out bannanas.


Active Member
yea but i had thrown pollen specifically for i have a hermie pollinating all my ts smoke. would you remove hermie plants or has the damage already been done at week 4?
I see what you are saying- just spray the hermie. Won't lose the crop, will still get seeds in the others- all will be right in the world of bud.


Well-Known Member
love mug, would you remove all wb x rk as they carry the hermie trait or would you just remove the one that has shown bananas? the two could have got the pollen from one found bananas on. all three could carry the trait tho. it is very hard to find the bananas anywhere else but on the one. i already put the banana one outside...gonna let her ripen up a bit and see what i get. i think from here i will give the other two a real good look and then decide what to do with them...

come check it out in my sig...i was doing so would have been nice to know the pollen used was from a female.


Well-Known Member
just watch them, if you where using polen from other plants to bread that really sucks, i wouldnt trust the seeds. check the base of your buds every day or so for nanners, thats where i always found them. and they formed more on the lower branches of mine.


Well-Known Member
the only great thing about getting a ton of hermie seeds is i can throw them outside and forget about them till fall next year. come back and see if i got anything worth smoking and it dont cost me nothing but the gas to get there. thats why i kept the seeds from the plants that where not the hermie. hopeing it will give me more of a chance to not have the hermie gene pass on.


Well-Known Member
when is the soonest a seed pod would actually show? it is very difficult to spot any bananas. the one banana i found was at the calyx that usually forms just under the node...and like you said, lower branches.

i am hoping dead pistils on deep purple are strain related. and the whiteberry i found bananas on was moved outside. i just have to cross my fingers then.


Well-Known Member
i dont remember when i started seeing seeds. it took a while though. one of my sweet tooths now is 5 weeks in and pistils are starting to die off. if your really concerned pull a seed pod that has pistils dying off with a tweezers and check it.


Well-Known Member
i read up on reverse for future grows and it says it works best if applied at the begining of flowering then 10 days later. it would kill the male flowers now but is to late to prevent seeds. i belive its a chemical to and im very much not fond of anthing with chemicals in it.